Katie(babs)'s Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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Was pretty easy reading, but was a little underwhelmed. I adore Mac but Barrons is a douche, but a classy one. The ending was great. Onto the next one!

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Reading Progress

November 24, 2010 – Shelved
January 9, 2011 – Started Reading
January 9, 2011 –
page 38
12.3% "Hello Jericho Barrons, aka Mr. Omnipresent Carnality"
January 9, 2011 –
page 189
61.17% "Right now I take V'lane over Barrons. Not seeing the appeal of Barrons the stuck up douche yet."
Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Anna (new) - rated it5stars

Anna Hope you enjoy this series. It's quite addicting once you get started.:)

♡Karlyn P♡ I thought you already have and read Shadowfever? So you are just starting the series? It is a fun series and builds intensity with each new book. Enjoy!

message 3: by Madelynne (new)

Madelynne Ellis I love the way the intensity builds and the background evolves in this series. Hope you enjoy the read.

message 4: by orannia (new)

orannia I hope the hype is correct. Worried I won't like it.

That's the reason why I've never picked it up. Well, that and I'm currently off paranormal romance:)

Christine I was underwhelmed the first time I read DARKFEVER several years ago, too, but enjoyed it so much more when I re-read it last December. The series takes off with flying leaps from here. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Orannia, this series is UF not PNR, and while there is a lot of buzz over Mac's love life, it's definitely not the center conflict... there's a ton of complicated "stuff" going on in these stories that's even more compelling. Okay, perhaps equally compelling. Mac's love life actually doesn't get much page time, as fascinating (and as frustrating) as it is. Maybe you'll give it a try someday.:)

Katie(babs) Christine wrote: "I was underwhelmed the first time I read DARKFEVER several years ago, too, but enjoyed it so much more when I re-read it last December. The series takes off with flying leaps from here. Hope you en..."

Everyone keeps telling me to wait until book 3. That's where you get hooked. But so far I enjoyed what I read and can't wait to start on book 2.

Angela I know it took a lot of people until book 3 to get hooked, but I was into it and looking forward to the next book long before that...

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

lol 'but Barrons is a douche, but a classy one'. Ya I am huge fan of the series waiting for the last one. I go back and forth with Barrons myself, like him as a mentor/character but love interest? He is kinda a douche, a hot douche, perhaps a nail and bail douche?

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