War In Ukraine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "war-in-ukraine" Showing 1-4 of 4
Steven Magee
“It seems the war in Ukraine may be in the process of making the next nuclear power plant disaster.”
Steven Magee

Sergei Medvedev
“This is a world war, unleashed by Russia to overturn the modern liberal world order. It has many open and hidden global supporters, and there are neutral countries that are watching carefully to see how this challenge that has been thrown down to mankind pans out. The war in Ukraine is merely the prelude, and it does not matter whether Putin’s regime triumphs (whatever he might call ‘a victory’) or he has to back down, he will continue to try to break the modern world, by using either ‘hybrid wars’ or open aggression, information sabotage or nuclear blackmail, until he suffers a decisive military defeat and the regime is utterly destroyed. What we have come up against here is not a temporary aberration, not the madness of a dictator who has overplayed his hand - nor is it simply the nostalgia of the older generation of Russians; it is a tectonic geopolitical process in the protracted decay of a huge Eurasian empire.”
Sergei Medvedev, A War Made in Russia

“The wounds keep getting bigger. But sometimes a little voice comes to whisper in my ear, constantly repeating: ‘They keep fighting, we keep fighting.’ Then the wounds heal faster.”
Yevgenia Belorusets, War Diary

“This ability of the residents of Berdyansk to go on fighting, to approach the soldiers unarmed and shout the truth in their faces, even when the city has almost fallen into Putin’s hands - this promises a lot. It is hope itself.”
Yevgenia Belorusets, War Diary