Space Opera Quotes

Quotes tagged as "space-opera" Showing 151-180 of 300
Kameron Hurley
“There is nothing I fear more than someone without memory. A person without memory is free to do anything she likes.”
Kameron Hurley, The Stars Are Legion

G.S. Jennsen
“Alex thrust her hand and half her arm into the labyrinth of light.
Her stare blanked, and in the halo of the matrix her eyes and glyphs blazed so radiantly she looked as if she were being consumed by a primordial fire.

“She just stuck her hand into Machim Command’s central server matrix!”

Caleb smiled, watching on in blatant awe. “She does that.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

Kameron Hurley
“All I am, and all I love, is war. I don't know who I will be if I stop. The world, if it is to survive, needs a leader, not a warmonger. The world I want to make does not require me”
Kameron Hurley, The Stars Are Legion

G.S. Jennsen
“Laches faded away, leaving Miriam standing facing Hyperion, the Metigen who had orchestrated the slaughter of over fifty million people a short year ago.

There were limits to even deals with the devil, lines which should never be crossed…but she was beginning to wonder when she might find one.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“No, we absolutely should do it. If we can capture such a motherlode, it could make a pivotal difference in the coming war. We need it. AEGIS needs it, my mother needs it. This is why we’re here.

“I’m merely pausing at the precipice of the cliff, peeking down into the chasm and asking, ‘Are we sure?’ So…” Alex eyed him wearing an uneasy grimace “…are we sure?”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“Mia stood between the bed and the broken window, holding an active plasma blade at waist-height in front of her. A thick coat of blood stained the plasma nearly from hilt to tip, hissing as it dribbled from blade to floor.

“Are you all right?”

Mia gave her a wan, distant smile. “It’s okay. I’ve done it before.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“Anyone who tells you life has greater value when it comes with an expiration date is full of shit. Immortality is worth the fortunes of galaxies.”

She regarded him too intently. “But it’s not worth everything. You gave it up for your freedom.”

His forced bravado faltered. That truth still petrified him today. “I did.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“He wasn’t going to be able to deactivate the field, which meant there was only one choice.

He’d realized early on that his arcane, profoundly alien passenger came with a cost, possibly one too high to pay and get out the other side free and clear. He’d pay it nonetheless and without complaint if the diati would only come through for him now.

Caleb closed his eyes.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

Kameron Hurley
“War makes monsters of us all. But what happens to those of us who no longer wish to be monsters?”
Kameron Hurley, The Stars Are Legion

G.S. Jennsen
“The system is only as good as its leaders. When they fail—when the system fails—you better damn well hope I’m there to pick up the slack.”

The man’s glower lost some of its fervor. “No one appointed you humanity’s protector.”

“No one had to—and if you don’t understand why that is, then you’re not nearly the man I was told you are. I’m leaving now, and I’m going to assume we’re done. But if you threaten me again, you had better bring help.”
G.S. Jennsen, Rubicon

Riley Amos Westbrook
“Don't go getting offended my friend, I have much worse things to say to you.-Ad'Dam, Journey from Atremes”
Riley Amos Westbrook

“She was born of space.

And starlight.

But she bled wrath.

And vengeance.. "

[From Current Work In Progress]”
Jenna Streety

G.S. Jennsen
“Caleb shoved back from the table and stood to retreat to the kitchen. “No. Find another plan.”

“There is no other plan. This isn’t even a plan, merely a nugget of an idea for the start of a plan that’s certain to fail and end in your deaths.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“An eerie, chilling voice interrupted him to reverberate through the house.

“You believe you are safe, but you will never be safe from me. My reach is limitless, my capabilities legion. Sleep fitfully and avoid the shadows, for know that I am coming for you. When I arrive, you will pay for what you did.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“The woman’s gaze sent chills racing down his spine. The diabolical, aberrantly predatory arch of her lips curdled his blood. Seriously, his blood must be curdling back at the lab right now.

“Nice illusion. I’m definitely feeling the evil vibe here.”

She stood and rounded the desk with perfect grace. “There is no illusion. Explain yourself quickly now, before I grow bored by your presence and dispense with it.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

L.E. Horn
“Sometimes we need to step away from our current reality in order to truly appreciate it.”
L.E. Horn

Henry Mosquera
“The only thing altruism will get you here is a boot stomping on your head.”
Henry Mosquera, Space Fandango: Backstabber's Blues

Kameron Hurley
“I'm not trying to be mean,' Casamir says.
'Intent doesn't always matter.”
Kameron Hurley, The Stars Are Legion

G.S. Jennsen
“Nisi flashed his charismatic, mysterious smile. “Now, with this in mind, are you ready to take the next step?”

Despite Caleb’s attempts at caution—at circumspection and even suspicion—the man’s words stirred his blood. They teased the possibilities of the power within his reach, real power extending far beyond parlor tricks and personal protection to a place where the course of life itself could be changed.

“I am.”
G.S. Jennsen, Rubicon

G.S. Jennsen
“You have business and pleasure to attend to. As an expert in both, allow me to advise you to put them aside for the next ten minutes. Why?

“Because the world is about to transform, and you will want to be able to say you saw it happen. The axes of our little universe are about to flip, and you’ll want to get your magboots set.”
G.S. Jennsen, Rubicon

Jason M. Brooks
“You did a fine job with those science nerds over the course of this past year, John. Very fine job. Nothing but praise from the lot of them. Well done.” His thick English accent had a soothing effect every time he spoke. John remembered him fondly as a young man. His father and the Admiral had gone to the academy together and served side by side for many years before John’s father met an untimely death. Sitting here with him now and listening to him speak brought him back to those simpler times.

“I was just doing my duty, Sir.”

“Oh come now. You know and I know that there isn’t a bloody captain in this entire fleet that wanted that assignment. There isn’t a bit of action when you have the lot of them aboard. And on a bloody science mission besides. No, no, you are a real hero for saving all of us from having to do such a duty. And for a year! Bloody hell.”

He opened up a drawer and pulled out two thick, stubby glasses, and then extracted a bottle of rum. Of course he brought out the rum.

“I suppose you heard that we’ve been hard at work getting our first Deep Space Class starship ready to launch this year?” he asked as he filled both glasses half full with the amber liquid. He Offered one glass to John who took it with reluctance. He had never been one who liked liquor.

“Heard she’s a beauty. The engine is something of a marvel as well?”

“Damn straight,” he said as he downed his first glass in one pull. He filled his glass up half full for round two. “Currently our fastest ship will get you to the Wild Space region in twenty years. This buggers going to do it in six months and I’d like you to take her out on her maiden voyage.”

John sat back in shock. The thought of taking out the prototype of the future… it was a great honor and one that hundreds of captains in star fleet would give anything for. He certainly wasn’t worthy of such an honor. He didn’t have nearly the amount of years as everyone else in the fleet. “I don’t think it’d be right to accept, would it? I mean… there are some captains who’ve…”

“Bumshnickles!” he shouted. “Your father was the captain of the first Earth Starship Independence. It’s only right that the second to bear her name should have an Avery in the chair.”
Jason M. Brooks, Wild Space: Onslaught

Charles Nall
“Why?” Riko asked.
“For the war. We will hit them before they have a chance to hit us.”
She was terrified. “What? No. We can’t start a war.”
Oshiro grinned. “Don’t you see? The war has already started. We’re going to end it.”
Charles Nall, Orchestra of Shadows

Charles Nall
“There's not a hell of a lot of difference between bravery and stupidity." - Commander Boaz Aurigae”
Charles Nall, Broken Horizon

Amy J. Murphy
“In that moment, she hated his quiet patient tone, hated the stench of the incense, and hated the beauteous pity painted on the faces of the women on the walls. Their expressions contained serene understanding; their eyes seemed able to peer into her soul. She found their forgiveness suffocating. And above all, she hated the tiny niggling thing in her that wanted to know more.”
Amy J. Murphy, Fallen

Amy J. Murphy
“Thing to know about the Reaches....It’s always trying to kill you. Even the empty places between the stars."
Asher Corsair, Allies and Enemies: Rogues”
Amy J. Murphy, Rogues

Ant Ryan
“You win the Game,” Vitas says. His features obscured under the long black robe, regal-like modesty against our animalistic near nudity.
― Ant Ryan, Celestial Spheres”
Ant Ryan, Synapse

G.S. Jennsen
“Caleb reached up and slid the tie out of her hair to let it fall free. “You were crazy to do it. But I love you because you’re wild and fearless, not in spite of it, and I know the price.”

He sensed her cringe against him. “Which is?”

“At random and unexpected times, you terrify the life out of me.”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

Henry Mosquera
“May they run free forever and grow back their limbs!”
Henry Mosquera, Space Fandango: Backstabber's Blues

G.S. Jennsen
“She and Kennedy both dove for the power connector; Kennedy reached it first and yanked out the connection as Alex landed on her stomach beside it.

The air settled down until the fine hairs on her arm no longer stood on end. Alex dropped her forehead to the platform and started laughing. “Just like university, isn’t it?”

“Almost—nothing’s actually blown up yet.”
G.S. Jennsen, Rubicon