Rough Sex Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rough-sex" Showing 1-10 of 10
Sarah J. Maas
“One second, he was in my mouth, my tongue flicking over the broad head of him; the next, his hands were on my waist and I flipped onto my front. He nudged my legs apart with his knees, spreading me as he gripped my hips, tugging them up, up before he sheathed himself deep in me with a single stroke.
I moaned into the pillow at every glorious inch of him, rising onto my forearms as my fingers grappled into the sheets.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“... so I leaned down and put my mouth on him.
He jerked at the contact with a barked, “Shit,” and I laughed around him, even as I took him deeper into my mouth.
His hands were now fisted in the sheets, white-knuckled as I slid my tongue over him, grazing slightly with my teeth. His groan was fire to my blood.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Christine Feehan
“She didn't want soft and gentle. She needed his rough possession, claiming her, branding her, taking her in a firestorm of heat and flame that would end the world around them, leaving them nothing but ashes, clean and fierce and forever welded together.”
Christine Feehan, Wild Fire

Eliza  Clark
“Do you like it rough? I think so. I think I must. Men are rough, aren't they? Have I always had a taste for rough stuff, or did I acquire that? In the back of Lesley's car, on the floor of a friend's house, half-conscious with my underwear around my ankles? Was it my idea to have him hurt me, or did he just let me think it was?”
Eliza Clark, Boy Parts

Nenia Campbell
“I know what you want. You’re a vicious little hellcat—all teeth and claws. And you want to use them, don’t you? You want to fight. You like to fight.” She stiffened at the pinch of his teeth at her neck and he blew gently into her ear. “Fight me, then. Fight me as much as you want. As hard as you want. Because no matter what you do, I’m going to ruin you. No one will ever fuck you the way I do.”
Nenia Campbell, Star Crossed

Nenia Campbell
“Poor little sparrow,” he whispered, almost tenderly. “It only hurts because I want you so much.”
Nenia Campbell, Raise the Blood

Zoe Rosi
“Once my gag reflex subsides, I let my eyes wander over his
body, taking in his glorious abs, his pecs, the groove between them,
the dips under his collarbones. He really is stunning. If I were a
painter, I’d paint him. If I were a sculptor, I’d sculpt him. If I were
a photographer, I’d photograph him. But I’m just me, so I fuck
Zoe Rosi, Pretty Evil

Nenia Campbell
“I’m sorry it hurts, Nadine,” he whispered, gently stroking her face. “But this is all I have to give you, and I love seeing you try to take it.”
Nenia Campbell, Raise the Blood

“I pushed forward suddenly, the head of his cock teasing my entrance open in bliss. But a sudden jerk from Ryker left me painfully empty once more, and I whined in frustration.
"Just say it," he teased. "Do you like it a little rough? All you have to do is say yes."
"Yes," I hissed. "Yes, I do."
Instant pressure hit me as he slid his length into me in one go. I was so wet, there was no friction stopping him as he filled me completely. Tight, hot, hard. I took in a sharp breath and he gave me a satisfied hum.
"There now, that wasn't so hard," he mused.
Ryker shoved into me just a little harder at the same time he smacked me right on the mark, and I screamed. I was so hot, and wet, and full of him that I could hardly keep myself from unraveling. Thankfully, his hands stayed firmly in place, helping to hold me still as he slid out again, only to thrust inside once more.
"Fuck, Danica," Ryker rumbled. "Your pretty little ass is turning the hottest shade of pink."
I was breathless as Ryker thrust again and again, pushing me higher and higher. Sometimes he would smack the mark again, and I was sure I would be feeling it in the morning but I couldn't bring myself to care. All I could care about was Ryker and what he did to me. I felt wholly and truly right with him, and my head was in a fog as the orgasm hit me hard.
"Ryker!" I shouted as he thrust at just the right moment and all the tight muscles in my body came loose. Floating, floating and falling and clenching and dropping into a boneless heap. I was still reeling from the high he had started in me when I felt his hot release as well. Ryker came hard, gripping my hip as he shoved in as deep as he could. The hot, burning stretch of him shoving so hard coupled with the intensity of my own postorgasm shaking pulled another cry from me.
When we were both spent and he was still over me, staring down in satisfied confidence, he leaned in with a light kiss. "Good girl, you take me so fucking well."
My ass stung, I was filled to the brim, andI liked it.
Releasing my hip, he slid out of me and I groaned at the fleeting feeling of fullness. When wetness trickled out of me, more than just my own arousal, I pressed my thighs together.

Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

“I need you to say it." Ryker's hot breath was on my neck, his hand on my hip, and he was ready to sink into me the second he got his answer. All I had to do was admit it. Or I could try to take matters into my own hands just to fuck with him.
I pushed forward suddenly, the head of his cock teasing my entrance open in bliss. But a sudden jerk from Ryker left me painfully empty once more, and I whined in frustration.
"Just say it," he teased. "Do you like it a little rough? All you have to do is say yes."
Fine. Ass.
"Yes," I hissed. "Yes, I do."
Instant pressure hit me as he slid his length into me in one go. I was so wet, there was no friction stopping him as he filled me completely. Tight, hot, hard. I took in a sharp breath and he gave me a satisfied hum.
"There now, that wasn't so hard," he mused.
Ryker shoved into me just a little harder at the same time he smacked me right on the mark, and I screamed. I was so hot, and wet, and full of him that I could hardly keep myself from unraveling. Thankfully, his hands stayed firmly in place, helping to hold me still as he slid out again, only to thrust inside once more.
"Fuck, Danica," Ryker rumbled. "Your pretty little ass is turning the hottest shade of pink."
I was breathless as Ryker thrust again and again, pushing me higher and higher. Sometimes he would smack the mark again, and I was sure I would be feeling it in the morning but I couldn't bring myself to care. All I could care about was Ryker and what he did to me. I felt wholly and truly right with him, and my head was in a fog as the orgasm hit me hard.
"Ryker!" I shouted as he thrust at just the right moment and all the tight muscles in my body came loose. Floating, floating and falling and clenching and dropping into a boneless heap. I was still reeling from the high he had started in me when I felt his hot release as well. Ryker came hard, gripping my hip as he shoved in as deep as he could. The hot, burning stretch of him shoving so hard coupled with the intensity of my own postorgasm shaking pulled another cry from me.
When we were both spent and he was still over me, staring down in satisfied confidence, he leaned in with a light kiss. "Good girl, you take me so fucking well."
My ass stung, I was filled to the brim, and I liked it.
Releasing my hip, he slid out of me and I groaned at the fleeting feeling of fullness. When wetness trickled out of me, more than just my own arousal, I pressed my thighs together.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons