Videogames Quotes

Quotes tagged as "videogames" Showing 1-30 of 32
“Making a game is like constructing a building during an earthquake or trying to run a train as someone else is laying down track as you go...”
Jason Schreier, Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made

Tom Bissell
“Girlfriends, indeed: the anti-video game.”
Tom Bissell

Tom Bissell
“When I play too many video games I begin to feel chubby-minded, caffeinated, bad.”
Tom Bissell

James Kochalka, SuperF*ckers

“In your darkest hour, in the blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?”

Ken Baumann
“The Runaway Five's obvious influence is The Blues Brothers. During localization, their black and white suits were made more colorful to avoid legal action from Universal Pictures or the film's producers. When I told my wife Aviva about this, she admitted she had never seen The Blues Brothers film. Having grown up on a steady diet of Saturday Night Live-spawned movies, I told her that her innocence here was blasphemous. That night, we marveled together at James Brown's hair.”
Ken Baumann, EarthBound

“A quest to find your purpose, knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue when all strength has left you. To find joy even as darkness descends...and amidst deepest despair, light everlasting.”

“For them... My people. My brothers.
...My friends. Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will. The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”

“Even should you lose all that is dear to you. Even if it should cost you your life... You bear the burden and fight on, kicking and screaming until your last breath is spent!”

“Capito? I videogiochi sono come il sogno americano. Lavora duro e avrai la tua villetta col barbecue. Non ci sono porte chiuse a priori. Per questo si mischiano con l'adolescenza.”
Zerocalcare, La profezia dell'armadillo

“A quest to find your purpose, knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue when all strength has left you. To find joy even as darkness descends...and amidst deepest despair, light everlasting.”

Jacqueline Edgington
“When your mind is distracted with all these game machines, you become mindless. When you don’t think, your mind becomes blank. You don’t use your imagination anymore. You don’t plan and you stop looking forward. Television can do the same thing if you’re not careful. It can stop you from using your mind. When you stop using your mind, you chug along on the Mindless Express going nowhere. You forget to look at how beautiful the world is. Your energy flows where your attention goes and then drains away until nothing is left. The more you play with machines, the less you play in the world around you. Eventually, your world disappears because you’ve forgotten about it. You wake up one day and find it all gone. It’s too late. You’ve wasted your time on the Mindless Express. You lose your chance to make a difference in the world. Your story never gets told.”
Jacqueline Edgington, Happy Jack

“Games are subject to far more scrutiny than network television or Hollywood films and often are condemned by people who do not play them.”
Mary Flanagan, Values at Play in Digital Games

Jordan Shapiro
“Our resistance to digital play is just like Socrates's resistance to writing. It is futile. Your kids need your help. And it's easy to provide. Parents, children, and families just need to start playing in the digital world together.”
Jordan Shapiro, The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World

“Everything is decided here... you cannot comprehend the magnitude, the rapture and the tragedy of this moment..." - Kain in Soul Reaver 2”
Amy Hennig

Gabrielle Zevin
“What after all, is a video game’s subtextual preoccupation if not the erasure of mortality?”
Gabrielle Zevin, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Audacia Ray
“The Internet is not so different from a highly interactive videogame with competitors set to be offed.”
Audacia Ray, Naked on the Internet: Hookups, Downloads, and Cashing in on Internet Sexploration

Jesper Juul
“The goals of the player are thus aligned with the goals of the protagonist; when the player succeeds, the protagonist succeeds. (...) The question is, can we imagine video games where this is inverted, such that when the player is successful, the protagonist fails? (...) Who would want to play Anna Karenina, the video game? Who would want to spend hours playing in order to successfully throw the protagonist under a train?”
Jesper Juul

Jacqueline Edgington
“As he punched a hole in each ticket, the conductor shared the fact that a young girl once spent a fortnight on the train before it came to a stop.
“What’s a fortnight?” asked Jack.
“Two weeks; you know, fourteen nights,” responded Petucan.
“Wow. That’s a long time to be sitting on a train. What did she find to do in a fortnight?” quizzed Jack.
“She found plenty to do to kill time. Eat up and enjoy the ride,” smiled the conductor”
Jacqueline Edgington, Happy Jack

“For many game players, games exist for entertainment, for passing the time, for fun.
They are a diversionary activity, meant for relaxation or distraction—a “not- work” space where players are free to engage in fantasy narratives, amazing feats, and rewarding tasks. But what if certain games have become something more?”
Mary Flanagan, Critical Play: Radical Game Design

“Muy a menudo oímos eso de que en una historia de fantasía medieval no sería «realista» tener a personajes no masculinos en posiciones de poder, pero esta afirmación no es más que un reflejo de la idea de sociedad que tiene el emisor. Y si lo no masculino no tiene lugar en la cultura, ¿dónde lo tiene? Eso es lo que provoca la disonancia cognitiva. Ver que existes, pero no eres reconocido. Reconocerte a ti mismo, pero no verte reflejado en el juicio de otros sobre ti.”
Andrea Sacchi, ¡Protesto! Videojuegos desde una perspectiva de género

“No Two Timer Can Xorbiter The Orificer but me gg”
Jonathan Mckinney

“Sage Derives To Mana Stone From The River Jordan In The Bible In Leveraging Hexagonal Prismatics, 13 = S-6, G-7: 2A = F-6 = A-1, E-5: M-13, N-1”
Deckard; Blizzard Entertainment Cain

“The Sage's Gift A Seed Maps The Topaz Keyring A Sandy Zenith The Hexagonal Prismatic Oculus”
WhorlTurn Wizard

“The Sage's Gift A Seed Maps The Topaz Keyring A Sandy Zenith The Hexagonal Oculus Prism”
WhorlTurn Wizard

Lashon Byrd
“During school life is linear, afterwards it becomes a open world game”
Lashon Byrd

McKenzie Wark
“Everything has value only when ranked against something else; everyone has value only when ranked against someone else. Every situation is win-lose, unless it is win-win—a situation where players are free to collaborate only because they seek prizes in different games. The real world appears as a video arcadia divided into many
and varied games.”
McKenzie Wark, Gamer Theory

McKenzie Wark
“Everything is digital and yet the digital is as nothing.”
McKenzie Wark, Gamer Theory

McKenzie Wark
“Once games required an actual place to play them, whether on the chess board or the tennis court. Even wars had battle fields. Now global positioning satellites grid the whole earth and put all of space and time in play. Warfare, they say, now looks like video games. Well don’t kid yourself. War is a video game—for the military entertainment complex. To them it doesn’t matter what happens “on the ground.” The ground—the old-fashioned battlefield itself—is just a necessary externality to the game.”
McKenzie Wark, Gamer Theory

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