Steph Sinclair's Reviews> The Martian

The Martian by Andy Weir
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There isn't anything inherentlywrongwith The Martian, but, look, that was a lot of fucking math.

When I was a kid still in the "oh god what will I do as a career when I'm a grownup?!" phase, I had the brilliant idea that maybe I'd be a mathematician. The Martian has just reminded me why that was a shitty idea. I love sci-fi and I'm super fascinated with space, but yeah, this one didn't particularly spark anything in me. It didn't leave me hungering for the next page. It was just another audiobook that I listened to to get me to the next level in Candy Crush.

But, some good points:

- Very strong narration: if you listen to the audio, good choice! Kind of. The good news is, the narrator is fantastic. The bad news is, the audio makes it hard to skim pass the more boring parts like the math. You'll have no choice but to suffer through it if it's not working for you.

- Excellent research: kudos to the author for all the research he did. I can't image how long it must have taken. The fact that he included all that math indicates how meticulous and deligent he is. I have nothing but respect for that. Even if it was boring to the tenth power.

- Fascinating concept: if I were stuck on Mars, I'd probably lose my mind. So it did fascinate me to see what Mark would do in each situation. My fascination ended at multiplying and dividing potatoes.

- Interesting characters: my favorite parts were of the characters at NASA and Mark's crew. Basically anyone that wasn't Mark. No wait, that's not fair. I think Mark did start to grow on me near the very end, but I can't say I was truly invested in if he lived or died. I would have been okay with either ending.

The bad:


I disliked that as soon as the book opened, Mark was counting potatoes. I understand why, and I get that the dude has to eat to survive Mars, but if you multiply that times my interest level, you'll get zero fucks. The problem I had was boredom. There just wasn't a lot happening outside of counting potatoes, multiplying water, something, something chemistry and science.

It got to the point where I starting coming up with my own mathematical equations. For instance, why doesn't my rage times my boredom equal Mark's death? If only I could kill off characters with my mind. If only.

So I got to the end of the book and it was a decent ending, I suppose. Again, it didn't spark any heightened suspense in my heart, I wasn't on the edge of my seat. I thought for sure this was going to be my kind of book and almost purchased the hardcover for myself. But then I remembered I don't actuallylikesurvival stories, which I guess explains quite a lot about why I didn't love it.

This book would have been significantly better with aliens.

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Reading Progress

June 18, 2015 – Shelved
June 18, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
June 18, 2015 – Shelved as: adult
June 18, 2015 – Shelved as: sci-fi
June 18, 2015 – Shelved as: 2014-release
August 15, 2015 – Started Reading
August 15, 2015 –
10.0% "SO MUCH MATH."
August 15, 2015 – Shelved as: audio-books
August 18, 2015 –
37.0% "So far, this is boring me to tears. All the math and science equations are killing me. And I'm like," oh, so, you're stuck in space? Greeeeeeeeeeat. "Am I missing something? Should I be hooked already? Should I just keep reading? Should I DNF? Wait... Don't answer that last one because we all know I'm stubborn AF."
August 19, 2015 –
47.0% "I figured it out. I'm just not a fan of this writing style."
August 23, 2015 –
97.0% "Iron Man. Lol."
August 23, 2015 – Finished Reading
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: zzzzz
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: 2015-reads
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: not-for-me
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: why-the-hype
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: 2013-release
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: alternating-povs
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: male-pov
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: can-t-believe-i-finished
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: didn-t-care-for-it
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: disappointment
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: fell-for-the-hype
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: glad-it-s-over
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: kill-me-now
October 3, 2015 – Shelved as: that-cover-misled-me

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by R.K. (new)

R.K. Syrus Hold on the for sequel, the potatoes attract a dormant race of Martian Warrior Priestesses, forbidden intergalactic love ensues!:D

message 2: by Julio (new) - rated it2stars

Julio Genao i wasn't a fan of the writing either. dry as a bag of pretzels.

message 3: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Oh. Why 2 stars?

message 4: by Kels (new) - rated it5stars

Kels Ahh that's too bad on the low rating! I was looking forward to reading it with all the hype surrounding it. Looking forward to your thoughts on it!

message 5: by Jaz (new) - rated it4stars

Jaz This is such a hit or miss. I'm not sure which category I'd fall into.

message 6: by Kerry (new) - rated it4stars

Kerry I'm so glad that somebody else wasn't in love with this. oh

I'm so glad that I wasn't the only one who was not in love with this book! I was beginning to think that was just me.

message 7: by Kate (new) - rated it4stars

Kate Copeseeley Not surprising.:)

message 8: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Winbush hahaha. You may have saved me the $9 from taking this off my wish list on amazon. Can't wait for your review!

message 9: by Steph (new) - rated it2stars

Steph Sinclair If you like survival stories, you might enjoy it better than I did.

Elin the Lightship I was thinking about reading it for a while but I remembered that, like you, I don't like survival stories. At all. Always hoping someone would starve, freeze to death or just stab themselves in the eye.

message 11: by Steph (new) - rated it2stars

Steph Sinclair Exactly. Like, please end yourself for my amusement already. At least, then, something interesting will happen.

message 12: by Kate (new) - rated it4stars

Kate Copeseeley Yes, the science was not my fave part, but good GOD, Sinclair, I can't believe you wished for poor Mark's death. He was so adorably likeable. (for me anyway. maybe it was because I DID read the book, so I did a lot of skimming. haha)

message 13: by Steph (new) - rated it2stars

Steph Sinclair Well, only because I wanted something interesting to happen! Lol. I'm sure I'll feel differently toward the movie adaptation. It looks more my speed.

message 14: by R.K. (new)

R.K. Syrus [Everything] would [be] significantly better with aliens. [And dragons!:D]

message 15: by Kayla (new) - rated it5stars

Kayla I have an addition with an interview with the author, and all the 'research' was done out of pure hobbyist interest years ago before writing the book, which I think is amazing. knowing that he thoroughly loved and enjoyed what he was writing, makes the book that much better.

message 16: by Kat (new) - rated it5stars

Kat Montemayor I liked this book despite the math, but this is a great review!

message 17: by Ashleyjo (new)

Ashleyjo I just watched the movie, & I can't fathom trying to read and comprehend the science'y aspects! I think this one may be one of the rare that's more successful on screen than print:/

Natalie Monroe The math killed it for me, too. I'm the kind of person who sees Algebra and hisses like a vampire confronted with sunlight.

message 19: by John-Nathan (new) - added it

John-Nathan I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud, at least, three times while reading this review! Your review times my laughter = 100% epicness.

HeatherJay Loved your review.......and I LOVED the book. Haven't enjoyed a book this much in awhile. However, your reviews are always outstanding!!!

julia ✨ Omg I agree 100%

message 22: by Steph (new) - rated it2stars

Steph Sinclair @RK, I totally agree!

@Kayla, wow! Now that's dedication. Very impressive.

@Kathleen, thank you!

@Ashleyjo, how did you like the movie? The trailer looks really good.

@Natalie, exactly. I'm the same way. Math, get it awaaaaaaaay!

@John, now there's some math I could get behind!:D Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

@Heatherjay, thanks!

@Julia, Solidarity!

message 23: by La La (new) - rated it5stars

La La I loved the science!

message 24: by Rosie (new)

Rosie Overstreet EWW MATH AND READING = no bueno

message 25: by Rick (new) - rated it4stars

Rick Smith Hmm. Maybe don't read sci-fi if you don't like sci-fi;o)

message 26: by Steph (new) - rated it2stars

Steph Sinclair Rick, I do like sci-fi. Just didn't like this book.

Ronyell Awesome review!

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