Nastya Khyzhniak's Reviews> Don't Read This Book If You're Stupid

Don't Read This Book If You're Stupid by Tibor Fischer
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it was ok

Of course I was intrigued by the title, though it's a bit childish ( "hop if you're not stupid" ). Moreover, I'm not quite sure that the content of the book is up to the task of determining:)
I went from liking to disliking it several times and still haven't settled on one opinion. Because there are clever and interesting ideas, but most of them aren't. I'm more than sure that this is not the book I would recommend to anyone, but I would definitely share several short stories, like, for example, Bookcruncher.

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Reading Progress

June 27, 2016 – Started Reading
June 27, 2016 – Shelved
July 4, 2016 – Finished Reading

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