Cindi's Reviews> Thrust

Thrust by Sybil Bartel
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2017, series, erotica, on-blog

4.5 stars, rounded up.

This is one of those times when I really wish Goodreads had half stars. I'm rounding it up instead of down because the one thing that had me knock a half star off my rating was in regards to a secondary character, not a main one.

It's been a long time since I've read a M/F romance. I sawThruston Amazon and decided to take a chance. I've been known to buy books based solely on their covers and I shallowly admit that this was one of those times. Look at it.:)

With that being said, I went into this not expecting much more than porn without plot. Theten inches of real estatein the blurb turned me off. I ended up being pleasantly surprised. I'm glad I took a chance because I really enjoyed this.

Alex Vega is a high-priced male escort. While at an art auction with one of his clients he sets his sights on Olivia. After a cat fight between Alex's current client and another one who happens to be at the auction, things get interesting between the two.

Olivia's only goal is to open a charitable organization that trains service dogs for veterans with PTSD. She worked her butt off to organize the auction in hopes of raising enough money to make it happen. She's finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel... then Alex Vega shows up and ruins everything.

This is where the story starts and where it gets hot as hell.

Alex is an arrogant jerk. He's very full of himself and believes he's God's gift to women. Early on I despised him. Surprisingly, as the story played out and I got to see more of his character, I started to really like the guy. By the time I finished the book I loved him. One of the best things about the story for me was that Olivia was no doormat. The main reason I stopped reading M/F is because I felt like all I was reading about were female characters who went from strong to weak the instant a hot guy came into their world. Olivia wasn't like that. Oh, she had her TSTL moments, but she still stood up for herself and proved that she was strong and didn't have to have a man to survive.

Overall, a very good book and not at all what I was expecting. There are a lot of hot sex scenes but there's also a good story. I'll definitely be reading more by this author.

Highly recommended.

FullNSFWreview can be found at -

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Reading Progress

January 3, 2017 – Started Reading
January 3, 2017 – Shelved
January 3, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017
January 3, 2017 – Shelved as: series
January 3, 2017 – Shelved as: erotica
January 3, 2017 –
0% "My first book in forever and it's MF erotica/romance.

So far I'm hating the male MC. The female isn't much better. For some reason I can't stop reading it. Maybe it's theten inches of real estate.Bahaha! The blurb cracked me up. The cover is hot as hell.;) "
January 3, 2017 –
0% ""You know what happened last night?
I was drunk, not passed out. Of course I knew what happened last night. I'd stupidly fucked him. Or he'd fucked me. Whatever.
"You prematurely ejaculated?"
"DNA swapping. You know what that means?"
"I" m a crime scene? ""
January 3, 2017 –
0% "I was either losing my mind or dangerously close to becoming a pussy-whipped escort."
January 3, 2017 –
0% ""You seeing someone else? "
I should've known then and there exactly how fucked I really was, because just the thought of another prick touching her, ever, was making me fucking postal. "
January 3, 2017 –
0% ""Just so we're clear.... "I dragged my hand up her thigh and through her wet heat."Thisis all mine. Until I say so, there's no one else for you. "

Hmm.... says the high-priced male prostitute who has clients lined up for weeks. "
January 3, 2017 –
0% "There are a ton of reasons why I should've hated this but I ended up loving it. I'm confused about a secondary character, Talon. I was under the impression that he was single in this one yet his own story was written several months before Thrust was published. The only thing that would keep me from continuing with this author is if I'm confused over who's in what book or series. They all seem connected. Review soon."
January 3, 2017 – Finished Reading
January 5, 2017 – Shelved as: on-blog

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Kazza (new)

Kazza I'm just loving the 10 inches of real estate, he he. Love your naughty review.

message 2: by Cindi (new) - rated it5stars

Cindi Kazza wrote: "I'm just loving the 10 inches of real estate, he he. Love your naughty review."

Oliviareallyloved the 10 inches of real estate. *snort*

Thanks. It was a fun review to type.

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