Worthy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worthy" Showing 61-90 of 236
Stephen Richards
“Circumstances, knowledge or birth do not determine the realisation of your desires. It is only you who are blocking the achievement of your dreams and goals.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Stephen Richards
“It so happens that at times your desires tend to disagree with the reality and this is due to the fact that you have not let the two elements complement each other.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Vanessa Ooms
“You do not have to change yourself to appease anyone.

You are perfectly worthy as you are.

You do not have to earn love and support.”
Vanessa Ooms, Do It For You: How to Stop People-Pleasing and Find Peace

Dolly Alderton
“I am enough. I am enough. The words ricocheted through me, shaking every cell as they traveled. I felt them; I understood them; they fused into my bones. The though galloped and jumped through my system like a racehorse. I called it out to the dark sky. I watched my proclamation bounce from star to star, swinging like Tarzan from carbon to carbon. I am whole and complete. I will never run out.
And I am more than enough.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

Kristen Butler
“You are worthy, loved, and supported, and you deserve to live the life that brings you the greatest amount of joy.”
Kristen Butler, The Comfort Zone: Create a Life You Really Love with Less Stress and More Flow

Avijeet Das
“You are worthy of everything that you desire.”
Avijeet Das

Steven Magee
“Based on past awards of the Nobel Prize, my work on ‘Altitude Hypersensitivity’ appears to be worthy.”
Steven Magee

Vanessa Ooms
“You are enough.
You are doing enough.
You have done enough.
You have given enough.
You don't need to prove your worth to anyone.
You can allow yourself to be free.”
Vanessa Ooms, Do It For You: How to Stop People-Pleasing and Find Peace

“worst thing about love is that it makes you feel worthy, whether you are...or not!”
Deepa Gera

Richard Rohr
“You cannot do enough to become worthy. Tell me what the cut off point is from when you pass from unworthiness to worthy. Just get over yourselves, you are not worthy. We've settled that, we have all agreed... Now I am going to talk out of the other side of my mouth, and they both exist simultaneously... You are totally worthy. You have a worthiness that is your deepest you. You can't gain it and you can't lose it because you are daughters and sons of God. And that is inherent, and the only difference in this room is between those of you who know and those of you who don't.”
Richard Rohr, Great Themes of Paul: Life as Participation

Ruth Soltman
“You are worthy of everything good. Believe it!”
Ruth Soltman, The ABCs of Self-Healing

“We are going where the love resides. No more struggle love. We deserve better and that’s what we are going to get.”
Alves Alves

Dolly Alderton
“I am enough. I am enough. The words ricocheted through me, shaking every cell as they traveled. I felt them; I understood them; they fused into my bones. The thought galloped and jumped through my system like a racehorse. I called it out to the dark sky. I watched my proclamation bounce from star to star, swinging like Tarzan from carbon to carbon. I am whole and complete. I will never run out.
And I am more than enough.”
Dolly Alderton

Dolly Alderton
“More often than not, the love someone gives you will be a reflection of the love you give yourself. If you can’t treat yourself with kindness, care, and patience, chances are someone else won’t either.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

Dolly Alderton
“However thin or fat you are is no indicator of the love you deserve or will receive.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

Robin S. Baker
“I am very aware of everything that I'm worthy of. Therefore I walk, talk, act, and emit that type of energy in my life. That is how you attract what you desire and what you're deserving of with ease.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“What was lost, will be replaced. But it will actually be worthy of you this time around.”
Robin S. Baker

Allene vanOirschot
“God defines you, not this world.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Sarah J. Maas
“Ianthe bowed her head again. 'I will endeavour to be worthy of my friends.'

Lucien seemed to be trying very, very hard not to roll his eyes.

But Tamlin said, 'We'll all try.'

That was his new favourite word: try.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I wanted to see if you were worth helping,' the Carver went on. 'It's a rare person to face who they truly are and not run from it- not be broken by it. That's what the Ouroboros shows all who look into it: who they are, every despicable and unholy inch. Some gaze upon it and don't realise that the horror they're seeing is them- even as the terror of it drives them mad. Some swagger in and are shattered by the small, sorry creature they find instead. But you... Yes, rare indeed. I could risk leaving here for nothing less.'

Rage- blistering rage started to fill in the holes left by what I'd beheld in that mirror. 'You wanted to see if I was worthy?' That innocent people were worthy of being helped.

A nod. 'I did. And you are. And now I shall help you.'

I debated slamming the cell door in his face.

But I only said quietly, 'Good.' I walked over to him. And I was not afraid as I grabbed the Bone Carver's cold hand. 'Then let's begin.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Tessonja Odette
“... I just need you to know—no matter what happens—that you never have to earn anyone’s care. Not Monty’s. Not your family’s. Not mine. No one’s.You deserve to be cared about. You, my enemy. You, my friend. You, the girl who haunted my dreams. You are worthy as you are in every form.”
Tessonja Odette, A Dream So Wicked
tags: worthy

“Never give them the satisfaction of seeing you crushed ~ Rift”
Sophia Drake

Ron Baratono
“It’s only God Himself who can truly give validation and recognition for our actions and opinions, and His approval is what makes them worthy of all things. The feelings in our heart coming from God are the only feelings of validation we strive. It’s that spark of Godhood. For this emotional gift of morals are some of the most spiritual gifts of all.”
Ron Baratono

Robin S. Baker
“I am worthy, I am lovable, and I am strong.”
Robin S. Baker

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I hope you realise that no matter what anyone has ever told you, you are more worthy than anyone I've ever met.'

My heart squeezed in the best way. 'You haven't met enough people, then.'

'I have met too many.' He lifted his chin, kissing my forehead. He leaned back, sliding his thumb along my jaw. 'You deserve so much more than what awaits you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“It didn't matter if the gods found me unworthy because I was worthy of this- of laughter and excitement, of happiness and anticipation, of safety and acceptance, of pleasure and experience, of everything Hawke made me feel. And he was worthy of whatever consequences came from this because this wasn't just about him. I knew that from the moment I'd asked him to stay.

It was about me.

What I wanted.

My choice.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Every time I look at you, I see a gift I'm not worthy of.'

My breath caught as my heart swelled. It wasn't new- him saying things like that. What was new was me believing him. 'You are worthy,' I told him. 'Most of the time.'

He cracked a grin. 'I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Oprah Winfrey
“There is a common thread that runs through all of our pain, addiction, and suffering, and that is unworthiness. Not feeling worthy enough to own the life you were created for. Even people who believe they deserve to be happy and have nice things often don’t feel worthy once they have them. There is a difference between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy of happiness. We often block our own blessings because we don’t feel inherently good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or worthy enough. But you’re worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough.”
Oprah Winfrey