You Matter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "you-matter" Showing 1-28 of 28
Kelley York
“The idea of not being a kid anymore terrifies me. I am an adult and I have been hurled out of the world of boys and girls into the fray of men and women, and expected to function as a grown-up when I never functioned very well as a kid.”
Kelley York, Suicide Watch

Kelley York
“I can physically see the effort it takes for him to open his mouth and force out the words. He's spent so much of his life not being seen, not being heard, that he's forgotten how to realize anything he says does hold weight and is important.”
Kelley York, Suicide Watch

Germany Kent
“No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says, YOU MATTER, and your life matters!”
Germany Kent
tags: advice, advice-for-daily-living, advice-for-life, advice-for-men, advice-for-women, be-encouraged, believe, believe-and-achieve, believe-in-yourself, believers, better-on-the-way, breakthrough, breakthrough-experiences, breakthrough-is-coming, breakthrough-quote, breakthroughs, do-it-anyway, encouragement, encouragement-quotes, encouragement-today, future, future-focused, future-inspirational, future-plans, future-prediction, future-present, future-quotes, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, get-back-up, hang-in-there, hang-in-there-quotes, hang-on, have-hope, hope, hope-and-despair, hope-for-each-day, hope-guru, hope-quotes, hopeful, hopeful-and-encouraging, hopeful-quotes, inspirational-life, inspirational-life-guidance, inspirational-motivational, just-do-it, keep-believing, keep-hope-alive, keep-pushing, keep-pushing-forward, learn-from-failure, life, life-and-living, life-lessons, life-phases, life-philosophy-inspirational, life-philosophy-life-lessons, life-philosophy-lifelong-learner, life-philosophy-philosophy, life-philosophy-quotes, life-purpose, life-quotes, lift-others, live, live-and-learn, live-learn-quotes, live-your-best-life, live-your-life, live-your-life-mission, motivational-speaker, motivational-speaker-quotes, moving-forward, next-chapter, next-level, no-complaints, no-excuses, rise, self-help-authors, the-best-is-yet-to-come, the-hope-guru, think-positive, today, today-is-a-great-new-beginning, today-is-later, today-is-the-day, today-is-your-day, today-quotes, you-can, you-can-break-through, you-can-do-it, you-matter, your-life-has-value, your-life-matters

“If you are feeling low, or trampled, unappreciated, or forgotten...and you are reading this, realize it is an illusion...the hope is are valued...and what lies brilliance.”
Tom Althouse

Germany Kent
“To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now, smile, keep your head up, keep moving and stay positive, you'll get through it.”
Germany Kent

Janna Cachola
“You have a right to be you. It is a privilege for others to be around you.”
Janna Cachola, Short journey

Iain S. Thomas
“You can be someone who matters to others.
You can be someone who matters to you.”
Iain S. Thomas, Every Word You Cannot Say

Israelmore Ayivor
“Your happiness is meaningless unless it is linked with the total liberation of people around you! You matter; others also matter! Live life so well!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Koki Oyuke
“It took me a long while to realize it but being unseen didn’t mean I didn’t matter. It didn’t mean that I wasn’t chosen. When you think about it, it all comes down to who’s looking. You don’t need every eye on you. Just the right one.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

“Stay beautiful, tay positive, and remember that you remember in this world.”

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The biggest lie we fall for is that it doesn’t matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. Your choices don’t matter. Your influence doesn’t matter. Your existence doesn’t matter. You don’t matter. It is the worst, most destructive lie we ever believe, and in consequence it wreaks extensive damage to more lives than your own. Don’t fall for that evil lie. Don’t forget that everything about you absolutely does matter.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

“i hope you always
have the courage
to love yourself
no matter
how many times
the world
breaks your heart”
Poetry of Dhiman, You Matter

“3 things you are in control of:

your response to your feelings
what you hold onto
what you let go”
Poetry of Dhiman, You Matter

Brittany Burgunder
“Your personal growth is the only thing that matters. You own and write your story; no one else does. Believe in the unique step up the mountain.”
Brittany Burgunder

“Stay beautiful, stay positive, and remember that you matter in this world.”

“No one has immunity, nor is anyone ever untouched by life. Everyone has a story and every story matters, including you, and your story my darling. It is time to see beneath the superficial layers, to open up our hearts to the vulnerability that being alive naturally brings and to accept that; being human is not a problem to solve but our opportunity to grow and evolve.”
Samantha Caroline Lavallée

Richelle E. Goodrich
“You matter.
How you feel matters.
What you say, do, and think matters.
It all matters.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Julia Gfrörer
“Agnes! Do you hear me? I was wrong. The world isn't ending. There are things that matter. We matter.”
Julia Gfrörer, Laid Waste

Koki Oyuke
“We will ask ourselves: Do I matter? And that question will turn our insides out and press heavy on our hearts hoping that the answer is the biggest yes. That we do matter. Small as we are. Unseen and unknown as we are. That we matter. And knowing that should make all the difference in our lives.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

Koki Oyuke
“In a sea of a thousand faces God’s eyes are always locked on us (like the slow-motion scenes of eyes locking in a crowd in the movie The Passion of the Christ). We all tie for first place in His heart and His gaze is firmly set on each of us. Not to put us down when we’re wrong or off, but because He’s enamoured by us. There’s no kinder heart, no kinder eyes and no kinder love than that of God. His words of affirmation over me have always filled my hunger.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

Amy Leigh Mercree
“You matter. That smile you shared could be the sun on someone’s darkest day.”
Amy Leigh Mercree

Olawale Daniel
“Your world needs you right now; don't take your life. You matter, you are enough, and you are more.”
Olawale Daniel

Koki Oyuke
“Safe is always slower—whether it has to do with money, relationships or plain old life.”
Koki Oyuke, Chosen Not Cheated: Discover God's Goodness Through Life's Detours, Denials and Doubts

“when we love ourselves as we are
while striving to be better everyday
aiming to live to our truest potential,
we show appreciation
for the gifts we've been given
and honor the beauty of uniqueness
we carry in our heart”
Poetry of Dhiman, You Matter

Ehsan Sehgal
“Your rival's envy confirms that you matter.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Mario Escobar
“Be strong and courageous and do everything you can. But remember someone bigger than you is supporting you. Start praying at a young age. He'll do all the work, though you think you are small and unimportant, he sees you as very great.”
Mario Escobar