Michael Finocchiaro's Reviews> The Far Side Gallery

The Far Side Gallery by Gary Larson
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really liked it
bookshelves: comics, american-20th-c, humor

There is nothing quite like Gary Larson's The Far Side. I class it up there with Bloom County and Calvin and Hobbes as the funniest commentaries on 20th C american life. Absurd truths abound and it is hard to stifle a laugh or a guffaw at Larson's wit and fantastic ideas. Another one to help forget the horrifying headlines of today's depressing world.

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Reading Progress

Started Reading
January 1, 2004 – Finished Reading
October 24, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
October 24, 2016 – Shelved
November 21, 2016 – Shelved as: comics
November 21, 2016 – Shelved as: american-20th-c
January 8, 2017 – Shelved as: humor

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Nikki "The Crazie Betty" V. I could not agree more with this review. I've read all of Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes and look forward to owning the entire massive collection at some point in the future:) Hilarious!

Michael Finocchiaro I totally agree! Thanks Nikki! And Happy Holidays!

message 3: by Mike (new)

Mike Those are three of my favorites right there, but Calvin and Hobbes will always stand out for me. Great review. Gonna have to dig out some memories from the storage closet now!

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