Traumatizing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "traumatizing" Showing 1-9 of 9
Mary H.K. Choi
“Loving someone was traumatizing. You never knew what would happen to them out there in the world. Everything precious was also vulnerable.”
Mary H.K. Choi, Emergency Contact

C.J. Roberts
“He was the monster that no one thought to look for in the light of day. It was a common mistake. People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety - like light - is a facade. Underneath, the whole world is drenched in darkness.”
C.J. Roberts

Leah Stewart
“I was traumatizing her. I could only hope that at three she was too young to retain any of this in memory, that in the years to follow I could make up for any future need for therapy I was creating now. Could I? Or would she always have a deep insecurity, the kind that send people careening from one disastrous romance to the next? And why did I have to live my life obsessed with these kinds of concerns, this constant attempt to control the most uncertain of outcomes, my own effect on someone else's mind?”
Leah Stewart, Husband and Wife

Viv Albertine
“Daddy, I want to be a pop singer when I grow up.’ There, it’s out, I’ve dared to voice my dream, to say it out loud. Dad is the only adult I know who has some interest in music, even if it is Petula Clark, and now I've told him, I've taken the first step towards making my dream real. Dad will know what to do, how to get me started, point me in the right direction.
'You're not chic enough.' I don't know what the word chic means but I know what he means. I understand from the tone of his voice that I'm having ideas about myself that are way above my looks, capabilities and charms, and I believe him. He must be right, he’s my father.
Dad and I walk along in silence. I think, He didn’t ask me if I can sing - but obviously that doesn’t matter. I’m just not chic enough.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

Caroline Peckham
“Well, as I was saying," Pudding went on. "My silver spoon collection was my most prized hoard at the time, but my brother Theodore had had his eye on it for many years. He was always after my spoons. And one day...he got them." He sighed heavily. "And it was very, very, very... very traumatising.”
Caroline Peckham, Alpha Wolf

Antonieta Contreras
“Trauma can be defined in terms of the relationship you establish with an event.
Becoming traumatized depends on how your system responds to the way you perceive, interpret, and interact with the events you experience as overwhelming/shocking/threatening.
Trauma is not the event itself!”
Antonieta Contreras, Traumatization and Its Aftermath: A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Treating Trauma Disorders

Antonieta Contreras
“Traumatic is whatever action, event, or circumstance has the potential to jeopardize one's life or physical/mental/social unity. An appraisal that depends on the subjectivity of each one of us.”
Antonieta Contreras, Traumatization and Its Aftermath: A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Treating Trauma Disorders

Antonieta Contreras
“An event only becomes 'traumatizing' at a specific point: when we are personally affected by it—whether in actuality or perception.”
Antonieta Contreras, Traumatization and Its Aftermath: A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Treating Trauma Disorders

Antonieta Contreras
“It's the person's subjective perception of danger that determines whether an incident is traumatizing or not.”
Antonieta Contreras, Traumatization and Its Aftermath: A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Treating Trauma Disorders