Starling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "starling" Showing 1-5 of 5
Lesley Livingston
“Don'teversay that, Fennrys, "she said." I don't ever want to hear you say that you don't deserve or you aren't worthy. You do. Youare.”
Lesley Livingston, Starling

Robin Hobb
“Everything she sang was true. I will leave it to you as to whether the truth can exist with details omitted, or if those lacks make a lie of it.”
Robin Hobb, Fool's Quest

Margarete Sigl Corbo
“The trouble is, it’s not just starlings that humans tend to regard as pests. It’s all wildlife. Animals are fine as long as they stay in their own habitats. Yet we have a long history of expanding our territories with little thought for anything but our own needs. Quite routinely, we turn wildlife habitats into human habitats. And, of course, man has long had difficulty with the idea of sharing the ecosystem with any other living creature. When animals won’t cooperate with our desires, they are regarded as pests, nuisances, to be disposed of summarily. The starling is one of many such animals, for he sometimes interferes with our convenience simply by being.”
Margarete Sigl Corbo & Diane Marie Barras, Arnie the Darling Starling

Lyanda Lynn Haupt
“I have always thought of all creatures-all organisms, really-as relations. Whether wandering alone in deep wilderness or just leaning against a tree growing beside an urban sidewalk, I have had no difficulty feeling, as if in dreamtime, the roots of our relatedness-ecologically, yes, but also with an overlay of the sacred, the holy.”
Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Mozart's Starling

Lyanda Lynn Haupt
“Carmen [pet starling] brings joy and depth and insight to our family. I believe she has a good life, and I am glad she did not die with her nest mates. But not one single day passes that I do not wish I could see her fly free.”
Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Mozart's Starling