Seven Deadly Sins Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seven-deadly-sins" Showing 1-23 of 23
Robin Wasserman
“They had battled and bloodied one another, they had kept secrets, broken hearts, lied, betrayed, exiled, they had walked away, said goodbye and sworn it was forever, and somehow, every time, they had mended, they had forgiven, they had survived. Some mistakes could never be fixed - some, but not all. Some people can't be driven away, no matter how hard you try. Some friendships won't break.”
Robin Wasserman, Greed

Corey Taylor
“The future is meant for those who are willing to let go of the worst parts of the past. When you cannot take two steps without turning around to inspect your footsteps, you are getting nowhere fast.”
Corey Taylor, Seven Deadly Sins: Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good

Jenny Colgan
“I have a head for business and a body for sin. Unfortunately, the sin appears to be gluttony.”
Jenny Colgan, Meet Me at the Cupcake Café

Jess C. Scott
“The whole thing becomes like this evil enchantment from a fairy tale, but you're made to believe the spell can never be broken.”
Jess C. Scott, Heart's Blood

Christopher Marlowe
“I am Envy, begotten of a chimney-sweeper and an oyster-wife. I cannot read, and therefore wish all books were burnt; I am lean with seeing others eat - O that there would come a famine through all the world, that all might die, and I live alone; then thou should'st see how fat I would be! But must thou sit and I stand? Come down, with a vengeance!”
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

Corey Taylor
“The mind is left bereft when it is nothing more than a tool of regurgitation.”
Corey Taylor, Seven Deadly Sins: Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good

E.E. Knight
“Listen my hatchling, for now you shall hear
Of the only seven slayers a dragon must fear.

First beware Pride, lest belief in one’s might
Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight.
Never Envy other dragons their wealth, power, or home
For dark plots and plans will bring death to your own.

Your Wrath shouldn’t win, when spears strike your scale
Anger kills cunning, which you will need to prevail.
A dragon must rest, but Sloth you should dread
Else long years of napping let assassins to your bed.

‘Greed is good,’ or so foolish dragons will say
Until piles of treasure bring killing thieves where they lay.
Hungry is your body, and at times you must feed
But Gluttony makes fat dragons, who can’t fly at their need.

A hot Lust for glory, gems, gold, or mates
Leads reckless young drakes to the blackest of fates.
So take heed of this wisdom, precious hatchling of mine,
And the long years of dragonhood are sure to be thine.”
E.E. Knight, Dragon Champion

Tanya Thompson
“Some men are terrified by the dark nature of the Moon, but not the Devil. The Devil is afraid of nothing he can fuck. And there’s very little the Devil won’t stick his dick in. He’ll bugger the Priest, orgy with Art, and rape the shit out of Justice. The whole of the Universe is the only hole he won’t try to fill.”
Tanya Thompson, Red Russia

Steve      Harris
“Seven deadly sins,
seven ways to win,
seven holy paths to hell,
and your trip begins

Seven downward slopes
seven bloodied hopes
seven are your burning fires,
seven your desires...”
Iron Maiden

John R. Dallas Jr.
“If necessity is the mother of invention, then surely greed must be the father. Children of this odd couple are named: Laziness, Envy, Greed, Jr., Gluttony, Lust, Anger and Pride.”
John R. Dallas Jr.

Lloyd A. Green
“You should not seek forgiveness after an unkind act. The act was done on purpose. You must first understand why the act occurred and then move forward.”
Lloyd A. Green, Reflections of EL: In Search of Self

Shannon Celebi
“I’m sorry if...I get too personal, if I make you uncomfortable, but writing is like one of the seven deadly sins, like Sharing on Mr. Rogers, and once you get the bug you’re trapped in The Neighborhood of Make-Believe forever.”
Shannon Celebi

Rafael Sabatini
“A deadly sin that brings no evil material sequel to the satisfaction afforded by committing it is one thing. A deadly sin that gives you the stomach-ache is quite another.”
Rafael Sabatini - The Hounds of God

Soroosh Shahrivar
“His transcendent sense of worth had risen and caught up to him. He did not like the world he lived in, and the people in it. He was just as much a victim as he was a culprit of the seven deadly sins.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, The Rise of Shams

Criss Jami
“Envy is Pride's infection on inspiration...while Angered then Eaten by the Greed of a Lazy Lust.”
Criss Jami

Corey Taylor
“Can you imagine how boring life would be without the seven little spices? you talk about sloth, but why would men and women get out of bed if there were no lust? Why would people want to be in a band if they couldn't feel the rush that rage bring to the musical table? Why would anyone want to be a bleeding heart without even a hint of greed in their dirty little soul? Why would the world go round if there weren't a few rules to break? A few revolutions to make? Let's put it this way: Why would you want to take a deep breath if you were expected to hold the damn thing?”
Corey Taylor, Seven Deadly Sins: Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good

Enock Maregesi
“Mammon ni mungu wa pesa wa kuzimu anayesimamia mambo yote ya kifedha ulimwenguni. Ni miongoni mwa mashetani saba waliotupwa na Mwenyezi Mungu hapa duniani kutokea mbinguni akiwemo Ibilisi, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Amon na Belphegor. Ibilisi ni mungu wa kiburi, Beelzebub ni mungu wa uroho, Asmodeus ni mungu wa zinaa, Leviathan ni mungu wa wivu, Amon ni mungu wa hasira na Belphegor ni mungu wa uvivu. Jukumu la mashetani hawa ni kusimamia kwa uaminifu mkubwa kutokea kuzimu dhambi kubwa saba duniani ambazo ni kiburi, uroho, zinaa, wivu, hasira, uvivu na uchoyo. Dawa ya dhambi hizo ni busara, kiasi, ujasiri, imani, haki, tumaini na upendo.”
Enock Maregesi

Soroosh Shahrivar
“Pangea split so now we're filled in a fit of pique.
We brim with lust, spirit willing, but the flesh is weak.
Consumed by greed, shoving everything down our throat.
Sloth a cottonseed, weaving us, we are a coat.
Zeal reveals our hearts conceal a deep and endless pit.
Grudge we hold against the world, she owes us every bit.
Iblis sees humanity's impending aftermath.
So now my friend, a gift he gives, its ink is wrath.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

Stewart Stafford
“If 't be true thou dost love me, then bare thy breast and runneth upon this bodkin. Nay, I do not require thy life or lethal proof that Narcissus festered in isolation. Man is a blotted parchment of sins and reminiscence his Purgatory.”
Stewart Stafford

“The Soul-Hole
(Note: The icons in TSH do not necessarily match with their intended formal meanings, they are merely frosting. Also, there are no footnotes to explain the text as there are multiple interpretations–like the proverphorical layer cake. Enjoy the cuisine. If it gets tedious its meant to. (Once dedicated to certains who want to stuff their pie holes on a diet of fattening sweet nothings).

The Soul–Hole

It was a soul
It had a goal—
(It had a notion–to fill its whole)
Its desire was—to fill its hle

It “dug” wholeheartedly its soul hole 5
To fill its soul and solely occupy the whole
It tried all things to feed its hole—
All sort O’ wants stuffed it–its black h●le

The more it ❽ the more it famished—
Ate its soul—all the more ravished 10

It thought it best
Take More not less—
Spaded it in–the meaningless

Every shovel made
Its hle got deep twice laid— 15
Struck it poor it did–its dirt well paid

◷ne scoop forward tw◑ depths deep
Length doubles t◒◒—its emptying sØul–it keeps

On the w(h)◎le, it went whole hog,
To burrow its hole–this groundhog went agog—
Furrowed it deep—to slop its façade

The more it strode to trench its hole—
A thimbleful empty⨟ no (front) end load

(–Pssst! Its as if it got bit by a pire of soul—
Yea, a soulpire sucked its swhoule dry— 25
Leaving 2wö more empty holes)

It filled but missed
It labored in bliss
Found it it—it abyssed

In dread and fearh it stoked its hole 30
With joyous tear it looped its knot whole
Broke its soil with useless toil
All–to–make it—it–assoiled

Other: “do it have a h ◙ le in its •ead?—?
It needs to fill its head h⌻le–like a hole in its head
(—Fill ⎌ its h”
Douglas Laurent

“The Soul-Hole
(Note: icons in TSH do not necessarily match with formal meanings, they are decorative. There are multiple interprets–like the proverphorical layer cake. Enjoy the cuisine. Once dedicated to they who wish to stuff their pie holes on a diet of fattening sweet nothings).

The Soul–Hole

It was a soul
It had a goal—
(It had a notion–to fill its whole)
Its desire was—to fill its hle
It “dug” wholeheartedly its soul hole 5
To fill its soul and solely occupy the whole
It tried all things to feed its hole—
All sort O’ wants stuffed it–its black h●le
The more it ❽ the more it famished—
Ate its soul—all the more ravished 10
It thought it best
Take More not less—
Spaded it in–the meaningless
Every shovel made
Its hle got deep twice laid— 15
Struck it poor it did–its dirt well paid

◷ne scoop forward tw◑ depths deep
Length doubles t◒◒—its emptying sØul–it keeps
On the w(h)◎le, it went whole hog,
To burrow its hole–this groundhog went agog—
Furrowed it deep—to slop its façade

The more it strode to trench its hole—
A thimbleful empty⨟ no (front) end load
(–Pssst! Its as if it got bit by a pire of soul—
Yea, a soulpire sucked its swhoule dry— 25
Leaving 2wö more empty holes)
It filled but missed
It labored in bliss
Found it it—it abyssed

In dread and fearh it stoked its hole 30
With joyous tear it looped its knot whole
Broke its soil with useless toil
All–to–make it—it–assoiled
Other: “do it have a h ◙ le in its •ead?—?
It needs to fill its head h⌻le–like a hole in its head
(—Fill ⎌ its h”
Douglas Laurent

Faye   Hall
“The unfed lust of man has but one goal—to destroy the courage of an innocent soul.”
Faye Hall

Seanan McGuire
“The cocky always have the farthest to fall.”
Seanan McGuire, Magic for Nothing