Kathleen's Reviews> Dreaming of Manderley

Dreaming of Manderley by Leah Marie Brown
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: goodreads-giveaway-wins

Daphne Du Maurier is one of my ultimate all-time favorite authors so, naturally, when I saw a book titled "Dreaming of Manderley" I was instantly interested. I love that the author references Du Maurier throughout this book, especially in the first line which mirrors that of "Rebecca", the story this book is obviously modeled after. Despite the fact that there are some definite similarities, these stories are very different (in a good way). I don't think anything will replace "Rebecca" as my favorite book, but this one didn't disappoint. Unlike some authors who can take a story and twist it into something completely unrecognizable, this story took the suspense and love story qualities found in Du Maurier's work and used them in a way to retell the story for a whole new generation of readers.

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Reading Progress

November 1, 2017 – Shelved
November 1, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
January 27, 2018 – Started Reading
January 27, 2018 – Shelved as: goodreads-giveaway-wins
January 28, 2018 – Finished Reading

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