War Crime Quotes

Quotes tagged as "war-crime" Showing 1-25 of 25
Christina Lamb
“Around the world, a woman's body is still very much a battlefield and hundreds of thousands of women bear the invisible wounds of war.”
Christina Lamb, Our Bodies, Their Battlefields: War Through the Lives of Women

Abhijit Naskar
“Memo to The States of Earth

All through time, the conquerors have been writing history. But no more! The conquerors are no longer the supreme emperor of the narrative, even if all the spineless governments take their side. Because guess what - society is no longer a property of the state. You ask us to vaccinate, we shall vaccinate - you ask us to follow traffic rules, we shall follow traffic rules - you ask us to file our taxes, we shall file our taxes - because that's the civilized thing to do. But if you ask us to support your rich moron of a friend in his exploits of conquest and domination, you shall not have a government to begin with. Remember that.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Abhijit Naskar
“Awake, arise, and treat the Putin pandemic, like you treated the Covid pandemic.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“The only people who can end Putin's reign of terror for good, are not the governments of the world, but the citizens of the world. Sisters and brothers of planet earth, if you stay silent now, the blood of countless innocents will be on your hands. Awake, arise, and treat the Putin pandemic, like you treated the Covid pandemic.”
Abhijit Naskar

Anuk Arudpragasam
“For a long time the horror that these images elicited remained buried inside him. A morbid reality he was constantly feeding and yet he was unable to express. As though unable to fully believe or understand what they depicted. It was only when the channel 4 documentary came out in 2011, accusing the government of war crimes and genocide, when later that year the UN published its report, giving an estimate of how many civilians had died that he was finally able to speak about what had happened. To accept that the images he had become obsessed with were not some strange perverted creation of his subconscious life but they represented things that had really happened in the country he was from. Even now he felt ashamed thinking about his reluctance to acknowledge the magnitude of what had happened at the end of the war. As though he had been hesitating to believe the evidence on his computer screen because his own poor violated stateless people were the ones alleging it. As though he was unable to take the suffering of his own people seriously till it was validated by the panel of foreign authority experts, legitimised by a documentary, narrated by a clean shaven white man standing in front of a camera in suit and tie.”
Anuk Arudpragasam, A Passage North

Abhijit Naskar
“Until the citizens become the lords and ladies of planet earth, hypocrites will keep desecrating humanity as dickhead demigods.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“If a tree falls in a forest, and you are not there, it is okay that you do not hear. But if a child cries in a warzone, and you are not there, is it still okay that you do not hear?”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“A world that justifies arms race as necessary evil, rightfully deserves all the evil of war it is racked with.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo

Christopher Farnsworth
“He was no longer human. And in that moment, at least, he was glad of it.”
Christopher Farnsworth, The President's Vampire

Abhijit Naskar
“What did we really achieve by replacing the orange-haired orangutan with a better alternative, if that better alternative ultimately fails as horribly as his predecessor, when things get really desperate. I may not be a US citizen, but I am a US taxpayer, and when tax dollars from my books on peace and justice are used to aid and fund genocide and war, I find it difficult to maintain respect for such new administration. Citizens of earth could end all wars in a year - boycott all tax-filing unless your governments cease all defense activities for good.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulletproof Backbone: Injustice Not Allowed on My Watch

Steven Magee
“Atomic bomb testing was a war crime that was never prosecuted.”
Steven Magee

Abhijit Naskar
“World First, Nation Never
(Denationalizing Sonnet)

No government wants to manufacture terror,
But they do want to manufacture control.
In doing so they end up manufacturing terror,
Thus they end up manufacturing war.

There is no such thing as war on terrorism,
The whole narrative is rigged to peddle fear.
Citizens without fear are citizens without border,
Democratic autocracy thrives on civilian fear.

Ceasefire only postpones war,
What’s needed is demilitarization.
Till borderly apes wake apart national pride,
Democracy only sustains a paradigm of poison.

World first and forever, nation never;
Till then, all blood is on your hands.
Either you are a nation’s simian citizen,
or you are planet earth’s civilized human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Ceasefire only postpones war,
What’s needed is demilitarization.
Till borderly apes wake apart national pride,
Democracy only sustains a paradigm of poison.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Every generation has its fraudsters like Edison,
Every generation has trashy maniacs like Columbus.
Every generation has war-merchants like Kissinger,
Every generation has its churchillian doofus.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“World leeches masquerading as world leaders, would sell their mothers if the price is right.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“You don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Politicians don't have race, politicians don't have religion, politicians don't have nationality. You may think, this is a good thing - well, in this case, it's not. You know why? Because their race is self-interest - their religion is self-interest - their nationality is self-interest. Politicians can be white, black, brown or martian - but once a moron, always a moron. Some monkeys are white, some monkeys are colored, but inside they are not white or colored - they are politicians - which means, they are all monkeys.

And the exception to this norm often comes from not so popular parts of the world - for example, South Africa. Which only proves that, you don't need to be a so-called geopolitical superpower to do what's right - you don't have to be a superpower to be a peacemaker. In fact in most cases, the so-called superpowers are the most morally bankrupt states in the world. Because guess what - governments don't exist to do the right thing, governments exist to do whatever keeps them in power. And the day the politics of self-interest comes to an end, there will be no longer any need for activists, humanitarians and reformers.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Genocide is Patriotism
(Sonnet 1634)

National anthems count for nothing,
when the nations are full of monkeys,
monkeys who keep buying bloodshed,
in the name of national security.

Genocide is patriotism, thus teaches
the textbook of defense and diplomacy.
What else do you expect from legal texts,
concocted by a bunch of stoneage monkeys!

Monkey kill, monkey laugh -
Monkeys are honored with medal!
Airforce, army, navy - so many ways
to maintain status quo of the jungle!

The purpose of every national anthem is to
enforce and maintain a status quo of war.
Show me a human without national pride,
I'll show you the pathway out of war.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yüz Şiirlerin Yüzüğü (Ring of 100 Poems, Bilingual Edition): 100 Turkish Poems with Translations

Abhijit Naskar
“It's a sad state of affairs when you get used to the sight of blood, glorifying aggression as bravehearted. It's a sad state of affairs when you feel good dressing up for gala, while children are being bombed to death.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Arabi Azadi Ashiqui
(The Sonnet)

The more you persecute a certain community,
the more you'll find me your fiercest enemy.
Defending that community with my last breath,
I shall remind you of your own utter futility.

The more you dehumanize a certain people,
more you'll find me your uncorrupt impediment.
The people will be safe, even if I'm annihilated -
In the process, world will witness your impotence.

More you criminalize a certain community,
more in my eyes you lose right to dignity.
Honor is earned through behavior, not by
excuse of throne, scripture or nationality.

Systemically propagate fear all you want -
In the end, you're at mercy of my civilian judgment.
Belonging is my bible, conscience is my koran -
Behave like a bully, and I'm your celestial guardian.

Whenever intolerance raises its fangs,
hiding behind menorah, saffron or crucifix,
Every Samaritan must become Samurai -
Every Civilian - Arabi, Azadi, Ashiqui!”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Honor is earned through behavior, not by excuse of throne, scripture or nationality.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Ceasefire postpones war, disarmament instills peace.”
Abhijit Naskar, Världsviking: Gudomlig Poesi