Liam's Reviews> The Lost Hero

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
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( 3.7 STARS )

This was really great, it felt amazing to be back in Percy Jackson's world (despite the fact he wasn't in this one).

I loved the new characters and the new ideas within the plot! It didn't take me long to get attached to the new trio and I'm looking forward to going on more adventures with them in the future!

It was also really nice to see old characters and references to the Percy Jackson series, they were brought in nicely and worked really well!

The only thing that let this book down was the fact I felt like the plot was very similar to the lightning thief. I don't know if it was just me that thought this but I felt like it was all just very samey. But, the twists in the story redeemed it as it kept me hooked and wanting more.

Will be reading the rest of this series without a doubt, looking forward to seeing Percy make a return!!

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Reading Progress

October 22, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
October 22, 2014 – Shelved
August 9, 2015 – Started Reading
August 11, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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filipa you just wait, the last 3 books are absolutely the best, especially the third one!

Vishnu Brahmandam 'despite the fact he wasn't in this one' Haha.
Yeah, it seemed similar to TLT for me too.

message 3: by Liam (new) - rated it3stars

Liam Vishnu wrote: "'despite the fact he wasn't in this one' Haha.
Yeah, it seemed similar to TLT for me too. "

Hahaha! Glad it wasn't just me then!

General Kenobi I don't think it is like The Lightning Thief

message 5: by Liam (new) - rated it3stars

Liam I think it was more the plot structure/devices that reminded me of lighting thief

message 6: by Liam (new) - rated it1star

Liam Hi me:) I agree too. Well, I think a lot of things besides the plot let this one done. Namely the writing, the characters and the humour, but never mind that lol.

message 7: by Liam (new) - rated it3stars

Liam Filipa wrote: "you just wait, the last 3 books are absolutely the best, especially the third one!"

I look forward to reading them!

message 8: by Emma (new) - rated it5stars

Emma This was my favorite book in the series!!!

message 9: by Mark (new) - rated it3stars

Mark Wilson I felt much the same way in regards to Percy not being in the book. I didn't really mind at all that he wasn't in the book. Our ratings aren't too far off either, though I would have rounded to 4 if I came up with 3.7. My actual rating's 6.5/10, mainly because I didn't really get attached to the new trio besides Leo, but I loved Festus.

message 10: by Dion (new)

Dion Harper If you're a fan of gritty action thrillers. You'll enjoyA Secret Cavalry

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