Dana's Reviews> Inkheart

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
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's review

it was ok

Oy... I really wanted to like this book. I had such high hopes for it. It was one of those books that whenever my students saw me reading it they said, "Oh, I really liked that book! It was so good." So, I thought it would be great. It just wasn't. The story was nice. In short (very short): Meggie's father repairs books. Her mother disappeared nine years ago. After a mysterious visitor shows up at their house, Meggie finds out that her father has a secret. He can read characters out of books. Nine years ago he was reading aloud and read a terrible villian out of the book and simultaneously read Meggie's mother into the book. The rest of the story is Meggie and her father trying to defeat the villian and maybe get her mother back.
Overall... it was a great idea for a book, it just wasn't particularly well excecuted. I can't exactly place my finger on what I didn't like, but it just didn't sit well with me. I think it was the lack of character development. I didn't feel like I really knew the characters. I also felt like I couldnt' quite picture what was happening. I wanted more description-strange for such a long novel. And overall, it was just too long. I felt like it really dragged. I wanted it to move more quickly and have a bit more action. Great premise, but I'm not super excited to read the next one.

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February 24, 2008 – Shelved
Started Reading
May 5, 2008 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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Yunice oh my god, thats exactly what i was feeling
becaus everybody was like, "oh it's such a good book" but i didn't really feel it was

message 2: by Heidi (new) - rated it2stars

Heidi Yes! I agree completely...I can't exactly put my finger on what I didn't like...but it didn't sit well with me, either....it just wasn't executed well.....

message 3: by Marcie (last edited Aug 01, 2009 12:18PM) (new) - rated it1star

Marcie I totally agree with you, everyone said that it was such a good book. And I tried reading it for months, but no matter how far I got into the book, there was just something about it that didn't bode well. So I ended up not even finishing it, and I was glad to finally return it to the library.

Chelsea I, like, am feeling the same way you did! It just didn't really grab my attention.

message 5: by Bia (new) - rated it2stars

Bia I agree as well. She kept, if I remember well, two entire pages describing the walls of a cell, but didn't describe the characters at all.

message 6: by Hank (new) - added it

Hank I don't agree with you. This book is actually really good. Don't dis it.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree with hank it was a wonderful book. Maybe you didnt like the concept or something maybe it wasn't a good book but it was perfect to me

Dustin Davis I agree! I had high hopes as well, but this book just seemed to drag on endlessly!!!

Brennan I read novels like this for characterization, and I also found too much time was spent on setting, not enough on plot points and characters, all who seems interesting on first glance.

Cecilia Are u kidding?? BEST BOOK EVER!!

message 11: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Berndt Yeah, it just didn't grab my attention.

Stephanie Yes I agree. I got tired of it midway through. It was the little girl. Pippi Longstockings was far more interesting than Maggie.

message 13: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Berndt Same, I got to the part where they started to follow Capricorn. I like Harry Potter much better, with Harry Potter i reread it because it was good not because i couldn't get into it the first time.:(

message 14: by Adam (new) - added it

Adam Ferrel Completely disagree, I couldn't put the book down. Great Series and Great Characters!

message 15: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Berndt I think it was just not very straight forward. It was boring at first

message 16: by Mandy (new) - rated it5stars

Mandy I love this book so far

message 17: by Emily (new) - rated it3stars

Emily I agree it was too long but I also started to get confused with what was happening and where everyone was, mainly near the end

message 18: by Betty (new) - added it

Betty I agree... It was too long and felt like it kept going in circles and getting nowhere. I loved the premise and really wanted to like the book, but it just dragged on and on into an infinity of boredom.

message 19: by Michal (new) - rated it2stars

Michal ?it was a great idea for a book, it just wasn't particularly well executed. "
my thoughts and feelings too. Way too long. I just skipped to the end. The end was so chopped up, I wasn't sure if it really was the "end".


brayden micheal shackelford For everyone to agree with this statement. I pity you. This story brings the love to reading back into hearts. For you to under rate this book means you have no sense of adventure or fantasy.

message 22: by Breana (new) - rated it5stars

Breana I have no idea how to read the book

message 23: by Luci (new) - rated it2stars

Luci Dana: I totally agree with your review. I broke it down in my review why I didn't care for this novel although the premise is great. It could have been so much better with a little more effort.

message 24: by Anjali (new) - rated it3stars

Anjali Negi couldn't like the book either.. The cover was gorgeous though.. the red on with a window..

message 25: by William (new)

William Joseph Same thing is happening with me.I am feeling dragged. It isn't living up to my expectation:(

message 26: by Bailey (new) - rated it2stars

Bailey Ostovar I agree

message 27: by Spence (new) - rated it1star

Spence I agree completely the story was way to long. In my opinion if you find the more interesting and important pages you can cut the story in half. Maybe even more.

Rhianwen the Elf-Heart Oh. My. Goodness. How can you not like this book? I pictured every moment of it and understood the characters as if I had known them for years.

message 29: by Willow (new) - rated it5stars

Willow Hey, you need a spoiler alert on this review.

message 30: by Karla (new) - rated it4stars

Karla Pitts The problem is mostly the translation from German to anything else

message 31: by Evan (new) - rated it4stars

Evan Thomas Was pretty good but the book Inkspell wasn't as good

message 32: by Lauren (new) - rated it4stars

Lauren My issue was how flat the characters were and how little motivation they had (or at least we were given). Meggie, Mo, and Elinor were basically defined by their love for books and weren’t given any other traits. Capricorn was pure evil. Basta was superstitious. Dustfinger was the only character, I felt, who really had anything going for him (and I’m super upset Brendon Fraiser didn’t play him in the movie, perfect fit!). He had a small character arc, he constantly fought for redemption and struggled with moral dilemmas. Maybe that makes him the protagonist then?

Richard Amery But if (as you say) your students really like it, then perhaps, just perhaps, you are a little out of touch with their generation?

Brittany I read this book when I was in middle school, and I loved it!

message 35: by Luna (new) - rated it5stars

Luna i read the book when i was eleven years old whe i returned it to the library i kept hiding it from bpeoplez not to damage it it is AMAZING you are just being critical and seeig it from a general veiw

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