Anzû's Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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bookshelves: paranormal-fix, suburban-fantasy, romance-ish, fae, annoying-main-character, fantasy, fucking-love-triangles, meh
Read 4 times. Last read February 4, 2023 to February 6, 2023.

I remember how much I was fangirling over this series back in the day, I loved it so much. Gushing over the characters, going all in for the ships. Best story ever! Omg the twists!

Now it's just. Meh? It's ok. There are still some scenes that I found well built, the setting of the book shop is an easy way to win a reader's heart, pure catering. The monsties were cool as well, some if the main ones are terrifying.

The characters. Hm. Mac is a walking stereotype, she's meant to be that, I understand, but some stuff that comes out of her mouth did not age well at all. Reading the story from her point of view is at most times cringe.

Barrons, oh how much I used to love Barrons. To quote myself, 'one of the best male characters ever written!' Do I still feel like that? Hell no. Maybe it's the fact that after all these years of reading I got beyond fed up the typical alpha male stereotype, it just doesn't do it for me anymore. Barrons is just that, big dick alpha, so tough and rough, full of muscles swole boi that will punch his way through everything. Did I mention that he's mega rich and drives the fanciest cars? I mean with how alpha he is he has to. It's the rules.

Talking about secondary characters, I'm trying really hard to even remember who is in this book. Forgettable to say the least.

Was V'lane in this? I think so. There's your great secondary character, the potential love triangle insert.

I will push on to finish up my re-read for the series, at least untill book 5. I'm curious to see how they hold up, hopefully better than this one.

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Reading Progress

October 16, 2010 – Shelved
June 1, 2011 – Started Reading
June 7, 2011 – Finished Reading
June 15, 2011 –
50.0% "In looooveee"
June 16, 2011 – Shelved as: paranormal-fix
June 16, 2011 – Shelved as: suburban-fantasy
May 5, 2012 – Shelved as: romance-ish
July 1, 2012 – Started Reading
July 7, 2012 – Finished Reading
July 15, 2012 –
6.0% "This feels even better than the first time."
July 17, 2012 –
78.0% "I am realizing so many things while reading it a second time. KMM sure is a tease."
July 17, 2012 –
100.0% "*sigh* That felt good."
July 19, 2013 – Shelved as: fae
August 19, 2016 – Started Reading
August 19, 2016 – Finished Reading
February 4, 2023 – Started Reading
February 6, 2023 – Finished Reading
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: annoying-main-character
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: meh
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: fucking-love-triangles
February 9, 2023 – Shelved as: fantasy

Comments Showing 1-50 of 60 (60 new)

Aly is so frigging bored You really should read this series. If you can break in the middle of it and read smth else I'll bow to your glory **batting eyelashes**

message 2: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Hmmm... Challenge accepted!! (Barney Stinson reference:p):))

Aly is so frigging bored I can't wait to hear/read what you think of it

message 4: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû It really seems like a great series:D I guess I'll start it soon:| I have so many books I want to start... it's difficult to pick:p

Aly is so frigging bored And sometimes I don't want to read any of them, so difficult really:P

message 6: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû No? Why not?:p

message 8: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû April conversation niiiiiceee:))

Brittany B. God I loved this series!!

message 10: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû It's one of the best EVER!!! I'm going to re-read it in July:D

Brittany B. That's going to be fabulous.

I don't know if I can put myself through the experience again until/unless she writes another book that's about Mac and Barrons. (I know she's writing three books about Dani O'Malley. Yuk!) She says after she's done writing Dani's trio, she'll write two more fever books. Since that would be years away, I won't hold my breath...
She left a whole lot of loose ends. I read the series twice in close proximity and realized that she had tons of open issues. Even Barrons, I still don't know what he is! And same with Mac, sort of. I need answers. Lol.

message 12: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû You didn't like Dani? Or is it because it's YA?

Yep, Fever's full of plotholes and I can't wait for her to explain them!! And if she doesn't I'll go all voodoo on her ass and curse her!!!:evil laugh:

Aly is so frigging bored I guess she didn't like Dani, like any normal person would like that brat 8-|

Brittany B. Yep Anzu and Aly,
It's Dani! I really don't like Dani!
I wouldn't care if it were YA, if I liked the girl. I love the Mackeltars, and Dani definitely doesn't deserve Christian, and def doesnt deserve to be the focus of a love triangle. In general, I think she's obnoxious. Specifically, she should have her fingernails pulled out of her skin for(view spoiler)

Brittany B. Now I'm starting to think of a reread, since you mentioned it. I just read Cian's Highlander book. It's the last one before fever. They're already talking about the dark book in that one.
It's giving me the fever itch...:)

Aly is so frigging bored I loved Cian! I think besides him I liked Adam's book the most. What did you think of the Highlanders?

Brittany re-read with us in July:D

message 17: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Yep, Dani can be a pain in the ass at times. But maybe she'll repent in the coming books? Or go blind so we'll all feel bad for her and forgive her. A bit.

I didn't read the Highlander books, not my thing..

Aly is so frigging bored You started with the 1st one when I told you not to, and you read, again, only a small part... So it's all your fault:))

I might forgive her if she cured AIDS and maybe if she made world hunger disappear.

Brittany B. Anzu wrote: "I didn't read the Highlander books, not my thing..."

Anzu I have to agree with Aly! The highlander books are good. The last 4 are must-reads! And Aly- Adam's book is my favorite too! And the one with the berserker warrior(part 2 or 3).

I can't forgive Dani. I was clueless about her, and shocked with the revelation in Shadowfever. What she did is really F'ed up.

But I might join the reread in July. Maybe my feelings for Dani will change. Thing is Anzu, you're missing out on the back story of the Druids in Fever by skipping all the highlander books.

Aly is so frigging bored I tried to tell her, but I can't reason with her:)) She's like a donkey really.

It'll be fun, that re-read:D I just got the books in paperback and I'll do nothing and read them and drink lemonade and eat chocolate cake *dreamin'*

message 21: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Hmmmmm but it sucked:/ It was all alpha crap and banging crap and some more alpha crap. Really annoying:/

Brittany B. Omg! Is it time?? It is!!!!!! High Drama! The fever reread is upon us. I better finish what I'm reading. ASAP.

message 23: by Keri (new) - rated it5stars

Keri I'm doing it, too. I'll be starting my Darkfever reread next week! Woo hoo! I can't wait!

Brittany B. That's great!!! It will be frustrating and fun... And frustrating... Lol.

Aly is so frigging bored Brittany B. wrote: "That's great!!! It will be frustrating and fun... And frustrating... Lol."

More frustrating:))

message 26: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû It's awesome. So awesome. I'm reading stuff and nodding to myself saying"I know how it ends bitches!! You can't scare me anymore!"

Aly is so frigging bored =)))))))))))))) you are epic when you want to:D

message 28: by Brittany B. (last edited Jul 16, 2012 05:26AM) (new) - rated it5stars

Brittany B. Aly (Lothaire) Daciano wrote: "=)))))))))))))) you are epic when you want to:D"

@Aly-- Touché....:))

@Anzu: that is called POWER. We have the power...

So Has anyone read "Into the Dreaming"? I'm starting this tomorrow. (Monday) Into the Dreaming is short. Maybe Ill read it tonight, before I start the first book. I read all 7 of the highlander books and #7 had some Pre-fever setup.

Anzu I bet you haven't read any of those?

Aly is so frigging bored LOL Brittany, you have her:))

I did and I liked them a lot:D into the dreaming is confusing... it shows both the queen and the king and I was trying so hard to like it with a time in Fever or the other series, to read yesterday that they don't connect:D but it was nice:D

message 30: by Dija (new) - rated it5stars

Dija This didn't appear on my feed at all. Damn you, GR!!

Anyway. I think it's about time I started reading this as well, seeing as I think almost everyone's beaten me to it already.:D

Aly is so frigging bored I haven't started it yet... I am afraid that if I do I won't let it down till I finish:))

message 32: by Dija (new) - rated it5stars

Dija I thought you'd be the first person to start it, Aly, since you have such shiny new copies and all. XD

Brittany B. Dija wrote: "I thought you'd be the first person to start it, Aly, since you have such shiny new copies and all. XD"

Nothing shows up in my feeds... I am glad we have a place to go to discuss... GR needs to get with it...

Anyway, Dija I am not reading it now. I got caught up finishing another book last night. I am just starting Darkfever now. If I get the chance to read it along the way, I will. But I'm ready to start:)

message 34: by Dija (last edited Jul 17, 2012 01:06AM) (new) - rated it5stars

Dija Oh, I thought everyone has started already. I was reading another book too so I couldn't start on the 15th like I'd initially planned. But now that I've finished that one and started this, I can't stop giggling and swooning and grinning. My family thinks I've finally lost it, but I don't care. Nothing matters but Barrons. (Am I scaring you guys yet?:P)

Aly is so frigging bored Not at all Dee:D I have the same problem, and they keep interrupting me.

message 36: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Probably by now everyone started it.

Brittany B. Anzu wrote: "Probably by now everyone started it."

I started today, but it is 145pm where I am.

Barrons, yum yum.

Brittany B. Lofl she starts it with a John Cougar Melancamp quote...

Dominika I'm sorry, I haven't read the whole thread, so.that might be totally radom/repeating things you have already talked about... anyway, do you have any music that you have listened to while reading the series?

message 40: by Dana (new) - rated it5stars

Dana Totally LOVED this book Series! Kind of hard to find something as exciting as this series is.

message 41: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû @Dominika: I love listening to Nine Inch Nails while reading Fever. Did you know that there's an official OST for the series? Or the last one, I don't really recall. It's not bad. It also has this:

You're welcome.

@Dana: I think Kate Daniels gives it a run for its money.

Aly is so frigging bored Anzu wrote: "@Dana: I think Kate Daniels gives it a run for its money."

Blasphemy! I can't believe you said that!

message 43: by Dija (last edited Jul 21, 2012 11:07PM) (new) - rated it5stars

Dija I lovelovelove your answers, Aznu!!

1. You must paint that scene. I loved reading it and KMM describes it in such beautiful detail.

2. Agreed with the line that you can't live with Barrons, nor can you live with him, LOL.

3. You cheated on the 2 words thing.:P

4. Awesome review!

Aly is so frigging bored Love your review! That one word seemed like a German noun, one to witch you keep adding words and it looks interminable:D

Brittany B. Here's my two words for your review: F'ing Epic!!!!

message 46: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Dija wrote: "I lovelovelove your answers, Aznu!!

1. You must paint that scene. I loved reading it and KMM describes it in such beautiful detail.

2. Agreed with the line that you can't live with Barrons, nor c... "

They don't call me a pirate for nothing Dee:> Of course I cheat;)

@Aly: Loool right? I thought the same thing!

@Brit: Thanks luv:>

Mariela I super love your reviews!!!!!! You are genius!

message 48: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Mariela wrote: "I super love your reviews!!!!!! You are genius!"

Thank you so much:D

message 49: by Carol (new) - rated it4stars

Carol Ri I am unsure of KMM's Fever series after looking through some scathing readers review, but your review is indeed super cool (understatement) inspite of you mentioning Darkfever is the weakest of the series. Looking forward to checking out your reviews in the succeeding books after I finish with this one. Thanks!

message 50: by Anzû (new) - rated it3stars

Anzû Thank you Carol. I think you should give it a try. I hope it will impress you as much as it has impressed me ^^

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