Trans Rights Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trans-rights" Showing 1-19 of 19
Sarah McBride
“When you've never felt like you really belonged somewhere, it's almost impossible to know what it will feel like to finally feel at home.”
Sarah McBride, Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality

Angela Y. Davis
“[Trans women] have to fight to be included within the category “woman” in a way that is not dissimilar from the earlier struggles of Black women and women of color who were assigned the gender female at birth.”
Angela Y. Davis, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

Adam Snowflake
“I've been sexually assaulted, physically attacked, felt unsafe in my own house, and nearly killed myself because I'm transgender. Now I'm not saying that its the same struggle as racism. But what I will say is that if people are intentionally ignorant you can't fight them with words. Sometims you have to fight back. Or scream. And you know what. That's life. Despite the lies you may have been told no one won their rights by asking for them nicely. People fought for them. So ya I'm sorry if what I said may" offend "a few white people, but I'm going to fuking say it anyways.”
Adam Snowflake

Meredith Russo
“What I deserved and what I could expect from life were two different things.”
Meredith Russo, If I Was Your Girl

Pénélope Bagieu
“Stories of the brave, glamorous girl stopped selling so the press changed its angle and turned mean (and dumb);" transvestite "," degenerate ", etc. Magazines start to use the pronouns" he "to refer to Christine”
Pénélope Bagieu, Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World

Abhijit Naskar
“The Gender Sonnet

Woman means not weakling, but wonder.
Woman means not obstinate, but original.
Woman means not man-slave, but mother.
Woman means not amorous, but amiable.
Woman means not neurotic, but nimble.
Man mustn't mean medieval, but moral.
Man mustn't mean abusive, but affable.
Man mustn't mean nefarious, but noble.
Trans doesn't mean titillating, but tenacious.
Trans doesn't mean riff-raff, but radiant.
It doesn't mean abhorrent, but affectionate.
It ain't nasty and sick, but nerved and sentient.
Gender has no role in society except in bed.
Person is known by character, not dongs 'n peaches.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

“The only reason they tolerated the transgender community in some of these movements was because we were gung-ho, we were front liners. We didn’t take no shit from nobody. We had nothing to lose. You all had rights. We had nothing to lose. I’ll be the first one to step on any organization, any
politician’s toes if I have to, to get the rights for my community.”
Sylvia Rivera, Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR): Survival, Revolt, and Queer Antagonist Struggle

“This is not a story which denies trans identities; nor that argues trans people deserve to lead anything other than happy lives, free of harassment, with access to good healthcare. This is a story about the underlying safety of an NHS service, the adequacy of the care it provides and its use of poorly evidenced treatments on some of the most vulnerable young people in society. And how so many people sat back, watched, and did nothing.”
Hannah Barnes, Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock's Gender Service for Children

Devon  Price
“When Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling published the piece" TERF Wars "on her blog in the summer of 2020, she specifically mentioned her fear that many transgender men are actually Autistic girls who weren't conventionally feminine, and have been influenced by transactivists on the internet into identifying out of womanhood. In presenting herself as defending disabled" girls, "she argued for restricting young trans Autistic people's ability to self-identity and access necessary services and health care.
Rowling's perspective (which she shares with many gender critical folks) is deeply dehumanising to both the trans and Autistic communities.”
Devon Price, Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity

Courtney Carola
“the real problem is
dogs can take a piss in public
but human beings are still fighting to”
Courtney Carola, Have Some Pride: A Collection of LGBTQ+ Inspired Poetry

Mitta Xinindlu
“You cannot continue to have ONLY TWO gender specific categories in any field anymore. We need to open up the spaces and recognise other genders too. In your SHOWS, have Trans categories. Have Gay categories. Have men categories. Have Women categories. And so on. INCLUDE EVERYBODY.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“The existence of trans people presents a threat to one of the central tenets of the white-supremacist, capitalist state - that we all need to just accept our place within its violent system.”
Cradle Community, Brick By Brick: How We Build a World Without Prisons

“Trans people's counter-conception of gender as a joyful and imaginative experience rattles these 'trans-exclusionary radical feminists' or TERFs, for whom gender is simply indicative of one's biologically defined position in a hierarchy of violence.”
Cradle Community, Brick By Brick: How We Build a World Without Prisons

“Your failure as a parent isn’t finding out that your child is transgender, (that wasn’t anyone's choice) the failure is that they couldn’t trust you enough to tell you.”
Bryan (Nyrhalahotep) Hardbarger

It's time to celebrate lesbian diversity, not give in to transphobia or let the patriarchy
“It's time to celebrate lesbian diversity, not give in to transphobia or let the patriarchy silence us.”
Ella Braidwood

Trans and gender non-conforming people have stood by lesbians throughout the gay rights movement. We now
“Trans and gender non-conforming people have stood by lesbians throughout the gay rights movement. We now need to support them as they fight for their equality.”
Ella Braidwood

“There is no such thing as free speech absolutism. It’s really just an opportunity to use hate speech and the denigration of minorities.”
Gina Gwenffrewi (Ed.)

“I’m fascinated by this idea that the parliament has become too focused on ‘woke issues’ at the expense of what the public really care about, because the implication of that is that any minority group that needs protected aren’t the public, the public are whatever the majority group is.

If we govern on the basis of that, we would only be governing for straight, white, middle-aged men, who deserve good government like everybody else.”
Ross Greer

Shon Faye
“Together, an LGBTQ+ coalition with class consciousness and anti-racism at its core must recover its radicalism and reaffirm its opposition to capitalism and patriarchy. Infighting and division are in the interests of our right-wing oppressors. Gay people and trans people have had to battle similar arguments about being" unnatural ": homophobia still often rests on the prejudice that the worthiest form of sexuality is that which is capable of reproduction. Transphobia, too, emanates from prejudice that a person's stated identity is more trustworthy if it reflects their" natural "role in human reproduction. Similarly, cisgender women's reproductive freedom is the first thing to be curbed by conservative regimes. Misogyny, homophobia and transphobia share much of the same DNA. To the patriarchy, we all do gender wrong.”
Shon Faye, The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice