Kim's Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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bookshelves: urban-fantasy, paranormal-romance, read-in-2011, favorites

My apologies to Olivia, I know you weren't blown away by Action Barbie and her gang of new friends, but OMG I loved this.

Another one of those books I can't read in public. Not because it's full of smut, but because I constantly feel like making out with my Kindle.That'show much I loved reading this book. I was constantly grumpy for the past few days, without having a real reason.

Conversations with me pretty much went like this:

Person: Kim?

So after having to reanimate a few of thosepersonsI put 2 and 2 together and realized it was because I felt anxious every moment I wasn't reading this book.

There was not one dull chapter in this book, I kept wanting to find out what would happen next. I love how certain questions were left unanswered, questions that a lot of other series already elaborately explain in the first book.

I'm not very girly myself so I don't really get the whole pink thing, but it didn't bother me. (I was lucky enough to keep Alicia Silverstone out of my head during the entire book!) I heard a some things about Mac before I read this and I was expecting I would hate her guts. But nope. Love her. I even felt bad because I laughed during her encounters with V'lane. The first one was just funny, the second one was... um... I'm trying to find a way to describe this without giving anything away... I don't know... I read that part and tried to imagine myself in Mac'sposition.I'm sure my low levels of feeling horrified don't even come close to what it must be like.

I pretty much went into high school crush mode the moment I met Barrons (but I didn't know why yet, and I'm still not sure if I have a reason). I'm so intrigued, I feel like bursting out of my skin. I'mthisclose to booking a flight to Ireland. I'll even swim if I have to.

I would dive into the second book this instant if I wasn't reading 3 other books already, but if I don't force myself to read those first, I'll spend all my time reading this series. And maybe it's not a bad idea to drag this out a bit. I might have to give my Kindle to somebody so I can't start readingBloodfever.But I don't want to end up in jail for assault and battery, or even manslaughter, 'cause I'll know I'll say "don't let me have my Kindle underanycircumstances "and then regret it 3 seconds later.

*dreamy sigh* Oh Barrons. Where have you been all my life?

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Reading Progress

January 6, 2011 – Shelved
January 7, 2011 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
January 7, 2011 – Shelved as: paranormal-romance
January 19, 2011 – Started Reading
January 19, 2011 – Shelved as: read-in-2011
January 20, 2011 –
January 20, 2011 –
40.0% "I don't know if this was supposed to happen but I'm developing a mayor crush on Barrons."
January 22, 2011 –
70.0% "I'm glad my museum trips are a lot less interesting."
January 22, 2011 –
January 22, 2011 – Shelved as: favorites
January 22, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 82 (82 new)

message 1: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim I hearda lotof good things about this series.

Jessica Oooh, you're reading this already? I was planning on ordering the first book tonight but now I think I'll wait for your review...happy reading babe!

message 3: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Yeah, it's been on my mind for a few days now, and I really need to read it.

I'm going to put The Greyfriar on hold and read this and Finnikin.

~Tina~ I'm picking this book up tomorrow! I can't take it anymore, these books seem to be everywhere I turn on here.

message 5: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Yup, same here, I have all 5 books on my Kindle XD

I'm in trouble with my reading schedule, we are starting Fall For Anything on Saturday... I might have to quit my job.

~Tina~ I think we're gonna start it on Sunday:o) I'm glad I decided to take a break this week from reading;p

oliviasbooks Hugs and kisses to Barbie, ladies! I you are ALL giving this five stars I am losing my faith in your taste (kidding, don't worry).

Janina Hehe;). Looking forward to hearing what you all think of it. I might be willing to give it a try - despite Olivia's warning...;).

message 9: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Oh I'm sorry Tina, I thought we were starting on the 22nd, but I probably remembered the wrong date.

ROFL Olivia, is it really that bad? XD

Janina, I'm a bit scared now, after what Olivia told us.

message 10: by Morgan (new) - added it

Morgan F I thought it was the 22nd too...

message 11: by ~Tina~ (new) - rated it4stars

~Tina~ Oops, my bad. I thought the 22nd was a Sun. Image and video hosting by TinyPic .

~clears throat~ Yupyup, we're starting it on Sat. ~grins~

Kat Kennedy I really hope you like this series, Kim. You're very lucky to be reading it after the last book came out.

oliviasbooks Not that bad, Kim. I even finished reading it. I just didn't like the kind-of-love-interest and was mightily annoyed by the heroine, who could inspire mild me to name calling. There was a bookshop-setting. That was nicish.

message 14: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Thanks Kat, I hope I will too, I see all these 4 and 5 star reviews floating around. And now I can just storm through all the books if I end up liking them =)

I'll keep an open mind Olivia, but you are still making me worried =D

Kat Kennedy I really enjoyed the first book of the series but I understand why others won't like Mac's character. She's starts out as Pink Mac and very naive. I just happen to like girlie characters.

I'm sure you'll like it, Kim. It's got great mysteries, puzzles and characters that keep you guessing until the very end.

message 16: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim I like it so far Kat, even with all the pink. ^^

message 17: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny OoooOOoo have fun with them. I loved them. Well love it not the right word, I'm obsessed with those books! Can't wait to hear what you think!!

message 18: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Thank you Danny! I am enjoying the first bookverymuch!

message 19: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny Then, i have no doubt you'll live the rest too! Most people had problems with the first but then loved the following!!

I just say.... Barrons!!

Flannery <3 Great review for a super fun book, Kim! The book made me want to go back to Ireland, too:-)

message 21: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Thank you Flannery! I've never been there, but I heard so many great things about it.

message 22: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Oh Kim, you don't need a reason to crush on Barrons. It just kind of happens. Hilarious link from the "WHAT?" It made me feel like I was on a treasure hunt...

Nice Review! Did you picture Kristen Bell as Mac? I think I should start a campaign for her to play the part if they ever make a movie.

message 23: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Yeah, but at this point I don't have much to go on, but I guess that's how crushes work ^^

Hehe, I'm glad you liked my link and my review! I didn't really put a face on Mac while I was reading this, but I think Kristen fits the bill, so I'll join your campaign! (although I can't really picture her as Mac 2.0, but that's my fault because I always have a hard time imagining somebody)

Jessica LOL, loved the review Kim! Makes me glad that I have ordered the first two books just yesterday:)

message 25: by Lore (last edited Jan 23, 2011 05:31PM) (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Well, she seems like one of those people who can pull off any hair color. It's a little unfair but she's cool, so no hard feelings. She was brunette in the movie Fanboys but it looked like a wig. Oh aaaaand she also dressed up as Princess Leia in a metal bikini. Not sure what that has to do with it, LOL. It's just funny.

message 26: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Thanks!

I ordered the first 4 today (I'm reading them on my Kindle, but I need 'real' copies to put on my shelves) along with the Soul Screamer books.

message 27: by Mariel (new) - rated it5stars

Mariel Holy hell I LOVE this review.

message 28: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim I'll Google Kristen to see different versions of her, I only know her as a long haired blond girl.


Oh wait, I saw some pictures and I agree with you, 100%. Loved the Princess Leia look =D

message 29: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Mariel wrote: "Holy hell I LOVE this review."

Thank you! I LOVED this book ^^

message 30: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Aw, good. Well - I'm missing Barrons, now. I think I'm due to finish reading Faefever. Trust me, the booksonly get better!

message 31: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Must stay away from Bloodfever... Must stay away from Bloodfever... GAH. I really can't start reading this now, I'm already in over my head

message 32: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore You know you miss him, too. And he is so effing hot in Bloodfever! Phew!!

message 33: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim OMFG Lyndsey, STOP.

message 34: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Hahaha. Then don't read my review of it because I talk about "certain" things that are best experienced first hand. When Flannery read about it, she was like "What page? I just want to skip to that page!" and she still hasn't read the book. *glares at her*

Flannery FU

message 36: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim I'm trying to stay completely spoiler-free with these books, because it's one of the exceptionally rare series where all the books are really good, because like you and a lot of others have said, it only gets better. I'm so glad I can read the entire series instead of having to wait for the next book.

I'll just have to make sure I finish Fall For Anything today so I can start reading Bloodfever. I really do need to give up my job.

message 37: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Ummmm, I'm sorry. What about Florida University? Is that where you graduated from? It's a little weird to go around posting the initials of your college in random threads....

Flannery That would be a funny joke...if there was such a school. Since there is not, I will point at you and laugh.

University of Florida or Florida State University (UF or FSU) FORDHAM is FU...FTW

message 39: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore Sure, laugh at the pathetic uneducated girl who doesn't know any better. That's really nice.

message 40: by Lore (new) - rated it4stars

Lore LOL Sorry, Kim. We have a strained relationship. We are going to counseling...

Definitely stay spoiler free. Anytime a review for Shadowfever pops up on my newsfeed, I close my eyes tight and scroll away. Just say no!

message 41: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny *giggles* awesome Review!!! Welcome in the club. When I finished Dreamfever last year I imediately started again with Darkfever. I reread those books now 3 times and I love them more and more if even possible!

Well, my advice? Take one week off and toss away all the other books and close yourself in with those books!

message 42: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny Oh and there is a soundtrack for those books and it is AMAZING!!!!
Bloodrush is the first and the soundtrack for Dreamfever and then there is the Shadowsong...

message 43: by Nic (new) - rated it4stars

Nic Okay, that is it. I am starting this book tomorrow! Great review Kim:)

message 44: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim *stops eating popcorn*

Please, carry on, I love drama ^^ I'll gladly take your advice Lyndsey, I don't want to ruin it.

Danny, thank you, I love this club! Wow, 3 times? Yeah, I know, but I have to read Finnikin and Fall for Anything first, my reading schedule already looks likethisso I have to show some discipline and just... Okay, I need to stop talking about these books now, becausethisis what my self-restraint looks like. *sighs*

But oooh a soundtrack! Will I spoil myself if I look it up? Or should I wait 'till I've finished them?

Nic, yaaaaay, I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did, it was great. Thanks!

message 45: by Nicole (new) - rated it5stars

Nicole You know, for a while now I've been looking forward to you meeting Barrons. Every time I read you crushing on all those YA boys like Varen, I kept thinking..just you wait! I'm so happy you picked up this series, can't wait for all the corner girls to get into them, Barrons is the new black!

Jessica Hehe, I don't think you'll have to wait long for that, Nicole. The corner already seems to be infected:)

message 47: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny The soundtrack is not really spoilery (at least I can say this for Bloodrush) but you won't understand the meaning of the songs until you've read Dreamfever. I don't know about Shadowsong since it's still on the way.. I hope it comes next week.

message 48: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Nicole, you should have shoved these books into my face. If you have any more of these guys lurking in the shadows, please tell me now =D

message 49: by Kim (new) - rated it4stars

Kim Jess, yup, I think Barrons is pretty much taking over. Nic is getting ready to meet him too ^^

Danny, I'll wait 'till I've read the books then, I'm sure the song titles will probably give away small clues (or make no sense at all, like you said).

message 50: by Danny (new) - rated it5stars

Danny I also bought the CD after reading, after becoming a total mess. Dreaming and Thinking constantly about Barrons and those books.
But, the music and the texts are wonderful!!

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