Romance Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romance-quote" Showing 1-30 of 59
Sahara Sanders
“Pure souls need more perfect world: the one, where their kindness wouldn’t be seen as weakness; where their brightness wouldn’t trigger so much envy; where their sincerity and open heart wouldn’t be considered as an invitation to push them down and take advantage of them.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“Unfortunately, angels do not survive on the Earth... that’s a tragic verity…

Pure souls need more perfect world: the one, where their kindness wouldn’t be seen as weakness; where their brightness wouldn’t trigger so much envy; where their sincerity and open heart wouldn’t be considered as an invitation to push them down and take advantage of them.

You need to learn how to protect yourself.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“Unfortunately, angels do not survive on the Earth... that’s a tragic verity.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“The girl was walking along the quiet roads, totally wrapped in her thoughts and in the darkness softened by streetlights hanging up on the tops of electrical power poles. Those lights seemed colorful: yellowish, pinkish, greenish, bluish, reddish, purplish… reminding variegated shining air balloons.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“On the macrocosmic grain of sand named the Earth, how could it be happening that most people consider as their motherland even not the whole little planet, but only some microscopic piece of a “sand grain” where they were born?”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“Shirley stood there having her face nearly the same color as the scarlet receiver of the Smiths’ phone she was holding in her shivering hand and… just sighed!
She was not singing the song they just prepared; she even didn’t read any rhymes… she couldn’t say any word.

Thrown the receiver back to the phone base, such as it was a poisonous snake but not a simple piece of plastic, she landed onto the sofa where Emily was sitting, also not being able to say anything.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“What are we, people, living for?

You know, what I can observe in our life is that all adults are mostly living for the reason to earn funds for being able to feed themselves and raise their kids; and then those kids grow up and living for the goal to feed themselves and their children… So this feels like an everlasting circle, isn’t it? I mean, shouldn’t each of us, humans, have some kinds of more interesting and important sense of life, except for just living for eating and feeding? Isn’t it sensless and way too primitive to live that way?

I believe… I feel I am living for some greater reason, than just eating to grow up to feed the kids to grow up…

How could it be right or “normal” that Lord, or the Universe, gave a human the precious gift of life for most of us just to live to eat and to raise kids, for them to only eat and grow their children, and nothing more than that? Could that way really be our gift back to God, in appreciation for what we got? Doesn’t such an existence seem useless and worthless without having some missions and goals of a higher level? Whether living like a “normal” appear to be not the most unworthy way to invest the time of your being?”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“Could Miss Smith be truly considered as a nerd or freak?
Other than the reasons she brought to Billy, there were a few more aspects of life where Emily, for some reason, differed from the majority of students. She just didn’t ever fit to match the crowd, no matter how hard she tried.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“The guy belonged to the team of those toads who hated anyone who outranked him in any sphere of life.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Krystalle Bianca
“Plus, she’s not the kind of person to have an affair,” I reason.
“There’s a type?” Elliot asks.
“Yes - No, I don’t know. That’s the thing about affairs, sometimes you can spot them a mile away, whereas others are not so obvious.”
Krystalle Bianca, Perfectly Fractured (The Imperfect, #1).

Nancy  Brown
“I believe we end up where we're meant to be...we just don't always understand why until much later.”
Nancy Brown, Mr. Black

Brooke Gilbert
“Suddenly, all of his charisma crashed into all of my fears.”
Brooke Gilbert, The Paris Soulmate

Sarah A. Bailey
“His mouth, his hands— his soul— had left their prints all over me. I’d only given Carter my lips, but he’d left them forever branded.”
Sarah A. Bailey, The Soulmate Theory

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Cet homme fait de temps et de pigments m'impressionnait, me révulsait, me terrifiait, m'inspirait d'un sentiment que, j'en étais sûre, je ne ressentirais jamais autrement qu'en l'observant.

Comme si mon âme le connaissait déjà, comme si mon être n'aspirait qu'à le toucher.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“J'étais incapable de me détacher d'elle. Au sens propre comme au figuré. Elle hantait mes cauchemars la nuit et mes pensées le jour, altérant jusqu'au dernier de mes rêves. Je n'étais plus que désir impatient, passion incandescente et soupirs latents. Je la cherchais partout quand elle ne se montrait pas. Elle était devenue l'astre qui régissait mon corps alangui; je désespérais d'obtenir l'un de ses regards, l'une de ses caresses. Elle n'était pas seulement mon premier amour: elle était l'Amour personnifié. Cupide et vorace, tendre et violent, beau et furieux, cruel et somptueux.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“En un baiser, un seul, je goûtai son innocence, ses craintes, son ambition.
En un baiser, un seul, je sus exactement qui il était, qu'importe son nom ou la forme qu'il revêtait.
En un baiser, un seul, je compris que jamais je ne cesserais de l'aimer.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Laisse-moi t'offrir l'éternité à mes côtés.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Mon souvenir t'appartient, Roxanne. À toi, et à toi seule.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Oui et non. En vérité, je n'existe que pour toi.
— Moi?
— Toi, répéta-t-il. C'est le principe de mon existence même.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Je n'existais, n'existe et n'existerai jamais que pour toi.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“— Épouse-moi, Roxanne, implora-t-il. Épouse-moi. Pas lui.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Explique-moi, Roxanne, pour que je perçoive enfin pourquoi je t'aime presque autant que tu me hais.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Il était mon soleil, et je gravitais autour de lui comme une planète délaissée. Une planète qui, enténébrée par son passé, courait résolument à sa perte.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“J'étais prête à tout: me sacrifier, vendre mon âme au Diable, passer un pacte avec n'importe quelle divinité oubliée acceptant de me secourir...

J'étais amoureuse. J'aurais tout accepté.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Je voulais la toucher à nouveau. Je voulais qu'elle ne voie que moi. Je voulais qu'elle consente à m'aimer... un peu... beaucoup... et tant pis si cela menait à la folie.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Elle était ma drogue. Mon poison autant que mon médicament. Mon pharmakon, vraiment.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“C'était peut-être ça, l'éternité: exister à travers les souvenirs de ceux qui nous sont chers.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Ce que nous nous apprêtions à faire était parfaitement illégal.
Immoral, sans doute.
Interdit, certainement.
Mais nous étions amoureux... et prêts à en payer le prix.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

Tiphaine Bleuvenn
“Elle m'avait sauvé.
Pourtant, elle n'aurait pas dû... car, ce faisant, elle s'était perdue.”
Tiphaine Bleuvenn, Sylphide

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