Sensual Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sensual-romance" Showing 1-19 of 19
“Her taste still teased my tongue, and her touch tipped my fingers. Her smile licked my lips, and her heart beat my own. So I tugged on her sheets, like it was a cape. To me, she was a God damned super hero, and underneath, was everything I need. Her super powers on top of me.”
J. Raymond

“Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. The best thing is living seductively; which is about finding new ways to make the same person fall for you daily.”
Lebo Grand, Sensual Lifestyle

Jaguar Jonez
“Jaeshawn!” I screamed. My hips bucked off the bed, as the sucking grew more intense. I could feel a tightening sensation in my stomach that sent tingles to the ends of my toes. He stopped sucking and roughly dragged his tongue over my love button, over and over again, until I felt like I was going to explode. "Jaeeee!” I screamed as I started to ride his tongue.”
Jaguar Jonez, Dem Country Girls Love Hard: Everybody Starts Off With A Clean Slate

Mary J. McCoy-Dressel
“I wasn't raised to let a woman walk through a dimly lit parking lot alone. Wasn't born in a cornfield, you know.”

Velia turned. “No, I didn't know. So, you're quite a gentleman. Don't we sound like a good pair—the devil woman and the gentleman?”
Mary J. McCoy-Dressel, Howdy, Ma'am

“Haunted by the longing to feel something real, deep and magical; I searched for shared ecstasy... that's when you came along.”
Lebo Grand, Sensual Lifestyle

“There was something elemental in the air, something that heated the blood and brought to the conscious mind desires long suppressed. Serena's body felt heavy and warm as she swayed involuntarily to the compelling music. The fire on such a steamy night was too much, and she felt an irresistible impulse to tear off her elaborate gown so she could dance freely in the sheer coolness of her chemise. Dance to the insistent music with one man's dark eyes watching her, devouring her, till he was forced to leap up and join her as was the young man who leaped up beside the Spanish woman.”
Diane Gates Robinson, The Eagle and the Rose

“You deserve more than the words 'I love you'. You deserve to be treated like a true sensual woman. I'm talking flowers, date nights, romance, etc..”
Lebo Grand, Sensual Lifestyle

Elizabeth Hoyt
“Let me help you rinse your hair."
His voice had deepened and it made a shock go through her, low in her belly. He rose and crossed to where a pitcher stood on the hearth. She didn't turn, but she could hear him moving behind her, and it struck her that she'd seldom been waited upon before in her life- and never by a gentleman.
"Sit a little forward." He was suddenly close. "Close your eyes and tilt your head back."
The water flowed over her scalp, warm and soothing, but her skin was prickled with goose bumps nonetheless.
"Once more, I think," he said, his voice so near, his hands large and sure, and he poured again. "There."
She sat back, wringing the water from her hair with fingers that trembled. She could hear him setting down the pitcher and she wasn't sure what to do. This was so far outside any experience she'd ever before had or imagined...
Bridget cleared her throat, but her voice was husky when she spoke. "Can you hand me a cloth for my hair?"
"Let me." He expertly wrapped a cloth around her head, keeping her clean hair out of the water. "Now you look like an Ottoman sultana." His fingers lingered on the back of her neck, stroking.
She closed her eyes, feeling her nipples throb. Oh, God, he'd barely touched her yet.
She inhaled and tried to smile, but found she was too tense. "Is... is there another cloth with which to dry myself?"
The fingers left as he reseated himself, his cheek propped on his knuckles. "But you haven't washed yourself, sweet Brid-get."He snapped off thetof her name with a click of his tongue. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss..." His gaze seemed to penetrate the now-clouded water before rising and meeting her own eyes with a devilish gleam. "Well,everything.”
Elizabeth Hoyt, Duke of Sin

“She didn’t know Matt had followed her until he grabbed her shoulder, halting her headlong rush to nowhere. He turned her into his arms, pulled her against his chest, crushed her mouth in a searing kiss.

“Shane,” he said when he raised his head from hers. “I love you. I love you.”

Her heart opened and the wall inside her trembled as she clung to him. “Burn me up, Matt,” she said, her voice a ragged whisper. “Burn it away. Please, please, burn it all away.”

She heard him growl deep in his throat and he lifted her into his arms in one swift movement.
As he carried her back across the parking lot and through the door of her room, she rained kisses on his neck and the hard line of his jaw. His skin was warm and damp and tasted of salt and desire.”
Jane Taylor Starwood, Shattered Blue

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“I liked the idea of him, a man who seemed to carry both the hard edges and the soft centers. A man who would not only touch my body but reach my soul.

And it was my soul that was begging for him.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Let Love Rule

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“I love the way I feel when you touch me.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Let Love Rule

Amy Sandas
“But I promise, I will not allow my limitations to lessen the pleasure you experience during our association."
A blush pinked her cheeks. But she did not look away.
"And what of your pleasure, my lord?" Her voice was soft and low. Smoky, like her eyes.
It weaved through Avenell's senses and hit him hard in the gut. Heat scored through his insides on a direct path to his loins. He had suspected from the start that her gentle manner had lured him so strongly. But the unexpected boldness in her query had an intense effect on him.
His arousal roughened his tone as he answered, "My pleasure is assured. Do not doubt that."
The pink in her cheeks spread down across her chest and the upper swell of her breasts, but still she held his gaze. He wondered what she might be thinking. Her stillness was disconcerting when he sensed so much going on inside her.”
Amy Sandas, The Untouchable Earl

Leigh Macfarlane
“But why are you taking him?”

Monya added a wrapped blueberry pie and three loaves of day-old bread to the box of food items she was packing. Then she looked over at Percy.

“Why do you care?” she asked, squinting slightly as she studied her chef, then pointing. “And you’re burning your toast.”

“Shoot,” Percy said, and dropped the toast from singed fingers. Then he glared at Monya. “I care. We all care. This guy just shows up and waltzes in here from… wherever, and you just start taking up with him, just like that? It’s not like you. I mean, what do you even know about him?”

“I know he kisses like a…”

“Gah,” Percy made a pained noise. “You’re burning my ears.”
Leigh Macfarlane, Walking Walrus Café

Samantha Verant
“After Charles rinses and scrubs the mussels, side by side, we prepare the meal. While I slice the galanga, Charles braises the shallots, ginger, and fennel, adding in the lemongrass. I'm in a trance, now in Thailand. With him. We're floating in a pond filled with lotus flowers, the water warm, and I'm getting ready for a spiritual awakening---
"The galanga," says Charles, and our hands touch as I pass it over. He adds it to the pan and a moment later, after adding in the coconut milk and squeezing the lime juice, he holds out a spoon. "Taste this."
The flavor is warm, with a little heat and sweetness, infused with the citrusy lemongrass, ginger, and garlic. I let out a soft moan.
"What do you think?"
"I think you're incredible," I say, quickly recovering. "Um, this sauce is heaven on my tongue. My palate is awake." I will my legs to stop quivering.”
Samantha Verant, The Spice Master at Bistro Exotique

Samantha Verant
“We're going to cook our hearts out." He whispers. "Kate, you already have mine. Just don't serve it up on a platter."
I can't bring myself to look at Charles because when I do, he smiles and all I can think about is kissing him. As we make a homemade Mexican-inspired chocolate sauce for the vanilla ice cream, our arms brush together as I hand over the urfa biber flakes. He stirs the pot, the aromas mingling together, all sweet and spicy, and now, thanks to his recording in the vent and the words I'd heard, I'm imagining us together.
"Kate, taste this," says Charles, snapping me out of my fantasy. He holds out a spoon laden with sauce, I take a tiny mouthful, and then lick my lips. Charles flashes a sexy smile. "Almost better than sex, huh?"
He has to be a mind reader.”
Samantha Verant, The Spice Master at Bistro Exotique

E.V. Drake
“Harper looked up, and aquamarine eyes held her gaze in the mirror. He stepped closer, pressing his body to her back; his measured calm was nowhere to be found. Those eyes were full of fire, staring directly into her soul.”
E.V. Drake, The Scribemaster Chronicles: Shadows

“It was, she said to herself, the single most exciting few minutes of my entire life. The first time I've ever felt like that. The only time I've ever wanted a man more than I've wanted my solitude. The most sensual and stimulating physical contact I've ever experienced — and all of that despite the fact that we were in public. And you were drunk.”
Debbie Johnson, Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Jumper