Vector Control Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vector-control" Showing 1-8 of 8
“Amateurs are fond of advising that all practical measures should be postponed pending carrying out detailed researches upon the habits of anophelines, the parasite rate of localities, the effect of minor works, and so on. In my opinion, this is a fundamental mistake. It implies the sacrifice of life and health on a large scale while researches which may have little real value and which may be continued indefinitely are being attempted… In practical life we observe that the best practical discoveries are obtained during the execution of practical work and that long academic discussions are apt to lead to nothing but academic profit. Action and investigation together do more than either of these alone.”
Ronald Ross, Researches on malaria

T.K. Naliaka
“Incredibly, just one mosquito species,Aedes aegyptiis responsible for the spread of four known different deadly viral diseases to human beings, yet this mosquito has been allowed to infest densely-populated urban centers.”
T.K. Naliaka

“Aedes aegypti, which transmits yellow fever, is one of the feeblest species in its ability for flight and it is at once blown away and destroyed when it gets into a breeze. It therefore seldom wanders from the house in which it was bred.”
William Crawford Gorgas, Sanitation in Panama

“Havana, Cuba, in which city yellow fever had not failed to make its yearly appearance during the past one hundred and forty years... Havana was freed from yellow fever within ninety days.Dr. Walter Reed, 1902
Walter Reed

T.K. Naliaka
“Shovels aren't very glamorous, but they've been liberating entire communities from malaria for the past 5,000 years.”
T.K. Naliaka

T.K. Naliaka
“The entire world has benefited and prospered since the decisive defeat of Yellow Fever, an unconventional and far-reaching military victory derived from the field medical discoveries of U.S. Army Major Dr. Walter Reed, designed and carried out by U.S. Army Major Dr. William Gorgas with the overall support under the command of U.S. Army General Leonard Wood.”
T.K. Naliaka

T.K. Naliaka
“Les pelles ne sont pas élégantes, certes, mais elles ont tout de même réussi a libérer des communautés entières du paludisme durant les 5 000 derniers ans.”
T.K. Naliaka

“Fortunately for the cause of science and of humanity, we had as Governor-General of Cuba at that time General Leonard Wood, of the United States Army. General Wood had been educated as a physician, and had a very proper idea of the great advantages which would accrue to the world if we could establish the fact that yellow fever was conveyed by the mosquito, and his medical training made him a very competent judge as to the steps necessary to establish such fact. General Wood during the whole course of the investigations took the greatest interest in the experiments, and assisted the Board in every way he could.”
William Crawford Gorgas, Sanitation in Panama