Twilight Quotes

Quotes tagged as "twilight" Showing 151-180 of 311
Kawai Strong Washburn
“But that's the problem with the present, it's never the thing you're holding, only the thing you're watching, later, from a distance so great the memory might as well be a spill of stars outside a window at twilight.”
Kawai Strong Washburn, Sharks in the Time of Saviors

Florian Armas
“It’s the end of the day, but it feels like dawn, and a new beginning. It comes to me that both twilight periods are, in fact, symmetrical events on opposite sides of midnight, a cycle of endless creation and destruction, an Ouroboros.”
Florian Armas, The Shamans at the End of Time

Stephenie Meyer
“This was the time of the day when i most wished i were able to sleep. High school.
Or was purgatory the right word? If there were any way to atone for my
sins, this ought to count toward the tally in some measure. The tedium was
not something I grew used to; every day seemed more impossibly
monotonous than the last.
Perhaps this could even be considered my form of sleep—if sleep was
defined as the inert state between active periods.”
Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun

Elle Kennedy
“Hey. You know Twilight?”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
“Twilight. The vampire book.”
His wary eyes study my face. “What about it?” “Okay, so you know how Bella’s blood is extra special? Like how it gives Edward a raging boner every time he’s around her?”
“Are you fucking with me right now?”
I ignore that. “Do you think it happens in real life? Pheromones and all that crap. Is it a bullshit theory some horndog dreamed up so he could justify why he’s attracted to his mother or some shit? Or is there actually a biological reason why we’re drawn to certain people? Like goddamn Twilight. Edward wants her on a biological level, right?”
“Are you seriously dissecting Twilight right now?”
Elle Kennedy, The Score

Elizabeth Bard
“I love the way the rain melts the colors together, like a chalk drawing on the sidewalk. There is a moment, just after sunset, when the shops turn on their lights and steam starts to fog up the windows of the cafés. In French, this twilight time implies a hint of danger. It's calledentre chien et loup,between the dog and the wolf.
It was just beginning to get dark as we walked through the small garden of Palais Royal. We watched as carefully dressed children in toggled peacoats and striped woolen mittens finished the same game of improvised soccer we had seen in the Place Sainte Marthe.
Behind the Palais Royal the wide avenues around the Louvre gave way to narrow streets, small boutiques, and bistros. It started to drizzle. Gwendal turned a corner, and tucked in between two storefronts, barely wider than a set of double doors, I found myself staring down a corridor of fairy lights. A series of arches stretched into the distance, topped with panes of glass, like a greenhouse, that echoed the plip-plop of the rain. It was as if we'd stepped through the witch's wardrobe, the phantom tollbooth, what have you, into another era.
The Passage Vivienne was nineteenth-century Paris's answer to a shopping mall, a small interior street lined with boutiques and tearooms where ladies could browse at their leisure without wetting the bustles of their long dresses or the plumes of their new hats.
It was certainly a far cry from the shopping malls of my youth, with their piped-in Muzak and neon food courts. Plaster reliefs of Greek goddesses in diaphanous tunics lined the walls. Three-pronged brass lamps hung from the ceiling on long chains.
About halfway down, there was an antique store selling nothing but old kitchenware- ridged ceramic bowls for hot chocolate, burnished copper molds in the shape of fish, and a pewter mold for madeleines, so worn around the edges it might have belonged to Proust himself. At the end of the gallery, underneath a clock held aloft by two busty angels, was a bookstore. There were gold stencils on the glass door.Maison fondée en 1826.”
Elizabeth Bard, Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Recipes

Aspen Matis
“Bright yellow lemons twinkled in the twilight sun on a terrace tree, and far beyond my window, San Francisco lay, flat like a pastel toy.”
Aspen Matis, Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir

Jasleen Kaur Gumber
“Who will you nurture and who will you doom?
Because in those enchanting twilights,
I will be the wolf, and I will be the moon.”
Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Edward St. Aubyn
“He had to have her, he definitely had to have her. She was not merely the latest object on which his greedy desire to be saved had fixed itself; no, she was the woman who was going to save him. The woman whose fine intelligence and deep sympathy and divine body, yes, whose divine body would successfully deflect his attention from the gloomy well shaft of his feelings and the contemplation of his past.”
Edward St. Aubyn, Bad News

Laurence Galian
“The English language has such terms as: dawn, dusk, first light, daybreak, twilight, crepuscule and evenfall. Yet, not one of these terms outlines an absolute demarcation point between dark and light.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Stephenie Meyer
“On this she was very decided." Black licorice and Sour Patch Kids. "I smiled at her enthusiasm.”
Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun

Stephenie Meyer
“—¿Es que realmente no te das cuenta de lo importante que eres para mí? ¿Tienes alguna idea de cuánto te quiero?
Me apretó más fuerte contra su pecho duro acomodando mi cabeza bajo su barbilla. Presioné los labios contra su cuello frío como la nieve.
—Lo que sí sé es cuánto te quiero yo —repuse.
—Eso es comprar un árbol con todo un bosque.
Puse los ojos en blanco, pero el no pudo verme.

•Ultimátum, 41”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“[...] —. Es irrelevante. Tú eres Jacob, él es Edward y yo, Bella. Todo los demás no importa.
Entornó levemente los ojos.
—Pero yo soy un licántropo —repuso de mala gana—, y él es un vampiro —agregó con obstinada repugnancia.
—¡Y yo soy virgo! —grite, exasperada.

•Imprimación, 137”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“[...] estreché sus dedos con los míos aún con más energía deseando tener suficiente fuerza para mantener enlazadas nuestras manos para siempre.

•Instrucción, 388”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“[...] Me recuerda a" el sueño de una noche de verano "y al caos que desatan los hechizos de amor de las hadas. Es una especie de magia —sonrió—. Casi tan fuerte como lo que yo siento por ti.

•Egoísmo, 417”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Munia Khan
“As I keep on running
the sun goes down kissing me Good Night
with those twilight-lips
And in the dark,
moonlight becomes my night’s transport
on which I ride on behind the mountain trails”
Munia Khan, Fireclay

John Cowper Powys
“The grey sky had changed a little in character now. It was dimly interspersed with twinkling points of pale luminosity. Most of these points were so blurred and indistinct that it would have been hard to catch them again at a second glance in the same position in the vast ether. They were like nothing on earth; and to nothing on earth could they be compared. They were the stars, not of the night but of the twilight.”
John Cowper Powys, A Glastonbury Romance

Robert Browning
“Like a god going through his world, there stands
One mountain for a moment in the dusk.”
Robert Browning, Pippa Passes

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Some people love the twilight time because either they want to see the world vaguely or they want to be seen vaguely by the world!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“the little plot of dirt around the mailbox, the cemetery of all the flowers she’d tried to grow.”
Stephanie Meyer

Sakoon Singh
“They had to start back soon. They were already way behind schedule. Sitting silently on the rear of his bike, she threw back her head, letting the wind run through her hair. It was twilight and she could see the mountains turn into dark indistinct shapes, which together with the spark of lights from a distance, looked strangely mystical. She moved closer to Himmat at this point and instinctively put her arm around his waist. For an instant he released his hand from the bike to touch her arm and put it more firmly in place. She bent forward, resting her whole body on the curve of his back. She could feel his rising and falling breath. The dark of the twilight closed on to their gliding silhouettes.”
Sakoon Singh, In The Land of The Lovers

Asher Sharol
“They had ventured out into the chilly night with the sole intention of slaughtering as many humans as they could find and feasting on their blood. There had been a time (perhaps after he had killed his fiftieth victim) when he had thought he had finally acquired the state. The rush was unprecedented; the euphoria engulfed him as he and Jo shattered the dreams of the innocent. They cackled like hyenas as their blood-mania rendered them bestial.”
Asher Sharol, Vampires of Twilight Castle

Corinne Beenfield
“Out there in the chrysanthemum light, the day was at its best. The sun was setting later and later, leaving behind a strange way of making the time fade away and nearly disappear, as though night truly wouldn’t come.
Helen looked to the side at Stuart. He seemed different in this lighting, both stronger and softer than usual. Like salt, the time of day made everything he was more rich and intense. His eyes met hers and he turned, his full body facing her. With a single step, he was standing closer to her than he ever had before, the space between them nearly as small as the space between heartbeats.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter:

Emil M. Cioran
“All twilights are on my side.”
Emil M. Cioran, Tears and Saints

Lynn S. Zubernis
“As the public shaming of the Twihard moms for their display of desire illustrates, one of the sources of shame for women is the culture's containment of and discomfort with female sexuality.”
Lynn S. Zubernis, Fandom At The Crossroads: Celebration, Shame and Fan/Producer Relationships

Edward P. Jones
“It was twilight and the stars were quite evident in the sky. The moon, still low, was behind Skiffington and only Barnum could see it.”
Edward P. Jones, The Known World

Lindy West
“One thing you can say about Twilight is that it is not boring. There are a billion characters, they’re always saying some crazy shit, and they’re SO HORNY! Twilight feels like it was written by an AI that almost gets it. Something is just 2 percent off about every line and every interaction, which, taken cumulatively, is like a window into one of those dimensions where everything is identical to ours except cats and turtles are switched and Prince never died.

Twilight took me out of my body in a way that did not give me pleasure but did give me fascination, and when it was over, I couldn’t believe it, but I felt compelled to watch the next one just to continue the satisfying, itchy glitch of it all. Twilight kept me awake, which honestly is more than I can say for Top Gun, peace be upon Tony Scott (I stan Déjà Vu).

For instance, this is the opening line of the movie, delivered in sullen voice-over by Bella (Kristen Stewart): “I’ve never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.” WHAT???????????????????????????????????????????? How is that a “good way to go”!? There are zero versions of that “way to go” that don’t involve some sort of violent hostage situation and/or dystopian fascist cull... If you’re picking a hypothetical “way to go,” pick something that doesn’t include your life and the life of a dear one being leveraged against each other in some zero-sum villainous endgame! What!?!? You weirdo!”
Lindy West, Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema

Lindy West
“From this point on, Edward is just constantly staring at Bella around corners and peeking at her from under manholes and disguising himself as a potted plant so he can watch her pee. Heads up: your children think that is romance now!”
Lindy West, Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema

Lindy West

I do need to pause and say that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson perform the frick out of these goofy-ass roles, and you know what? I love them both. I do! I think they are good! Sue me! Take me to Taste Court!”
Lindy West, Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema

Jennifer Weiner
“Diana braced herself for the glare of the sun, the crowds and the cacophony of taxi horns, but New York delivered one of those rare, perfect autumn twilights. The air was cool and faintly fall-scented; the sky was a rich, lustrous blue, and everyone seemed to have slowed down enough to appreciate the night's beauty.
"Oh, wow." Daisy gave a dreamy sigh, then looked sideways at Diana and smiled. "You probably think I'm a total country bumpkin."
"No," said Diana, because she could see what Daisy was seeing. "Magic hour. That's what photographers call it. That light at the very end of the day.”
Jennifer Weiner, That Summer

“Without the dark, we’d never see the stars... Stephanie Meyer”
Stephanie Meyer