James Trevino's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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really liked it
Read 2 times. Last read December 10, 2023.

Dragons and elves and dragons!

A lot of people faulted Paolini for trying to copy Tolkien, but the truth is, their styles are nothing alike. Tolkien is much more poetic and his writing more archaic.

Paolini is a much more straightforward fantasy guy. And that is not a bad thing. I really enjoyed this book and the series overall ranks as one of my all time favorites! Why? Because it is so well written! Seriously now, the descriptions and characters and everything! And it is fascinating really... well, except for the Prologue of this book. It is like that is written by another person (or by Paolini while he was 10 years old). But once you go past that, it gets soooo damn good!!!!

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December 10, 2023 – Started Reading
December 10, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Teemu (new)

Teemu Qvist I have never had any interest to read this series but maybe I should give it a chance.

message 2: by James (new) - rated it4stars

James Trevino Teemu wrote: "I have never had any interest to read this series but maybe I should give it a chance."

You definitely should! It gets better with every book!

message 3: by C.P. (new) - rated it3stars

C.P. Cabaniss I never read the final book, but I've been thinking of giving the series a reread and seeing what I think of it now. I lost interest waiting for the last one. So now that they are all out maybe I would have a better time with them.

message 4: by James (new) - rated it4stars

James Trevino C.P. wrote: "I never read the final book, but I've been thinking of giving the series a reread and seeing what I think of it now. I lost interest waiting for the last one. So now that they are all out maybe I w..."

I quite liked the last one, but the second is still my favorite.

message 5: by Suzie (new) - rated it5stars

Suzie I absolutely loved that series, and the third book was my favorite!

Bookwalker Yeah. Both Tolkien and Paolini were inspired by Beowulf (which, I guarantee, all of the negative reviewers have not read, because if they had, they would immediately note the similarities between all three books). But, the former tend to lean more into the poetic side, whereas the latter leans more into the epic side.

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