Weirdness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "weirdness" Showing 31-60 of 119
Allie Brosh
“Death can take away your friends and pets, but it can't take away the weird shit they did.”
Allie Brosh, Solutions and Other Problems

Toba Beta
“Man has to postulate weirdness,
before reaching the new science.”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Ekaterina Sedia
“That was the trouble with the supernatural, Vimbai thought--you didn't know what laws ruled it, and what was a coincidence and what was a sign and what was weird and what wasn't. It was like a whodunit, only the clues refused to be arranged into any sort of hierarchy or a straight narrative, and most of the time it wasn't even clear if they indeed were clues; a jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces were blank.”
Ekaterina Sedia

Louis Theroux
“Perhaps it's understandable to be more jaded on one's second exposure to something strange.”
Louis Theroux, The Call of the Weird: Travels in American Subcultures

Helen   Edwards
“I don't have followers. I have curious leaders. Shout out to the wild, the curious, the rebels, and the risk takers. You are the leader of your heart's desires and the artist to your soul's inner fire.”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

Graeme Simsion
“I have a theory that everyone is as odd as I am when they are alone.”
Graeme Simsion, The Rosie Effect

Dan Pearce
“Shhh. I'm seducing the world with my weirdness.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Emilie Wapnick
“It was not only okay to be my weird self, leading with my uniqueness might actually be the key to my success.”
Emilie Wapnick, How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

“I did not need the chair, but I did need to be reminded that kindness lurks in even the weirdest little places.”
Emily DelFavero

Rebekah Crane
“Weird is a side effect of awesome.”
Rebekah Crane, The Upside of Falling Down

“My advice is to GET WEIRD so that the people who will love you for being you (your tribe) can find you.”
Benjamin Brown

Louis Yako
“Beware of Strangers
As children, they teach us
To beware of strangers,
To refrain from approaching them.

As we grow older we learn
That no one is stranger than those
We thought we’d known all our lives.

As we grow older we learn
That a stranger may carry more empathy,
And may understand us more deeply.
Even feelings of affection from a stranger
May be more sincere.

And so I ask:
can humanity and the strangeness be synonymous?
Could we say:
I am a stranger; therefore I am?

Can we truly feel alive
Without strange things
Strange encounters
without strangers
reminding us that our hearts and minds are still beating?

They teach us to avoid strangers,
And life teaches us
that human awareness can only be borne out
Of the dagger of strangeness…
That life is tasteless
When we don’t mix it with strangers…
That familiarity is opposed to life!
And thus, I loudly declare:
A stranger I was born. A stranger I wish to remain!
And I ask that you issue my death certificate
The day I become familiar.

[Original poem published in Arabic on October 29 at]”
Louis Yako

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If everything seems strange to you when you look around, then there must be something weird about you! If nothing looks strange to you when you look around, then there must be something weird about you again!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

William Goldman
“I'm not crazy; I'm just colorful.”
William Goldman, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Screenplay

L.A. Nettles
“I embrace my weirdness. Some people would rather conform and wear 'normal' like a costume on Halloween. I can't pretend that I'm one-dimensional. We're all weirdos that feel normal when we're grouped with our type of weird.”
L.A. Nettles, Butterflies

Salman Rushdie
The strangenesses are multiplying,he wrote in his article,though the world before they began was already a strange place, so often it's difficult to know if an event falls into the category of the old, ordinary strangenesses or the new, extraordinary variety.
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If we make a comment about a person who seems weird to us without knowing what she has experienced in her life, this will be the real weirdness.”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Kristian Ventura
“There are two types of people. The first are people who think there are two types of people. The second are those who’ve accepted that everyone is tragically, and gloriously, different.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Kristian Ventura
“Sometimes, in their wide-eyed, ashamed, fanatical temperament, their humanity spills out in a discomfort that is nearly frightening. But, we all harbor some form of innocent strangeness that we keep to ourselves—our fears, our obsessions, our questionable sanities. They are the reasons why we do things— routes we take, instruments we learn, and CDs we buy. It sounds like honey, but I’m not just being an essayist here. I do believe it. And it’s the truth because today, I’d like to share my strange with you.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Felicia Watson
“What say you, Commander?” he asked Lindstrom.
“Oh, why not?” Nils answered, throwing up a hand.
“Taking directions from sentient pixie dust was the last open square on my bingo card of space weirdness.”
Felicia Watson, Spooky Action at a Distance

Dan Pearce
“Frankly, I don't think you're weird enough.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Vicki Grant
“She was always impressed by how he'd managed to parlay his special brand of weirdness into instant popularity even among the hockey players and the nursing students and the millionaires-by-thirty crowd.”
Vicki Grant, 36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You

Vicki Grant
“I tried really hard not to find it romantic or tragic or anything like that because I knew that's exactly what he wanted. He can't charm me with his weirdness anymore.”
Vicki Grant, Tell Me When You Feel Something

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A single dream can change your entire perspective on the world.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Avijeet Das
“Though outside we pretend to be normal, inside we are all a little weird. And that's what makes it interesting to discover in each other.”
Avijeet Das

Kevin    Wilson
“…it made me feel, for the first time, that maybe it was dumb to be embarrassed about weird things if you were really good at them. Or not good. If they made you happy.”
Kevin Wilson

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If the world seems like a very strange place to you, my friend, that's the real weirdness! Why? Because the world has always been a very strange place since its existence!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Michael Bassey Johnson
“People who look unartistic create the most artistic art.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Brittany Burgunder
“Whatever it is that makes you feel different, weird, lonely or like you don’t quite fit in—remember, that is also your superpower and what makes you irreplaceable.”
Brittany Burgunder