Threads Quotes

Quotes tagged as "threads" Showing 1-14 of 14
Kate McGahan
“Like the cat who finds her way back home over a thousand miles, like the dog who waits for his master to arrive on the train that never comes, like the one who keeps a vigil at her master’s grave until she too can cross the bridge, some people and their pets are woven together by threads of life and they cannot, and will not, for long be separated.”
Kate McGahan

Hilary Mantel
“He saw that it was the gaps that were important, the spaces between the threads which made the pattern, and not the threads themselves.”
Hilary Mantel, A Place of Greater Safety

Penny Reilly
“...where your mind flows”
Penny Reilly, Silver's Threads, Book 1 Spinning Colours Darkly

Courtney M. Privett
“Our lives were a complex tapestry, and our woven strands were only meant to intersect at a small number of points in the time-conceived whole. An embroidered starburst, a missed warp, a complicated notion on the loom of time. We were always together, but meant to live our majorities apart, two golden threads wandering through a haunted textile life.”
Courtney M. Privett, Mayfly Requiem

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“A poet is someone whose words can grasp & pull the thread of a person's soul & make them unravel with delight.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Nell Gavin
“He cannot freshly harm me here, and for that I am grateful, but the harm he previously inflicted reverberates and grows. There is nothing to heal it but time. Even here, there is no other cure for heartbreak. I wish that death were a magical cure for all that ailed my spirit in life; it is one more thing I expected and found false. I arrive with the same baggage I carried with me in life. There is nowhere to lay it down here either, no more than a woman with child can lay aside her babe before its birth, for it is within me. I am as I was, just not encumbered with flesh.”
Nell Gavin

Judith Cosby
“Life requires work, planning, and progression to keep in step with future growth. But it is the appreciation of time that makes our life invaluable. In doing so, time is temporarily halted, captured in the moments colored by the beauty and love that surrounds us.

Take the time to enjoy the view. Don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on what's important in life and try not to let time dictate the pace of the journey.”
Judith Cosby, Weaving Threads of Gratitude Journal

Christine Feehan
“We take happiness when and where we can get it. One has nothing to do with the other. you know that. Intellectually, you know that is the truth. One can still be grieving and yet have a moment of shared laughter or passion. There is no guilt in living when you have lost so much. You live for them. You make your life count. You live to keep their memory alive. You live for yourself. It's all wrapped up together. We are part of the universe and it is vast. We are small, insignificant in the tapestry, yet we are there. A part of something larger. One false pull of that thread and everything could unravel.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Sentinel

Oscar Wilde
“Threads snap.You would lose your way in the labyrinth.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Karen Lord
“And what happens when all the threads of the tapestry have been traveled? Do you then go over them again and again in an attempt to relive the best parts? Because nothing will be like that first experience. Nothing.”
Karen Lord, Unraveling

Esther M. Friesner
“He shrugged. 'If we keep pulling threads, trying to see which ones make the pattern, we unravel the cloth and left with nothing but tangles. Let's have no more talk of debts.' He cocked his head and studied my ash-smeared hair and face. 'On second thought, you do owe me the tale of how you contrived my rescue. May Lugh give me the art to do it justice!”
Esther M. Friesner, Deception's Princess

Sakoon Singh
“Two kingfishers frolicking amidst branches of a small fig tree. Fleshy petals with streaks of pale yellow hiding a spread of fine black dots, embroidered in gradient with dark shades of saffron gradually giving way to yellow. Two birds alighting from the flower bush: one with its spindly beak, looking upwards- wings spread out, over sized head with a gay blue breast. The creature looked skywards, poised for a higher flight. The one below hovered over stalks of lilies. Its prussian blue head highlighted with lighter shades of blue and its orange body tapering in a stubby tail. One more fig blossom seemingly at a distance from the main frame looked more of a spectral double of its full bodied cousin, while a whole array of vegetation with stalky leaves seen two notches away as shadows embroidered in grey.”
Sakoon Singh, In The Land of The Lovers

Laurence Galian
“The physical world is like an exquisite Persian Carpet, and Spirit is like the threads that make up the carpet. Spirit then is the ground of our being.”
Laurence Galian, Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence

Judith Cosby
“The gift of the Threads of the Spirit is to believe that in every stitch that is placed within our tapestry, it has a divine hand guiding it along. Although the paths and choices we opt to follow may be of our own design, it is with His loving hand that we are able to stitch our worries and burdens with steadfast faith. In giving it up to God and praying for His assistance, our tapestry's picture is forever forged with ethereal designs and guidance.”
Judith Cosby, Spirit Threads: Messages of hope and healing