Weirdness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "weirdness" Showing 61-90 of 119
Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“This world belongs to the weird ones, and the weird ones become kings.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Galaxy Pirates

Marguerite Young
“For me, a plain Middle Westerner, there is no middle way. I am in love with whatever is eccentric, devious, strange, singular, unique, out of this world—and with life as an incalculable, a chaotic thing.”
Marguerite Young

Pam Grossman
“When you’re a weird kid, you learn to put guardrails around the things you love. You keep them hidden heart-deep, lest someone try to take them, mock them, or co-opt them out of cruelty or just plain clumsiness.”
Pam Grossman, Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power

Craig Groeschel
“Don't settle for a normal life. Not when you can enjoy the wonderful weirdness of being who God created you to be.”
Craig Groeschel, Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

Avijeet Das
“You are beautiful! You are beautiful in your inimitable way. You are beautiful because of your flaws, quirks, and weirdness; don't hide them! Embrace all your imperfections because it is your imperfections that make you beautiful!”
Avijeet Das

Joseph Fink
“There always seems to be something upsetting you. You should relax more. It’s not that there’ s nothing coming to get you, there’s everything coming to get you…but relax anyway, just on principle.”
Joseph Fink, Mostly Void, Partially Stars

Brennan Lee Mulligan
“Nobody in the whole world is normal. That's an idea made up by clothing companies to sell t-shirts. It doesn't exist in nature. Everybody gets to be weird in their own special way.”
Brennan Lee Mulligan, Strong Female Protagonist: Book One

Avijeet Das
“You are beautiful. Yes, you are beautiful. You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in all your charming ways. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Yes you are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in spite of what they call as your flaws, quirks, and weirdness. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Don't believe them who say you are not beautiful. They are insecure people who say you are not beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are magical because of all your flaws, quirks, and weirdness! Yes you are beautiful in your own unique way. Your imperfections make you unique and beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are uniquely beautiful! You are beautiful in your magical way!”
Avijeet Das

Marcelo Figueras
“Time is weird. That much is obvious. Sometimes I think everything happens at once, which is anything but obvious and even weirder. I feel sorry for people who brag about 'living in the moment'; they're like people who come into the cinema after the film has started or people who drink Diet Coke—they're missing out on the best part. I think time is like the dial on a radio. Most people like to settle on a station with a clear signal and no interference. But that doesn't mean you can't listen to two or even three stations at the same time; it doesn't mean synchrony is impossible. Until quite recently, people believed it was impossible for a universe to fit inside two atoms, but it fits. Why dismiss the idea that on time's radio you can listen to the entire history of humanity simultaneously?”
Marcelo Figueras, Kamchatka

Gwenda Bond
“Having friends was weird... but in a good way.”
Gwenda Bond, Triple Threat

Sherman Alexie
“But, in the Trump aftermath, I've measured the costs

And benefits of loving those who don't love
Strangers. After all, I'm often the odd one—

The strangest stranger—in any field or room.
"He was weird" will be carved into my tomb.”
Sherman Alexie

Joel Annesley
“Stop trying to find yourself. You’ve had it all along.
Never feel ashamed for feeling different; different is the new normal.”
Joel Annesley, Quiet Confidence: Breaking Up with Shyness

C. JoyBell C.
“Don't cover your cracks; that's how the light gets in. Don't cover your wounds; that's how your light pours out. Don't unweird yourself. Take up space enough for all the parts of you to come together -- the awful, the beautiful, the awe-inspiring, the wonderful and the strange.”
C. JoyBell C.

Mohsin Hamid
“The most important thing to keep in mind is not that we are all the same, but that we are all equally weird.”
Mohsin Hamid

Emilyann Allen
“It's great if you're all rainbows and sunshine,
but it's also great if you need seem darkness, metal,
vampires, and monsters and the like in your life too.”
Emilyann Allen (pseudonyms Emilyann Phoenix and Emilyann Girdner)

Kelly    Martin
“It takes all shapes, sizes, and light to uplift this world. Be your own special kind of weird. You're of immense value!”
Kelly Martin

Karen Thompson Walker
“On dark days like that one, the library windows looked lit up like an aquarium, the inhabitants on display for all the other kids to see: here the most exotic fish, the lonely, the unloved, the weird.”
Karen Thompson Walker, The Age of Miracles

“Self-identify your gender? Why not self-identify your species, too? I'm a dog now.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert

Philip Ball
“We know that measurements of a quantum system seem to collapse the wavefunction. We most certainly don’t know how, or why, or indeed if that actually happens.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Margaret Laurence
“Because they don't know [the anger is] there inside them. [...] They think they are sweet reasonableness, and it's you that's in the wrong, just by being, and not being like them, or looking like them, or wanting their kind of life.”
Margaret Laurence, The Diviners

“As the new love-chemicals rushed through me (...) I discovered what love is, and found that it's just feeling very... interested. (...) I was interested in absolutely everything to do with Buck. Just looking at his face was interesting. How he stood, near a door = interesting."
=> >;-P”
Moran, Caitlin

“There are certain key words you look for, in the listings. 'Jenny Agutter' is the big one. Agutter is the sure-fire harbinger of filth. (....) Late at night, I am in the gutter, looking at Agutter."
Moran, Caitlin

“We could call it Herbie. And when she reaches adolescence, and goes boy-crazy, we can say" Herbie Goes Bananas "to each other over and over again, as you build the doorless turret we can lock her in."
(Caitlin Moran to her husband on what to call her daughter's vagina)

Moran, Caitlin

Marcus du Sautoy
“If, years later, I do use the slit detector to observe which way the electron went, it will mean that many years earlier the electron must have passed through one slit or the other. But if I don't use the" slit detector, "then the electron must have passed through both slits. This is, of course, extremely weird. My actions at the beginning of the twenty-first century can change what happened thousands of years ago when the electron began its journey. It seems that just as there are multiple futures, there are also multiple pasts, and my acts of observation in the present can decide what happened in the past. As much as it challenges any hope of ever really knowing the future, quantum physics asks whether I can ever really know the past. It seems that the past is also in a superposition of possibilities that crystallize only once they are observed.”
Marcus du Sautoy, The Great Unknown: Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Science

George Saunders
“More and more, I have no idea what I think of anything. It’s as if the world were this very strange beast under a big tarp. Writing is a way of poking at the tarp. You can watch what the beast does during the poking and maybe surmise something about the sort of beast it is, but you also don’t want to be too confident in your theories. I really like the fact that, these days, I can’t say what writing is for, what it’s supposed to do, or how it’s supposed to affect us. I just like doing it.”
George Saunders

Philip Ball
“So long as we don’t try to figure out which slit [electrons] go through, they will behave as if they go through both at once. But if we try to pin down which slit they pass through, they only go through one. The mere act of making the measurement – even if we can be pretty sure that the measurement shouldn’t obstruct or influence the electron’s path – appears to turn a wave into a particle. Yes, appears to. Does the electron really pass through both slits at once when we’re not looking at its path? Does it change from wave to particle when we do look? These are, according to Bohr’s view of quantum mechanics, illegitimate questions, precisely because they are insisting on some microscopic description underlying the measurements we make. Bohr argued that there is nothing in quantum mechanics that permits us to formulate such a description. That is not what the Schrödinger equation is about. It just predicts the outcomes of measurements.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Philip Ball
“Everything that seems strange about quantum mechanics comes down to measurement. If we take a look, the quantum system behaves one way. If we don’t, the system does something else. What’s more, different ways of looking can elicit apparently mutually contradictory answers. If we look at a system one way, we see this; but if we look at the same system another way, we see not merely that but not this. The object went through one slit; no, it went through both. How can that be? How can ‘the way nature behaves’ depend on how – or if – we choose to observe it?”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Philip Ball
“Quantum objects may in principle have a number of observable properties, but we can’t gather them all (Copenhagenists might in fact say ‘elicit them’) in a single go, because they can’t all exist at once. And by gathering some we may scramble the values of others.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Philip Ball
“[T]he probabilistic nature of the Schrödinger equation, which predicts only the likelihood of different experimental outcomes, leaves it offering no reason why one specific outcome is observed instead of another. In effect, it says that quantum events (the radioactive decay of an atom, say) happen for no reason.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird

Philip Ball
“When it’s said that quantum mechanics is ‘weird’, or that nobody understands it, the image tends to invite the analogy of a peculiar person whose behaviour and motives defy obvious explanation. But this is too glib. It’s not so much understanding or even intuition that quantum mechanics defies, but our sense of logic itself. Sure, it’s hard to intuit what it means for objects to travel along two paths at once, or to have their properties partly situated some place other than the object itself, and so on. But these are just attempts to express in everyday words a state of affairs that defeats the capabilities of language. Our language is designed to reflect the logic we’re familiar with, but that logic won’t work for quantum mechanics.”
Philip Ball, Beyond Weird