Twinkling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "twinkling" Showing 1-8 of 8
Erik Pevernagie
“We may be happy but just don’t know it yet. Many want to rebuke themselves for not finding the threshold of well being, since they simply haven’t learnt to be nice to themselves and to enjoy the privileged twinklings of life. (" C’est quand le bonheur? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“As we walk through life, fleeting emotional episodes may keep on twinkling, curl up in the hive of our recollection and enrich our imagination. In the same vein, esthetic allurement and poetic gracefulness may possess us, besiege our mind, light up our thinking and shape our future. ( Über alle Gipfeln ist Ruh” )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Dreaming is adding vibrant color to the shriveled landscape of our reality. Since we are not always in a position to decamp or lay claim to the future, it can tread lightly in the twinkling meanders of our mind and bring relief and mental freedom. (" Voices of the sea ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Ken Liu
“There are many ways to say I love you in this cold, dark, silent universe, as many as the twinkling stars.”
Ken Liu, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories

Munia Khan
“Stars are always dancing. Sometimes they dance twinkling away with the rhythm of your joyful heart and sometimes they dance without movement to embrace your heartache as if frozen sculptures of open-armed sadness.”
Munia Khan

Munia Khan
“Night never needs a shade
but it requires to fade
into the grin of twinkling stars
where light is just a glint of scars”
Munia Khan

Santosh Kalwar
“Time is ticking, and your online twinkling is limited.”
Santosh Kalwar

“What a beautiful night, the skies are filled with stars twinkling in the sky. What a starry starry night.”
Jennifer Aquillo