Worthwhile Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worthwhile" Showing 1-30 of 41
Erik Pevernagie
“One must face the harsh music and recognize that emotional investment has lost the battle against fleetingness and volatility if a relationship appears to have been only a wild-goose chase. (" Was it all worthwhile? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“We are permanently walking on a very thin ice whenever we try to measure lasting values in an ever-changing and utterly edgy society, whenever we must define long-term objectives in a short-term spirit. (" Was it all worthwhile? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Francis de Sales
“Have patience with all things but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.”
Saint Frances de Sales

Erik Pevernagie
“If we are blinded by the razzle-dazzle of the limelight and can't even bring a little depth into our story, we must recognize that self-estrangement has besieged our minds, and reality has become a simulation. (" Was it all worthwhile? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“If we only live by the fickle code words of the moment and don’t grasp that today’s truth is not the same as tomorrow’s truth, we remain victims of chronic self-deception. (" Was it all worthwhile? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

O.R. Melling
“Life isn't as magical here, and you're not the only one who feels like you don't belong, or that it's better somewhere else. But there ARE things worth living for. And the best part is you never know what's going to happen next.”
O.R. Melling, The Summer King

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi
“It's time, we're waiting for you. We're tired of your excuses, your complaining, your everything else. We need you now more than we have ever needed you before, so it's time for you to use your boredom wisely. Yes there will be time for you to have fun, and life is indeed meant to be fun, but if you fill every waking moment with something to amuse you, then you will never accomplish anything worthwhile - which makes me concerned for you, because after all, if you were not meant for something worthwhile, then why exactly are you here?”
Osayi Osar-Emokpae, Impossible Is Stupid

Napoleon Hill
“Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can’t.”
Napoleon Hill

Michael Finkel
“Modern life seems set up so that we can avoid loneliness at all costs, but maybe it's worthwhile to face it occasionally. The further we push aloneness away, the less are we able to cope with it, and the more terrifying it gets. Some philosophers believe that loneliness is the only true feeling there is. We live orphaned on a tiny rock in the immense vastness of space, with no hint of even the simplest form of life anywhere around us for billions upon billions of miles, alone beyond all imagining. We live locked in our own heads and can never entirely know the experience of another person. Even if we're surrounded by family and friends, we journey into death completely alone.”
Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

Matt Haig
“Maybe that’s what all lives were, though. Maybe even the most seemingly perfectly intense or worthwhile lives ultimately felt the same. Acres of disappointment and monotony and hurts and rivalries but with flashes of wonder and beauty. Maybe that was the only meaning that mattered. To be the world, witnessing itself. Maybe it wasn’t the lack of achievements that had made her and her brother’s parents unhappy, maybe it was the expectation to achieve in the first place.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

Raymond E. Feist
“Still, few things of worth are ever simple. Or easy.”
Raymond E. Feist, A Darkness at Sethanon

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It’s not about working hard. It’s about what we’re working hard about.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anthony Ryan
“I did wonder if I'd have cause to rue my action. Now I believe it can safely be filed under Necessary Regrets.”
Anthony Ryan, The Waking Fire

Laurence Overmire
“We live in a culture in which we are led to believe that anything you do not get paid for is not worth doing. As a consequence, the things that don't get done are often the most worthwhile.”
Laurence Overmire, One Immigrant's Legacy: The Overmyer Family in America, 1751-2009: A Biographical Record of Revolutionary War Veteran Capt. John George Overmire and His Descendants

Anoir Ou-chad
“Do something worthwhile. Something that would last after you’re gone. Be like a leaf, during spring and summer, it provides light to the tree. And in the fall,
it tumbles, carried by the river, to fulfill another sublime role.”
Anoir Ou-chad, The Alien

Gift Gugu Mona
“If you want to know how valuable you are in life, spend your valuable time doing what adds value.”
Gift Gugu Mona

Gift Gugu Mona
“You have been given a life, the choice is yours to make it exciting and worthwhile.”
Gift Gugu Mona

“You are not allowed to notify me your ignorance”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

June A. Converse
“What in your life is worth fighting for? What has ever been worth fighting for? Have you ever had to fight for anything? I should warn you—a worthwhile life is not an easy life. Maybe I should ask that first: Do you want a worthwhile life?”
June A. Converse, Decide to Hope

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“It’s the little things that make life worthwhile; like breakfast in bed, every now and then.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Dear Daughter,
Choose wisdom. Wisdom is when you choose to invest time in what is worthwhile, even with no one by your side; rather than following the crowds.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

“Nothing worthwhile is easy to attain. If it’s too easy, it’s probably not good for you.”

Gift Gugu Mona
“Life is worthwhile when you walk on a path aligned to your purpose.”
Gift Gugu Mona

“Love is what gives meaning. Meaning is what makes it worthwhile.”
Maxime Lagacé

Gift Gugu Mona
“Transformational leaders do not object to the ideas of their followers. They examine them and implement those that are worthwhile.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Someone may have used an ingenious array of flavorful and rich words to explain something. However, that does not necessarily mean that they said anything.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“When I was up there alone working the route, I was wondering if I was crazy. So when other people came and saw the potential and were inspired by it as well, it helped me know it was worthwhile.”
Chris Noble, Why We Climb: The World's Most Inspiring Climbers

Steven Redhead
“Undeniably, a worthwhile exercise to pursue is by spending time to extract positives from any situation, immaterial of how dire things may seem in the present.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

“Alaine remembered that she had paused and carefully studied the pattern in the apple." It's like a little flower. "
"That's it exactly. A flower--- five petals, just like an apple blossom. Inside every apple is the promise of a whole tree, blooming someday." She gave one half of the apple to Delphine and the other to Alaine. "There's a lot of work between that flower inside the apple and the one in an orchard in springtime. I tend to think it's worth it.”
Rowenna Miller, The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill

“Journey makes the destination worthwhile, stabilizes the volatile parts of life, and rewards you for finally reaching the destination.”
“যাত্রা গন্তব্যকে সার্থক করে তোলে, জীবনের অস্থির অংশগুলিকে স্থিতিশীল করে এবং অবশেষে গন্তব্যে পৌঁছানোর জন্য আপনাকে পুরস্কৃত করে।”
Mozammel Khan

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