The Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-mind" Showing 1-30 of 78
“Rule your mind or it will rule you.”

Blaise Pascal
“Le coeur a ses raisons que le raison ne connaît point.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Gillian Flynn
“Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it. I drank more and continued my mantra. 'Stop thinking', swig, 'empty your head', swig, 'now, seriously empty your head'.”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Emily Dickinson
“A letter always seemed to me like immortality because it is the mind alone without corporeal friend.”
Emily Dickinson

John Burdett
“You don't understand. I only prostitute the part of the body that isn't important, and nobody suffers except my karma a little bit. I don't do big harm. You prostitute your mind. Mind is seat of Buddha. What you do is very very bad. You should not use your mind in that way”
John Burdett, Bangkok Tattoo

C.G. Jung
“As understanding deepens, the further removed it becomes from knowledge.”
C.G. Jung, The Essential Jung: Selected Writings

A.D. Aliwat
“The human mind has a fantastic ability to trick itself out of its own best interests when pride is involved.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Jeanette Winterson
“The cities of the interior are vast and do not lie on any map.”
Jeanette Winterson, The Passion

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A dream is a short trip into the mind’s museum.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“To think is to dilute the sweetness of life; or, worse, to make it bitter.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

A.D. Aliwat
“Connection is in the mind.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

John Ruskin
“Anything which elevates the mind is sublime, and elevation of mind is produced by the contemplation of greatness of any kind, whether of matter, space, power, beauty or virtue.”
John Ruskin

Cormac McCarthy
“It’s easier to remember two things than one. It’s why it’s easier to remember the words of a song than the words of a poem. For instance. The music is an armature upon which you assemble the words.”
Cormac McCarthy, Stella Maris

M.J. Croan
“It is one thing to be free; to be ignorant and free is to be imprisoned.”
M.J. Croan

“If society says let go of the mind for it is a strangler in search for fools gold, would you listen to a life full of empty vessels or protect your ship for pirates are deviant thieves?”
Pablo Baez

“If a book full of answers sits waiting on a shelve, where does a book of questions sit?”
Pablo Baez

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The mind does not exist; it happens, and sometimes.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“In consciousness, all realities exist only because the mind is in movement. When the mind becomes completely still, then the reality made possible by the senses, memories, ideas, fears, hopes, and dreams comes to an end. And so does conflict..”
Vic Shayne, Consciousness: The Potentiality of All Existence: Exploring reality and belief as a subjective experience

“The mind and brain enable us to be aware of the thoughts and actions that seem to arise and fall, but they do not create consciousness. They are effects of consciousness. All that comes and goes does so within this soup of consciousness.”
Vic Shayne, Consciousness: The Potentiality of All Existence: Exploring reality and belief as a subjective experience

A.D. Aliwat
“Our breath serves the mind, not the other way around.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

James Hauenstein
“Ever Since I Discovered How Reading Stimulates The Mind's Imagination, I Have Never Stopped Reading”
James Hauenstein

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Our problems stop existing whenever we stop thinking.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Marilynne Robinson
“Ideological thinking - that is in thinking that is by definition not one's own, which is blind to experience and to the contradictions that arise when broader fields of knowledge are consulted - is a capitulation no one should ever make. It is a betrayal of our magnificent minds and of all the splendid resources our culture has prepared for their use.”
Marilynne Robinson, What Are We Doing Here?

Delphi Ellis
“Thoughts are like hiccups:
They arrive out of nowhere.
They're hard to get rid of, no matter what you do.
And they get annoying after a while; the more you try to suppress them the louder they get.”
Delphi Ellis, Answers in the Dark

“I would rather win the war within my mind, than go through war within my actions.”
Craig Majors

“I would rather win the war within my mind, than go to war through my actions.”
Craig Majors

Eckhart Tolle
“According to the Buddha, the human mind in its normal state generates" dukkha, "which can be translated as suffering, unsatisfactoriness, or just plain misery. He sees it as a characteristic of the human condition. Wherever you go, whatever you do, says the Buddha, you will encounter dukkha, and it will manifest in every situation sooner or later.”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Ana Maria Santuario
“The world fudges with your mind, that elusive thing that we know exists, but learn very little about.”
Ana Maria Santuario, FAITH, In Stories That Change

Mitta Xinindlu
“The mind knows know limitations, but your body does.”
Mitta Xinindlu

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