Social Problems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "social-problems" Showing 1-30 of 51
Spider Robinson
“The problems of today's youth were no longer a Sunday supplement, or a news broadcast, or anything so remote and intangible. They were suddenly become a dirty, shivering boy, who told us that in this world we had built for him with our sweat and our blood, he was not only tired of living, but so unscared of dying that he did it daily, sometimes for recreation.”
Spider Robinson, Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Businesses profit by solving social problems. Therefore, it's business - not charity or government - that should be employed to solve many of the big societal problems of today. Whether it's the climate crises, or gender equity, or pollution or whatever... Business can solve those problems.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Bryant McGill
“Lust for possession and greed has ravaged the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasizing throughout society in the form of a nouveau post-human, consumer hedonism.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

“I am not your dog that you whistle for; I’m not a stray animal you call over, and I am not, I never have been, nor will I ever be, your “baby”!”
Joy Jennings, I'm Not Your "Baby": An Australian woman's tortured life of sexual harassment and assault

Abhijit Naskar
“All stains of the society are born in the mind, and so is the detergent to clean them off.”
Abhijit Naskar, Lives to Serve Before I Sleep

Abhijit Naskar
“See all evil, hear all evil and then devour all evil.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşkanjali: The Sufi Sermon

C. Wright Mills
“Wiele ważnych problemów publicznych, podobnie jak wiele prywatnych kłopotów, opisuje się w kategoriach „psychiatrycznych” – często, jak się wydaje, w żałosnej próbie ucieczki przed wielkimi problemami i pytaniami nowoczesnego społeczeństwa.”
C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination

“The rise of social entrepreneurship gives hope for the future.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“The future of social entrepreneurship is no longer about looking up to a select few who have some kind of rare gift for implementing innovative ideas. Every individual and organization has a role to play in mobilizing skills, talents, and life experiences to move towards a more just and equitable world where all have what they need to survive and thrive in life.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Abhijit Naskar
“What’s the point of having a mind if it doesn't mind the issues of the society!”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşkanjali: The Sufi Sermon

Abhijit Naskar
“We cannot solve the problems that our ancestors couldn't by thinking and acting like them - and more importantly, we cannot solve the problems that our ancestors created by thinking and acting like them - we must think original and act out of that originality.”
Abhijit Naskar, Neden Türk: The Gospel of Secularism

Kristian Ventura
“Things always look ugly on other people, but the truth is, we all start as other people. The sad part is we usually die as other people. And worst of all, we never knew we were the other people all along.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Kristian Ventura
“And here lies our conundrum: we hate the world when we talk about it, but if all of us hate the world for being mean, there is no world to hate. We’re stuck in theory and are entertaining an invisible villain. Up close, you get along with those supposed monsters. The world is made up of individual people who despise the world, but when meeting, they get along all the same. There is no evil society, only people we haven’t met yet.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Abhijit Naskar
“We are messing it up big time, and things will only get worse, unless you rise against the ever-strengthening social neurosis.”
Abhijit Naskar, Conscience over Nonsense

Abhijit Naskar
“The politicians throw dirt at each other, the citizens throw dirt at the politicians, so everybody is living in dirt. If you want things to change, then stop throwing dirt and act, whether you are a politician, a civil servant or a civilian.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Humans Unite: Making A World Without Borders

Stewart Stafford
“Of all the social problems I have witnessed in the United States, and there are many, I have yet to see one that couldn't be solved or ameliorated by creating access to affordable or free education.”
Stewart Stafford

Abhijit Naskar
“Determination, devotion and deliberation are the fundamental pillars of societal growth. Each individual must be determined for growth, devoted to upliftment and must have the capacity for deliberation or careful contemplation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law

“For a social enterprise to make an impact in the world, it needs a solid foundation based on sustainability.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Social entrepreneurship is about disrupting existing markets that aren’t working, and creating new ones to improve the status quo.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Abhijit Naskar
“Humans do not know their own strength. If they did, they wouldn't have needed the voices of MLK, Mandela, Franklin, Bose, Tolstoy, Seneca, Teresa, Bernie, AOC, Naskar, Chomsky or any other. However, fact of the matter is, we may wish for everyone to become their own voice of reason and their own strength overnight, but it's not gonna happen. Because that's not how biology works, that's not how nature works. Nature has its own pace and its own ways. And when it comes to transforming a society, the ways are rather messy, unpredictable and time consuming. It goes something like this. One person lights up a candle in their heart, and from that one candle a hundred more receive their strength, and then from those hundred, a few thousands. And when a handful of individuals light up their candle across the world, the entire humanity basks in its warmth, grace and glory.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“If you can't take the weight of the world on your shoulders, take the weight of your nation - if you can't take the weight of your nation, take the weight of your city - if you can't take the weight of your city, take the weight of your neighborhood. Start small but start somewhere.”
Abhijit Naskar, No Foreigner Only Family

“Historical periods are often defined by single phrases which seem to capture the mood or the political climate of a nation at a particular point in time. In America today we are dangerously on the verge of entering a period when social problems are ignored and allowed to fester until they emerge at some future time in such a diseased condition that the social order is threatened with a general breakdown.

We have been through a period of difficult change, and people are tired. They do not want to be reminded that there are still problems, most grievously that problem which Gunnar Myrdal called "the American dilemma." Whites are retreating, becoming hostile and fearful, blacks are becoming enraged, and liberals are confused and discontented. And the federal government, the principal agency through which we can find a way out of our racial agony, is in the hands of men who lack progressive intention. "Benign neglect," a phrase borrowed from the past, seems to define the present. Neglect of problems that are difficult to solve, avoidance of realities that are unpleasant to confront--Mr. Moynihan's phrase speaks to our society's weaknesses, its capacity for self-delusion and apathy.

We have not entirely reached this point yet. There is still time to reverse our direction, to move forward. To fail to seize this opportunity today may make it impossible for us to do so in the future. Perhaps the lack of vision evinced by Mr. Moynihan can shock us into a recognition of how far we must still go to achieve the evasive yet splendid goal of racial justice.”
Bayard Rustin, Down the Line: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin

“The reason gender based violence wont end soon is because people are fighting people they don't like. They are not fighting the problem which is gender based violence and are not fighting the people who are wrong which are offenders, because when it is done by their favorites they decide to be mute instead of reprimanding their favorites.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Abhijit Naskar
“Anybody can achieve the things that are easy. Good people are here to solve the tough problems of society.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sleepless for Society

Abhijit Naskar
“The answer to the problems of our world is not more armed intervention, but intervention of the heart.”
Abhijit Naskar, Neden Türk: The Gospel of Secularism

“I lost my mother to a brotha, and you want me to talk about brutal policing? It’s not just the cops, it’s the community too.”
Keith J. Beasley, Fairy 'Fro: Floats with Flows

Georges Perec
“What is scandalous isn't the pit explosion, it's working in coalmines. 'Social problems' aren't 'a matter of concern' when there's a strike, they are intolerable twenty-four hours out of twenty-four, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.”
Georges Perec, Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One's Books

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