Supportive Relationship Quotes

Quotes tagged as "supportive-relationship" Showing 1-20 of 20
Anthon St. Maarten
“Someone who truly loves you will never expect you to give up your goals, dreams or ambitions. They will encourage you, not hold you back.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Carrie Mac
“What can I do?" Salix pulled away. "Can I make you a cup of tea? Want to go for a walk?"

"I just want to stop worrying so much!" I can't even do anything, so what's the point? "

"You told me that you can't really help it, right?" She wiped my tears with her shirt.

I nodded.

"So worry. Just go ahead and worry. Worry as hard as you can, and then keep worrying."

"That sounds awful."

"But if you can't stop worrying, you have to figure out how to worry and keep living, right? We need to find you a really, really big box."

"What for?"

"Not a box. A backpack."


"For you to put your worries in, so that you can take them with you, and when you figure out how to not worry so much, you can get rid of them one at a time. And then the backpack will get lighter and lighter until you'll be so light you'll float off the ground."

I kissed her then, because there were no words for how much I liked her in that moment. Loved her, maybe.”
Carrie Mac, 10 Things I Can See From Here

Fredrik Backman
“Ove and Sonja are not perfect, but they are a harmonious couple. According to others, Ove and his wife together are like night and day. It is evident that Ove is night. This comparison does not irritate him. Ove is always a sad and unsociable person. However, his wife always amuses herself. Sonja affirms that Ove is night, because he is too stingy to burn the sun. Ove wonders why Sonja wants to be with him. She likes all sorts of abstract things – music, books and all kinds of wonderful words. Ove is a man of action. He likes screwdrivers and oil filters. Despite their dissimilitude and different perception of life, this couple love and support each other, because there is esteem between them.”
Fredrik Backman, A Man Called Ove

Karen Witemeyer
“I had a long talk with my husband last night,' Abigail explained, 'and he made me realize that I have to choose which voices to believe. I can believe the ones that tell me I'm not good enough or brave enough or pretty enough and let them skew my perception of events, or I can push aside that clamor and seek out the voice that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Karen Witemeyer, More Than Words Can Say

Jo Goodman
“You might just be able to make it, Alex,” he whispered, to give her strength. “And you might just be able to stop me,” she said, returning it.”
Jo Goodman, The Captain's Lady

Emily P. Freeman
“When we weren’t sure what to do next, we decided to intentionally gather a few people whom we loved in our house to listen to us say words and then see what they had to say back to us.”
Emily P. Freeman, The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions

“God, he loved this woman. Ever so gently, he titled her chin to his and lightly kissed her lips. It wasn't for lust or show, but simply for comfort, for both of them. He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the car.”
H.S. Howe, The Billionaire's Willed Wife

“God, he loved this woman. Ever so gently, he tilted her chin to his and lightly kissed her lips. It wasn't for lust or show, but simply for comfort, for both of them. He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the car.”
H.S. Howe, The Billionaire's Willed Wife

Lisa Kleypas
“It must have been a nightmare to learn you had a grown child you were never told about. It could have just as easily happened to Marcus, you know."
"Hard to imagine."
"Not really. No matter how careful one is, there's always a risk. As the mother of six children, I ought to know."
Sebastian sent her a bleak glance. "I always knew I'd have to pay for my sins in some future cosmic reckoning. But in my arrogance, it didn't occur to me that a man never bears the cost of his sins alone. The people around him --- especially those who love him --- have to pay as well. That's the worst part of it."
It was the most vulnerable he'd ever allowed himself to be with her.
When Lillian replied, her voice was uncommonly gentle. "Don't be unduly hard on yourself. Ever since you married Evie, you've tried to be the man she deserves. In fact, you've inhabited the role of a good man for so long, I think you may be growing into it. We become our choices, eventually.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

Emiko Jean
“I just never thought I'd belong anywhere," I whisper.
He strokes my jaw with his thumbs again. "Izumi, you are a world unto yourself. Build your own space. One meant uniquely for you." My thoughts exactly.”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Ever After

Hannah Brixton
“You don’t have to shrink yourself to fit into someone else’s story, Olena. You don’t have to keep apologizing for existing.”
Hannah Brixton, Hey Jude

Alana Albertson
“When Enrique had realized that Carolina might not be going home for Christmas Eve, he had snuck away to the gift shop in Carmel to get her a present. There hadn't been too many options, but he purchased a pretty butterfly necklace with matching earrings.
Once they were alone in the room, he took out the small wrapped box.
Her eyes lit up. "Enrique! You didn't have to get me anything."
He grinned. "I know. But I wanted to. Open it."
She carefully unwrapped the box. "Oh, mariposas! I love these. Gracias."
"You know, the butterfly represents rebirth. Carolina, you can do anything. I know you are struggling with what is going on with your family, but I want you to know that you are amazing, and I believe in you.”
Alana Albertson, Kiss Me, Mi Amor

Elizabeth Lim
“I didn't want to be an advisor in the first place."
"You didn't want to be a soldier, either," Shang reminded her. "But you turned out to be pretty good at it."
"Only pretty good?"
Shang smiled, and Mulan did, too. "You'll make a great advisor. You know how I know? Because you have the courage to do what you know is right rather than what others have told you to.”
Elizabeth Lim, A Twisted Tale Anthology