Vanessa J.'s Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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it was ok
bookshelves: 2015, paranormal-uf, meh, winner-world-building

Darkfeveris a book practically everyone but me had read, and I knew how loved it was, so of course I had to give it a try. It wasn't terrible, but really,this is the series everyone raves about?

The plot revolved around the death of Mac's sister. Mac then goes to Dublin to get more information. However, things get complicated there because there was more to her sister's death. Mac thought her sister trusted her entirely, but in Dublin she figures some secrets out, and discovers there's danger. With the help of Jericho Barrons they try to uncover all the hidden details and whatnot.

I liked the premise and how the storyline developed. It hooked me right from the first page, even when I didn't exactly root for our heroine Mac. So far things were going okay, but that's when we met the famous Jericho Barrons.

What an asshole. He was unnecessarily violent and didn't have an ounce of respect towards Mac. Some might find their banters hilarious, others might get turned on by them, but for me?It was annoying.I wanted to punch Barrons in the face every time he appeared. I couldn't stand his presence.

Oh, but Mac wasn't exactly likable either. She's a normal girl except she's kinda like this:

Yep yep,Aimeewas right when she said Mac was a freaking Barbie. Complete with being clumsy and doing exactly the opposite of what she is told. Sometimes her foolishness made me want to swear unladylike things, as my dear (not) friend Harper fromRebel Bellewould say.

I cannot end the review without praising the world-building, though.It was seriously good.Every fae introduced came with its own story, every creature that appeared had an explanation on their characteristics, and everything was detailed, just as all fantasy books should be when it comes to describing their worlds. The book is set in our Earth, but there are faes and other creatures I could easily picture.

As great as the world-building was, though, I'm not sure if I will continue the series. Yes, yes, I've been told like a zillion times how good it gets later, but I amnota fan of loooong series (except the belovedHarry Potter,which is an exception to almost everything), and I don't want more of Jericho Barrons, if I'm honest with you. So there, let's say goodbye to the Fever series for now. Time will tell if I want to continue this eternal journey.

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Reading Progress

January 22, 2015 – Shelved
November 17, 2015 –
6.0% "What a fantastic start. Let's hope the rest of the book stays this way."
November 18, 2015 – Started Reading
December 2, 2015 –
25.0% "Ugh, ugh, ugh. I hate Jericho Barrons. Such an asshole. -_-"
December 3, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Anne (new) - rated it2stars

Anne Thank you Vane. Thank you, I feel so relieved to find someone who feels the same way. Mac's constant obsession over her clothes and her flip-flops and whatnot made me so mad. And I wasn't impressed by Jericho at all. I really don't think I'll continue the series. Great review luv!:)

message 2: by Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ (last edited Dec 08, 2015 07:16AM) (new) - rated it3stars

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Lol, I wasn't a fan of Barrons either, and never became one, but I did enjoy books 3-4-5 a lot and I liked Mac actually:) I found her a little annoying sometimes but all in all I thought that she was refreshing, compared to all the kickass ninja we see everywhere... Now, I really started to love her on book 2;)

We'll see what you think if you finish the series someday^^

Vanessa J. @Anne: I'm glad you agree with me! Mac was soo annoying at times, but I think I prefer reading about her obsession than reading about Barrons. Ugh.

@Anna: That's true! She was annoying but also refreshing. Does that make sense? Lol. I'm not sure about continuing the series, though. More than 9 books...

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Vane wrote: "@Anne: I'm glad you agree with me! Mac was soo annoying at times, but I think I prefer reading about her obsession than reading about Barrons. Ugh.

@Anna: That's true! She was annoying but also re... "

Oooh I stopped at book 5. There is a "end" at this point so you can totally stop the rest if you want.

Natalie Monroe Oh, God, I hate Barrons too. Why is he hot? He's just an Edward Cullen.

message 6: by Carmen (new) - added it

Carmen I'm afraid I would feel the same way you did about Barrons. I still haven't been brave enough to pick up this series.

Aj the Ravenous Reader Great review, Vane. At least the world building is good. I tried to read this too but I don't know why I couldn't get into it. Decided it was wiser not to read it and rate it low. A lot of my friends might hate me for it. Lol.

Vanessa J. Natalie wrote: "Oh, God, I hate Barrons too. Why is he hot? He's just an Edward Cullen."

Exactly! I don't understand why everyone loves him so much.

Vanessa J. Carmen wrote: "I'm afraid I would feel the same way you did about Barrons. I still haven't been brave enough to pick up this series."

I had to because I really wanted to see how good it was, but as you see, I was kinda disappointed.

Vanessa J. Aj the Ravenous Reader wrote: "Great review, Vane. At least the world building is good. I tried to read this too but I don't know why I couldn't get into it. Decided it was wiser not to read it and rate it low. A lot of my frien..."

Thanks, Aj! Better to avoid it, then. I continued it because at first I was interested, but them I got annoyed.

message 11: by Vavita (new) - rated it5stars

Vavita I began reading the first book, hated the stupid blond protagonist and after reading 50 pages I couldn't continue. A year later I gave it a try again. I was not crazed with book 2 but the world building was really interesting. I loved books 3, 4 and 5.

KaleidoscopicCasey I'm sorry this one didn't work for you but I know you are not alone in that sentiment.
If you ever decide to brave the world of Fever again, I would second Alienor and tell you to only read to book 5. The story arc has a clear end at that point and there is nothing introduced in the later books that make it worth continuing.

Chantal Awesome review, Vane! I agree with you the Mac was a very grating character. Sorry this didn't work for you, hope your next read is better!

Vanessa J. Casey wrote: "I'm sorry this one didn't work for you but I know you are not alone in that sentiment.
If you ever decide to brave the world of Fever again, I would second Alienor and tell you to only read to book... "

I think I will continue up to book 5 because I really don't want to read 9 books in the same series.

Chantal Vane wrote: "Casey wrote:" I'm sorry this one didn't work for you but I know you are not alone in that sentiment.
If you ever decide to brave the world of Fever again, I would second Alienor and tell you to onl... "

Oh, same here. I won't read further after book 5. I get burned out on series very easily.

Vanessa Amazing review! I'm going to stay the hell away from this book, doesn't sound like my type of read at all.

Vanessa J. Vanessa wrote: "Amazing review! I'm going to stay the hell away from this book, doesn't sound like my type of read at all."

Thank you! Yeah, better to avoid it than to rant.

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