The Community Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-community" Showing 1-27 of 27
Finn Eccleston
“The mind forgets,” he told me, “but the body doesn’t.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Murder is the one thing the police are guaranteed to look into. And if it ties back to us, to me, then we’re sunk.
So no murder. We conduct business fairly.
We’re gentlemen.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“I was very responsible, and very mature. Travis says otherwise, but he’s not important right now.
We’re focused on me.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“I chose to do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Because this challenge is one I am willing to accept, unwilling to postpone, and one that I will face, and do so with success, so no one else has to.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Well, between the money you’re makin’ and whatever your mum has saved up, I’m sure I can convince him to help out. He likes helping people Steve, you know that.”
I shook my head and stood up. “He likes grooming prize dogs Becs, not feeding strays.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Don’t take too much from her. We’re criminals, not bad people.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Look, the old lady’s going to allow you in her house, hmmm? You think she’ll remember if a few groceries she bought are missing the next day? Hell, she probably won’t even remember buying them by the time she returns home.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“It has been said that I write with some of the best reasoning to ever grace the all-encompassing page that is mankind. Who said that, you ask? I did, of course.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Hell has different meanings for us all. For those non-religious types, Hell exists inside of us or all around us or some shit like that. For others, it depends on their previous experiences.
For some, a hard math test may be Hell. For others, a shootout may not meet the standards. So really, Hell is a broad spectrum of personal bias.
Either way you cut it, if this was Hell breaking loose, it was pretty tame.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“This is the part where we should have exchanged glances (from what I had gathered from my limited literature recollection, it added dramatic flair), but I was too intrigued by the staircase, and where it led, to look anywhere else.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“First time fucking driving and I fucking crash,” I muttered.
"Good thing is, it’s a minor dent,” piped the helpful back seat, “Mum probably won’t even notice it, her eyes as they are and all.”
“Thanks man. Makes me feel good about myself, taking advantage of your blind mom.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Seriously man, shut it.”
“Alright, alright. You’re the driver,” He raised his chip bag in toast, “My life is in your hands.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Jay?” I was shaken out of my memory.
I think my dignified response went something like “Mmfh?”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“She smiled at me with those brilliant sparkling eyes, the kind that draw you in, that take part of your soul. Her lips twitched halfway, egging me on to kiss her and complete the smile.
The smile was completed. We did not leave that parking lot for a while.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Seatbelts?” I said. She clicked hers in.
“Yes, old man.”
“Hey, safety first.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Why would we even come here?” his mouth asked from his knees.
“Because,” I spread my arms wide, “adventure.”
He shook his head at me. “You were always so dramatic.”
“I prefer grand. Now come on!”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Let’s just pause there for a moment. Ever seen a movie where everything moves in slow motion during an action scene? As if, for the character, it actually feels that way? Gives them time to think, to act, to look cool.
Take my situation, take what I just told you, and the exact opposite is true. It moved really fast. I did not think. I probably didn’t look very cool.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Marg muttered something under her breath. It was either “Who does he think he is?” or “I hope he has no kids.” Weird that I’d mix the two of those up.
You’re right. It was probably the sec…first one. First one.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“He turned to me. “All he needs is you buddy.”
I nodded, steeling myself. “Sometimes what you need is not what you should want.”
A lopsided grin was my response. “You can philosophize, or you can come with me.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“You know, it’s crazy what a little perspective can do to your life. For example…cotton candy is not as great as everyone makes it out to be. It’s better.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“I was so caught up in my thoughts I did not notice the wire till I got caught up in it. Right. Of course. Tomato patch. Those poor fruits. Or vegetables. Those poor fruitables. Those poor veguits.
I have too much time on my hands.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“The Council requests your presence.”
“Well I require breakfast.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“A guy can only walk the same hallway so many times. Besides, they were all dead when I did it anyways. No pain. Just fun.”
“You’re sick.”
“Sickness is contagious. Be sure to cover your mouth, or else you might catch it.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Where’s your friend?”
“Jerry hasss nooo, er, ahem,” he cleared his throat. “Jerry has no friends. Just me.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“It is quite beautiful, that level of death, although to some it could be considered nightmarish. Whatda see old pal? Do you see death? Is he waiting at your doorstep for you and ya kin? Does he carrya scythe? Is he hooded like the healers? Or are you fortunate enough to gaze upon his face? Do you see an old, wrinkled man there? Eyes the only thing darker than his skin, with his hair in stark contrast? You kow what they say, black isn’t a colour, but a shade. Void of all colour, just like my pal there is void of all life.
Or do you see a young man hell bent on revenge, trying to bring a loved one back from the grave? Trying so hard he will put every living soul in the ground to lift his love out of it? Is he pissed off that he can grant death, but the one thing he wants, life, is out of his grasp? Does he speak to you at night? When you sleep, with all the lights out, does he glide silently to your bedside and touch you? Does it hurt? Or do you not feel anything, just close your eyes and never open them again? Do you fear death, Steven?”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“Ah yes, of course, Spiders. Is it their size? Do you fear the ones you cannot see, dunnot sense until they bite you and you die a horrible, painful death? Or would you prefer a giant, fist-sized one? One that towers above buildings like in an old shit-show production? I quite think you would.
Now personally, one of my least favourite thing about spiders is their fangs. You see, their fangs are a mixture of rat’s fur and small dragon teeth. They manage to be sharp, deadly, and disgustingly hairy. Oh, and the colour of death. It makes me shiver just to think about those pincers closing in on a nice, fleshy, alive part of my body. I do think I’d be forced to amputate or decapitate. Possibly both.
Anywhore, their fangs aren’t what get most people. It’s their eyes. Kinda creepy, don’t ya think? We have two, they have….well, too many ov’em. Would you like to see yourself reflected umpteenth times in a spider’s trippily reflective little eyes? Right before they smile and their fangs grab ya that is. No? I should hope not. You also have the venom and that shifty way they move to consider. Venom can kill anything, no matter how tough or large they are. And the whole eight legs shuffly shifty quicky thing just spooks the shit outta me mate. Death and spiders. They’re pretty much the same thing to some. Some being me, of course. Then again, I’m quite normal.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

Finn Eccleston
“It is quite effective what they’ve done to the boundary though, isn’t it? S’pose you see a pack of wolves too, don’t ya? Pure white, whiter than the snow, teeth whiter. Blood dripping from their fangs, eyes just as red. Their eyes mini volcanoes of an unquenched thirst ready to erupt underneath the surface. Perhaps even a full moon in the background, and a werewolf transforming nearby. All of them united in their quest, their desire, their utter passion to rip ya throat out.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community