Short Poems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "short-poems" Showing 1-17 of 17
Sanober  Khan
“your hand
touching mine.
this is how
Sanober Khan

Sherman Alexie
“Sure, we thought the acres
That we tilled were sacred,

But how could we have known
That wheat can haunt like ghosts”
Sherman Alexie

Christy Ann Martine
“The stars slowly faded
as the sun began to rise,
and I found eternity
in the morning sky.”
Christy Ann Martine

Elizabeth E. Castillo
“I uttered his name like a silent whisper of the falling rain - saying love is his game as the cool breeze sets in." - Elizabeth's Shorter Poems”
Elizabeth E. Castillo

Sherman Alexie
“Walk the midway and hear the carnival barker.
Come see the freak named after his deceased father.

Come see the prince who wants to abdicate his throne.
Come see the son whose name is carved on a gravestone.”
Sherman Alexie

Eric Overby
“I end where you begin
And begin where you end;
You are my Earth’s horizon
And the axis on which it spins”
Eric Overby, Legacy

Jasleen Kaur Gumber
“For once,
not air,
but hope.
For once,
breathe on,
a firm belief!”
Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Mitta Xinindlu

I'm writing you a poem;
but the lights will soon be out in five minutes.
Wow! I'm writing it in foreign;
so, I hope you'll embrace the intention of the syntax.

One word, two sentences, then a paragraph;
I'm summing out my love for you in art.
Now, will your smile warmly receive this craft;
because I have signs, letters, and numbers for your heart?”
Mitta Xinindlu

“You are not alone. God is preparing a kheer pudding kind of a relationship, you will look at your future boy friend's eyes and he knows what you need with out saying a word.”
Naga Uma Veguru

“عندما تنظرين إلى الشرق يخضرّ قلبي قليلاً…
وتنساب أغنيةٌ في عروق الضجرْ…”
Mahdi Mansour

“الأدراج: قصائد المدن نحو معانيها العالية…”
Mahdi Mansour

“الكادحون الصامتون الساكنون الخائفون،
كما الطغاة الحاكمون الجائرون المارقون،
كلاهما في موطني، من عملةٍ، وجهان...”
Mahdi Mansour

“قد علّمتنا كلّنا بيروتُ
أنّ الهلال يعود حين يموت
لبنان كيف سماك تعبقُ بالمدى
وحيًا... وأرضُك رملُها كبريتُ؟
يتنزلُ الشعراءُ كلَّ عشيةٍ
ويعرّشُ الشهداءُ والياقوتُ
أشدو ونهرُ الجرح يعبُر في دمي
ليَ ضفتان: المهدُ والتابوتُ...
وطني أتنكسر البيوتُ حزينةً
وقلوبُ كل العاشقين بيوتُ
شعبُ إذا ما الفقر حلَّ بدارِهِ
كتمَ الجراحَ وقلبُه مكبوتُ
لو تحشد الدنيا على إخضاعه
ينمو بحجم عذابه الجبروتُ
هبني أكن مرسى تنام على يدي
لو تستطيع مراكبٌ ويخوتُ
هبني أكن ألم الجراح، دم الإبا
ما همّني إن ذبت بي وشقيتُ
ما دام مجد الأرز يسكن جبهتي
وتنام بين حقائبي بيروتُ”
Mahdi Mansour

“a solitary path
the forest wind
sang among the pines”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“the night air
resonant with
the sound of rain”
Meeta Ahluwalia

Ritu Negi
“If I write toDay
toDay will write me back in History”
Ritu Negi