Helene Jeppesen's Reviews> The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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's review

it was amazing

The first time I started reading this, I read about 50 pages and wasn't much into the story - so I quit it. I recently decided to pick it up again, and this time I was blown away! This is a beautiful story that I think depicts the Jazz Age perfectly, and it contains some amazing themes such as love, popularity, friendship and how a person can impact you for life. I loved it, and I especially loved how F. Scott Fitzgerald weaves every detail together beautifully. There are no loose ends and you can't help but smile once you finish reading the last page.
One of the things that appealed to me the most about this story was how it was told in reverse. You know that the narrator looks back on the things happening, and it leaves you with a tense feeling because you know something big and dramatic is going to happen. I also love how this story comes with its share of surprises, and I especially love how it captures the mood of the Jazz Age. Even though I didn't live during that time, I clearly felt the ambiance of that era through the pages.
After finishing this book, I immediately ordered a new book by F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Tender Is the Night" - simply because I needed more! I'm excited to see if I'll like that one as much as "The Great Gatsby", because if I do, I might have found a new favourite classic author of mine.

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Reading Progress

February 20, 2015 – Started Reading
February 20, 2015 – Shelved
February 20, 2015 –
page 41
20.71% "So far, this is so much better than when I read it a year ago... Maybe I've grown? Or maybe I just understand what is actually going on:P"
February 23, 2015 –
page 156
78.79% "This is really, really good!"
February 23, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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NickReads yessss:)))

Khalid Ben Raiss In fact this novel is more than a mere romantic story...

Edmond I just finished the Great Gatsby, I consider it the most overrated novel ever. It is considered the greatest American novel ever, it is over rated. I seen the live theatre play, I seen the movie, I read the book, I have the same reaction to all forms of the story, it is over rated.

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