Struggles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "struggles" Showing 31-60 of 398
José N. Harris
If you have a special person in your life, but you find yourselves arguing, irritated and/or fighting out of the blue… you both need to try to step back and be selfless and think of the other person... with no ego of your own. No ego. We are ALL dealing with our own tough issues. We may keep them to ourselves, but we all have struggles. If you BOTH allow yourselves to step into each others shoes- to have the awareness and respect for each others issues and struggles... that will most likely allow the love that you have for each other to shine through at its brightest.

There will be ups and downs- feelings of being under-appreciated for both. It will happen. But let that be the worst that happens. Unity through diversity. That's the greatest love. A selfless love. It’s paradoxical, but you each would get back more than you give out. That's the love that conquers all things that’s mentioned in the Bible. It will be challenging for both of you, but well worth it.”
José N. Harris

T.F. Hodge
“Having beef with someone is unnecessary and avoidable. Whatever the issue, if not positive, it is an opportunity to cut the excess fat from an unhealthy dietary network. Simply excuse yourself from the table of negativity and lean forward in peace.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

J.D. Salinger
“Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

T.F. Hodge
“What you are, and who you are should provide greater clarity about where you have been and where you are headed. Although one distinguishes spiritual from physical nature, the ultimate unification of the two is the consequence of the struggle for internal, external and eternal – peace.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Cricket Rohman
“A hush, a silence accompanied this dusting of snow until an odd whistling sound broke through the numbness, coming closer, growing louder. What was that?”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

Guy Gavriel Kay
“Only then, invisible to everyone and with her curtains drawn, did she allow her tears to fall: in love, and for his hurts, and in terrible pride.”
Guy Gavriel Kay, Tigana

“In this relentless clash, between
me and my life
both of us persist restlessly, trying
to find the weakest moment in one another.”
Sanu Sharma

Cricket Rohman
“Thieves? A twinge of panic shot through her. Dabbing at the fever-induced perspiration beading across her forehead, she wondered vaguely why the air conditioning wasn't blowing full-force on this hot September afternoon. Then she realized it was.”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

Rob Liano
“Achieving success is a challenge but so is struggling so you may as well choose success. 
Rob Liano

C. JoyBell C.
“The conception of each star was at the point of no return; of a desperate soul struggling to master the winds!”
C. JoyBell C.

Scott Westerfeld
“She was nothing in particular. But at least she had a purpose.”
Scott Westerfeld

Bryan Stevenson
“After working for more than twenty-five years, I understood that I don’t do what I do because it’s required or necessary or important. I don’t do it because I have no choice.

I do what I do because I’m broken, too.

My years of struggling against inequality, abusive power, poverty, oppression, and injustice had finally revealed something to me about myself. Being close to suffering, death, executions, and cruel punishments didn’t just illuminate the brokenness of others; in a moment of anguish and heartbreak, it also exposed my own brokenness. You can’t effectively fight abusive power, poverty, inequality, illness, oppression, or injustice and not be broken by it.

We are all broken by something. We have all hurt someone and have been hurt. We all share the condition of brokenness even if our brokenness is not equivalent.”
Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy

“Imagine a life where threats are minimal and your fear is contained to not dominate your daily experiences in the world. You can have that. You deserve that. And in order to experience that, we have to venture into what might feel like a hostile terrain of rocky
challenges. We are venturing into your chaotic, muddled and beautiful life. The messy and chaotic parts. May you begin with your head held high.”
Samantha Lourie, The Power of Mess: A guide to finding joy and resilience when life feels chaotic

Keli Maire
“There are times when you need to go with the flow, and times when you need to navigate through rough waters. But as long as you have your bearings and a sense of direction, you'll find your way.”
Keli Maire, Finding Peace in Nature: A Practical Guide: How to Unlock the Healing Power of the Great Outdoors

Abhijit Naskar
“Mistakes you make during your struggles, are not the shame of your life, they are the cornerstones of clarity and conviction. Never try to hide your imperfect past, trying to adapt to perfectionist fantasy. Machines are produced in the assembly line, without past, without flaws, not life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn

Avijeet Das
“If you have found your passion, then never let it go. Sandeep Reddy Vanga discovered his passion for film making. And his educational qualification had nothing to do with it. We have to be brave and continue doing our work towards our passion in life. We may face many struggles, but the feeling of achievement against the odds is magnificent.”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“If you have found your passion, then never let it go. We have to be brave and continue doing our work toward our passion in life. We may face many struggles, but the feeling of achievement against the odds is magnificent.”
Avijeet Das

Richard Blanco
“These contrasts were also meant to reflect the essential beauty and constant struggle of our democracy as expressed in our nation’s motto:e pluribus unum (out of many, one).We are a populace of individual “I’s” who have consented to come together as a “we.” The challenge has been to continuously question who is (or isn’t) included in that “we” and how to redefine and reimagine it.

Overall, we’ve managed to move toward a more inclusive understanding of ourselves and acceptance of each another. Historically, though, we have wavered and are currently at a crossroads: Are we going to advance toward a broader definition of “we” or will we retreat to a narrower one?”
Richard Blanco, How to Love a Country

Hagir Elsheikh
“is it harder to have a difficult life but enjoy peace of mind, or the opposite?”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

George Wilson Adams
“The road to excellence starts with what you do best, continues with devotion and never really ends.”
George Wilson Adams, The Enemies of Excellence

“Much of life hangs in what I call the ‘other side’ of living. These are the areas of our lives we are preoccupied with at night and, yet,
we’re never taught enough about these dominant aspects of human existence when growing up. Partly because of this lack of healthy exposure, we feel ill-equipped, embarrassed and quite helpless when
we personally stumble upon these difficult, challenging grey areas. We often feel swallowed whole by them.”
Samantha Lourie

“And sometimes...
Try walking in someone else's shoes.

It is not just about understanding their path; it's an immersive journey that reveals the intricate terrain of their experiences.

It's an empathy-driven exploration where you not only see the world through their eyes but also feel the echoes of their struggles and triumphs resonating with your own heartbeat.

In this shared odyssey, compassion becomes the compass guiding you through the diverse landscapes of human existence.
Try it.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Grey Valley
“In life's grand theater, we each play our part,
With some battles visible, others hidden in the heart.”
Grey Valley, The Book of Poems: Verses of the Heart

Grey Valley
“These unseen struggles,
etched in our collective soul,
Remind us of our shared journey,
making us whole.”
Grey Valley, The Book of Poems: Verses of the Heart

“This longing for explanation is timeless and universal. The common thread in these stories is that suffering rarely" is what it is. "More often than not, protagonists have to face challenges on their path before they can come out the other end and achieve peace, light, love, or another form of victory.”
Eveline Helmink, When a Loved One Has Dementia: A Comforting Companion for Family and Friends

Aaron Ozni
“Trusting the Lord Almighty in storms big and small.
Verbal faith is prayer through it all.”
Aaron Ozni, Voyage on Painted Words

“It is in the long hours of silence, pain and agony that wonders are born. A mother in the labor room doesn't think about the pain. Her strength to push is inspired by the beauty of the miracle that is to come! It's after the darkest of night, on the backs of the moments that bring us to our knees, that the strength of our souls is born and our hopes renewed! Don't give up, PUSH!”
Njau Kihia

“Keep praying for them, that they are learning, and that their struggles and obstacles are not the same ones, but new ones that are challenges they will overcome like those we overcame in the past.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte