Seem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seem" Showing 1-15 of 15
Albert Camus
“But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.”
Albert Camus, Notebooks, 1935-1951

Erik Pevernagie
“Since we live in a world of appearances, people are judged by what they seem to be. If the mind can't read the predictable features, it reacts with alarm or aversion. Faces which don’t fit in the picture are socially banned. An ugly countenance, a hideous outlook can be considered as a crime and criminals must be inexorably discarded from society. (" Ugly mug offense ")”
Erik Pevernagie

John Green
“Peter Van Houten was the only person I’d ever come across who seemed to (a) understand what it’s
like to be dying, and (b) not have died.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“It may be a fact that the sky seems blue to you. Even so, that does not mean that the sky is blue.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Anthony Liccione
“Sometimes we are that fly in the house, that thinks it sees an open window. So it crawls to, or flies head-on into clear glass. At times getting stuck between the storm and pane, it dies in the windowsill under a tormenting, hot sun.”
Anthony Liccione

Steven Magee
“Police officers seem nice until they start targeting you for stops, give you a bogus speeding ticket and write fake police reports about their interactions with you”
Steven Magee

James C. Dobson
“Dr. Richard Selzer is a surgeon and a favorite author of mine. He writes the most beautiful and compassionate descriptions of his patients and the human dramas they confront. In his book Letters to a Young Doctor, he said that most young people seem to be protected for a time by an imaginary membrane that shields them from horror. They walk in it every day but are hardly aware of its presence. As the immune system protects the human body from the unseen threat of harmful bacteria, so this mythical membrane guards them from life-threatening situations. Not every young person has this protection, of course, because children do die of cancer, congenital heart problems, and other disorders. But most of them are shielded—and don’t realize it. Then, as years roll by, one day it happens. Without warning, the membrane tears, and horror seeps into a person’s life or into the life of a loved one. It is at this moment that an unexpected theological crisis presents itself.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sometimes this whole world looks very strange to you, the things you do seem strange to you, the behaviour of people, the conversations you hear here and there, the clothes, the roads, the plants, the animals, literally everything seems so strange to you! And let me tell you something weirder, that's exactly the feeling you should feel about this world, everything is really weird! Don't feel that you are mad when everything seems weird to you, because when everything seems normal to you, that’s real madness!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Many use the word “Kingdom” flippantly. Even though we sing about it in our praise songs, we talk about it in our sermons, yet we seem to still not understand its reality in our daily lives”
Sunday Adelaja

“When God blesses you with a little something,
Bless somebody else,
No matter how little it may seem”
Charmaine J Forde

“Often when we are on the path to success we come across obstacles that seem to be like mountains”
Sunday Adelaja

“Nobody is as bad as they think,
nor as good as they seem.”
Augusto Branco