Women S Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-s-romance" Showing 1-6 of 6
Diane Merrill Wigginton
“No one else can close the door that God has opened for you,” she quietly said under her breath. That was something that Grandma Alice had said to her many times before her death.

“I miss you, Alice,” she whispered, “and wish you were here with me now.”
Diane Merrill Wigginton, A Compromising Position

Kate  Rose
“His entire existence had been accumulating towards this moment; as if all his sorrow, all the pain and manifold disasters were necessary in order for the ecstasy of this one blissful moment to exist.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Kate  Rose
“I am an apothecary, madam…’ But for some reason he is thinking of the trajectory of winged creatures, of interludes of happiness, a little flight, a little wading through mud.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Kate  Rose
“Love is but a reflection of oneself in the looking glass.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Kate  Rose
“Life does not anchor the romantic for long. You will soon be adrift amongst impracticalities. Romance is of the surface of life, a feather floating on a rough and troubled sea.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Nini Church
“What the hell am I? – Vulcan wanted to roar as his ego got kicked around. Josie refused to see him as a hot blooded vamp with a yen for her a mile wide.

Paranormal Romance
Tara Malone Series”
Nini Church, Vulcan