Servant Leadership Quotes

Quotes tagged as "servant-leadership" Showing 1-30 of 104
“I may not be able to fill someone else but I have a responsibility to empty myself with the hope that it fills someone else. I may not be able to light up someone's lamp but I also have the responsibility of shinning my light with the hope that it lights someone else.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Abhijit Naskar
“It's the servants of the people who rule the world, not the rulers.”
Abhijit Naskar, I Vicdansaadet Speaking: No Rest Till The World is Lifted

Nicole   Williams
“Help us to know deep in our soul, that You are able to do anything, and out of this spiritual abundance, make us available to do the things You call us to.”
Nicole Williams, RISE UP: Believing God When the World is Falling Apart

“Robert Greenleaf: If caring is needed to protect an institution, what are the requirements necessary to make it work? First, the sense of purpose and objective. Second, the talent to manage the process for reaching new objectives. Finally, and let me surprise you by emphasizing this third need, we need people who care about the institution. A deep sense of caring for the institution is required for its success.”
Larry C. Spears, Focus on Leadership: Servant-Leadership for the 21st Century

Germany Kent
“Even if you are retired, you still have a responsibility to be a servant leader in society. Your talents are needed in the community. Live on purpose. Thrive, give back, and make a difference where you are.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Income and wealth may impress your friends and increase your vocabulary, but having a servant attitude and compassion for others will cause people to take notice and give purpose to your life.”
Germany Kent

Janna Cachola
“I'd rather apologise later than miss the opportunity to create excellence by waiting for permission.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“As a leader, my job as a CEO is Culture + Excellence Officer. My team are proffessionals, they know their job. I just maintain culture and drive excellence.”
Janna Cachola

“Before we too can move mountains, we must learn to walk the daily grind, one quiet step at a time. We must learn to serve before we can lead.”
Sebastien Richard, Lead Like a Superhero: What Pop Culture Icons Can Teach Us About Impactful Leadership

“Leadership is not only a title, it is a conviction to do the right thing and lead by example to those we serve.”
Daisy Gallagher

Janna Cachola
“Too many leaders with business acumen and not enough people acumen.”
Janna cachola

Janna Cachola
“I never consider my team just customer service representatives, rather service excellence providers. Anyone can serve customers, however my team is next level as provides excellence in service to customers.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“My team are not customer service representatives, rather, service excellence providers. Anyone can serve customers, however my team is above and beyond as we only provide excellence in service to customers.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Leading from the front is cliché. I lead from the back to push you forward or be there to catch you. I lead from the side because Im your ally and here to serve you. Leaders are accessible at all times.”
Janna Cachola

Abhijit Naskar
“Be the breeze, be the water, be the serene shade of a heartful tree. In character be an elephant, gentle, unafraid and forever free.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

Abhijit Naskar
“Awake, Arise O Timelords,
Oh makers and breakers of destiny!
Give this world accountability,
And time will give you immortality.”
Abhijit Naskar, High Voltage Habib: Gospel of Undoctrination

Abhijit Naskar
“I ask you not to chant my name,
Be free from all such ritual lame.
Hold my hand and come with me,
Together we'll be a timeless flame.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Combustion (Sonnet 1035)

You only see the light of the sun,
But not the combustion agony.
You only see the act of creation,
But not the pain of creativity.
You only see the light of genius,
But not the price of genius.
You only see the flight of triumph,
But not the tragedies one has to cross.
You are replenished by the monsoon rain,
You got no clue ‘bout the burden of the cloud.
You only see the glamor of my victory,
Not the heartbreaks I don't scream out loud.
Everybody wants to shine, that is no glory.
Only those with character can bear combustion agony.”
Abhijit Naskar, Her Insan Ailem: Everyone is Family, Everywhere is Home

Abhijit Naskar
“Kral Fakir (Servant King Sonnet)

İnsanı seven herkes resul,
Yardım eden herkes kraldır.
Bencil servet hayvanlara mübarek,
İnsan ben, kimliğim kral fakir.

Every human who loves a human is apostle,
Every human who helps a human is king.
Animals may feast on selfish luxury,
As for me, I am a servant king.

King is the servant,
Servant is king.
Being is the harvest,
Harvest is the being.

Life lived for self is goods,
Life lived for others is gift.
Time spent on self is product,
Time spent on others is present.

You can spend thousands on the shallow,
Still it won't be enough to fill their eyes.
Spend a single wise cent on someone in need,
It'll fill their heart with new vigor of life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Janna Cachola
“Waiting to be asked to help, that is helping indeed. Insisting on helping without being told, that is service. Be approaching to be one step ahead”
Janna Cachola

Brandon Michael West
“Your authority isn’t a tool for you to generate wealth, build a reputation, or make your way into the spotlight. Your authority isn’t for you.”
Brandon Michael West, It Is Not Your Business to Succeed: Your Role in Leadership When You Can't Control Your Outcomes

“Embrace the Christ-like character of selfless service and servant leadership; As a teacher, true transformation unfolds when students are guided to become the best versions of themselves.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

Janna Cachola
“Service excellence must start from the church.”
Janna Cachola

Niedria D. Kenny
“GOD chooses according to your abilities and though he knows you and what you are capable of under certain circumstances, he protects you and provides provisions.”
Niedria D. Kenny

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