Twilight Quotes

Quotes tagged as "twilight" Showing 61-90 of 311
Stephenie Meyer
“But I’ll never see anyone else, Bella. I only see you. Even when I close my eyes and try to see something else. Ask Quil or Embry. It drives them all crazy”
Stephenie Meyer

T.S. Eliot
“The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.”
T.S. Eliot

Stephenie Meyer
“What is a valid reason for someone to love someone else? Since apparently I’m doing it wrong.”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Robert Grudin
“We are not great connoisseurs of the two twilights. We miss the dawning, exclusably enough, by sleeping through it, and are as much strangers to the shadowless welling-up of day as to the hesitant return of consciousness in our slowly waking selves. But our obliviousness to evening twilight is less understandable. Why do we almost daily ignore a spectacle (and I do not mean sunset but rather the hour, more or less, afterward) that has a thousand tonalities, that alters and extends reality, that offers, more beautifully than anything man-made, a visual metaphor or peace? To say that it catches us at busy or tired moments won't do; for in temperate latitudes it varies by hours from solstice to solstice. Instead I suspect that we shun twilight because if offers two things which, as insecurely rational beings, we would rather not appreciate: the vision of irrevocable cosmic change (indeed, change into darkness), and a sense of deep ambiguity—of objects seeming to be more, less, other than we think them to be. We are noontime and midnight people, and such devoted camp-followers of certainly that we cannot endure seeing it mocked and undermined by nature.

There is a brief period of twilight of which I am especially fond, little more than a moment, when I see what seems to be color without light, followed by another brief period of light without color. The earlier period, like a dawn of night, calls up such sights as at all other times are hidden, wistful half-formless presences neither of day nor night, that draw up with them similar presences in the mind.”
Robert Grudin, Time and the Art of Living

Kevin Smith
“Stop…stop, that’s the next generation of fans… How dare you pass judgment on those 12-year-old girls who like vampires! They need to be encouraged because in six years they’ll be 18-year-old girls who like vampires and are into all sorts of goth-permissive and whatnot. Don’t Poo-poo it. There’s a plan, and it’s working.”
Kevin Smith

Stephenie Meyer
“That's certainly a problem. But that's not what I was thinking of. It's just that you are so soft, so fragile. I have to mind my actions every moment that we're together so that I don't hurt you. I could kill you quite easily, Bella, simply by accident." His voice had become just a soft murmur. He moved his icy palm to rest it against my cheek. "If I was too hasty… if for one second I wasn't paying enough attention, I could reach out, meaning to touch your face, and crush your skull by mistake. You don't realize how
incredibly breakable you are. I can never, never afford to lose any kind of control when I'm with you.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Maureen Johnson
“I looked at the stained-glass image of the lamb in the window above me, but that only reminded me that lambs are famous for being led to slaughter, or sometimes hanging out with lions in ill-advised relationships.”
Maureen Johnson, The Name of the Star

Erin Hunter
“Squirrelflight rested her tail on his shoulder, urging him to lie still until his injuries could be treated. Brambleclaw led Stormfur and Brook up to Firestar.
The Clan leader's eyes stretched wide in surprise. "Stormfur...and Brook! What are you doing here?"
"There'll be time to explain later," Stormfur meowed. "For now, Firestar, put us to work.”
Erin Hunter, Twilight

Stephenie Meyer
“I thought you were supposed to be pretending I don’t exist, not irritating me to death.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“So what are you going to tell her?"
"A little help?" I pleaded. "What does she want to know?"
He shook his head, grinning wickedly. "That's not fair."
"No, you not sharing what you know-now that's not fair.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Stephenie Meyer
“I can do this, I lied to myself feebly. No one was going to bite me.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Stephenie Meyer
“I grinned at him, feeling more enthusiastic about my plan now that he was on board. Rosalie was a pain, but I would always owe her one for choosing Emmett; no one had a better brother than mine.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“The bottom line is that you have to choose who you are going to commit to-- that's the foundation of true love, not the lack of other options”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“I don't see how that is any of your business." Stupid, shiny Volvo owner.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“One of the many hazards of socializing with vampires. It makes you smell bad. A minor hazard, comparatively.”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“She’s just a little faint,” I reassured Mrs. Hammond. “They’re blood typing in biology.”
She nodded, understanding now. “There’s always one.”
I stifled a laugh. Trust Bella to be that one.”
Stephenie Meyer

Neil Gaiman
“I think that there should have been some nice wumpires," said my sister, wistfully. "Nice, handsome, misunderstood wumpires."
"There were not," said my father.”
neil gaiman, Fortunately, the Milk

Kathryn Lasky
“What is a fleecy as a cloud,
As majestic and shimmering as the breaking dawn,
As gorgeous as the sun the sun is strong?
Why, it's ME!
Twilight, the Great Gray,
Tiger of the sky ---
Light of the Night, Most beautiful,
An avian delight.
I beam ---
I gleam ---
I'm a livin' flying dream.
Watch me roll off this cloud and pop on back.
This is flying.
I ain't no hack.”
Kathryn Lasky, The Journey

Stephenie Meyer
“I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

C.T. Todd
“No shifting in my car Blake,I don't want slobber all over my seats." Neesa”
C.T. Todd

Ysabeau S. Wilce
“People keep asking" Jacob or Edward? "when the really important question is" Diamond Dave or Sammy?”
Ysabeau S. Wilce

Munia Khan
“Live to revel in just another twilight. Life may sink and disappear along with the sunset never to rise again”
Munia Khan

Kathryn Lasky
“We're going to bash them birds,
Them rat-feathered birds.
Them bad-butt owls ain't never heard
'Bout Gylfie, Soren, Dig, and Twilight
Just let them get to feel my bite
Their li'l ole gizzards gonna turn to pus
And our feathers hardly mussed.
Oh, me. Oh, my. They gonna cry.
One look at Twilight,
They know they're gonna die.
I see fear in their eyes
And that ain't all.
They know that Twilight's got the gall.
Gizzard with gall that makes him great
And every bad owl gonna turn to bait.”
Kathryn Lasky, The Journey

Stephenie Meyer
“You'd think I was shoving bamboo splinters under your nails. (Alice from Twilight)”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Dan       Brown
“Outside the window, a bank of clouds appeared on the horizon, inching slowly across the sky, finally slipping across the Moon and blocking out its radiant light. As he clicked off his overhead light, he turned his eyes one last time to the heavens. Outside, in the newly fallen darkness, the world had been transformed. The sky had become a glistening tapestry of stars.”
Dan Brown

Stefan Zweig
“She could be lively only in the midst of life; in isolation she dwindled to a shadow.”
Stefan Zweig, The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig

Stephenie Meyer
“I miss you when you’re not there. When you’re happy, it makes me happy. But I could say the same thing about Charlie, Jacob. You’re family. I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Patrick Leigh Fermor
“Scattered with poppies, the golden-green waves of the cornfields faded. The red sun seemed to tip one end of a pair of scales below the horizon, and simultaneously to lift an orange moon at the other. Only two days off the full, it rose behind a wood, swiftly losing its flush as it floated up, until the wheat loomed out of the twilight like a metallic and prickly sea.”
Patrick Leigh Fermor, Between the Woods and the Water

“But I love YOU, Edweird. Sure, I'll probably hook up with Yakob in Eclipse. After all, you're going to leave me for roughly three hundred pages. But that's neither here nor there. You and I were meant to be together. I mean you, me and sometimes Yakob...and sometimes just Yakob and me, but mostly you and me. That's just the way I always dreamed it should be, you want to marry me. We'll marry."
"Hmmm," said Edweird thoughtfully after a long pause. "You know, I'm actually getting kind of tired of Yakob, if you want to know the truth. I mean, seriously, going steady with the same guy for half a century can make a stale relationship. Maybe it's time we see other people. You really set me straight on this, Stella. I want to thank you for makin me see this whole vampire-werewolf relationship thing more clearly."
Edweird then turned to Yakob, who had remained silent throughout. "It's over between us, toots.”
Stephen Jenner, Twilite: A Parody

“Hell, if someome wrote a book about you, well, it'd sell a million copies the day it was released. And if someone else was clever enough to write a parody - you know, to privide som comic relief during these extremely difficult economic times - that would probably be an even bigger seller, or at least it shoud be. So, just come clean with me, Ed. Your secret's safe with me, and whoever reads my internet blog. You...are...a...vampire!”
Stephen Jenner, Twilite: A Parody