Ben Alderson's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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's review

it was amazing

seriously, Ben. Why have you not read this sooner. This beast has been sat on your TBR pile for years. What is wrong with you? Was little Ben intimidated by the size?


I honestly think this is one of the best fantasy YA stories. Such a classic!

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Reading Progress

January 18, 2017 – Started Reading
January 18, 2017 – Shelved
January 18, 2017 –
page 107
21.27% "Felt like starting a new series and i am SO glad to be reading this
I LOVED the movie and because 90% of the time the books are better i knew i would love this. I can not WAIT to get into this series. I LOVE DRAGONS "
January 23, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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message 1: by Zohal (new) - rated it5stars

Zohal I love this series!!! Eragon is my favourite character! My favourite book is the third one.:)

paulina This is probably the first fantasy series I've read when I was very young and I'm in love with it <3

✨    jami   ✨ I LOOVE this series!!! Brisingr is one of my favourite books everr omg

Angela Porter What I found amazing was how young Christopher was when he wrote this book and the story behind how he brought it to the world. The movie did not give justice to the book. Loved this series and when I saw you were reading it I was dying to know what you thought of it.

Robert Kirwan My fave series and will always love this series and will always be my fave books!!

Chyanne AGREED!! I am due to reread this soon, glad you liked it!
(Don't watch the movie!)

message 7: by Shimone (new)

Shimone Thorn I want to read this trilogy aswell!! It is a must!

Noemí Mtz Such an amazing story! So glad you loved it as well! ♥

E. (abookwormsnook Reviews ) Eargon was the first book I ever bought with my own money. And it was an instant favorite

message 10: by Mheep (new) - rated it5stars

Mheep Gill Yes this book is very good, it has almost every aspect of a science fiction put together in one book

message 11: by Sydney (new) - rated it5stars
