Miranda Reads's Reviews> The Horse and His Boy

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
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Okay - am I the only one who noticed that the Calormen is pronounced color-men in the audiobook? And that they are all dark-skinned? I think Lewis has something to answer for...

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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Nicolas Lanken (new)

Nicolas Lanken My brother has that book. Its boring.®

message 2: by Vivian (new)

Vivian Ellingson I always read it as Caalermen, the a pronounced like absolute.

message 3: by Roy (new) - rated it5stars

Roy I think the reader of the audio book did say things a little bit oddly. Having paid special attention to the next book, it does seem like it was definitely just the reader of this book that made Calormen sound off. I do not believe Lewis had that intention at all. He did however definitely base that race of his books upon the peoples of the Middle East which during his day was starting to show their hatred for all western culture. That probably accounts for the overall negative light he portrays them in. But, in true Lewis fashion he tries his best to show that he realizes that not all of them can be bad with two particular characters, one in this book and the other in The Last Battle

Brayden I think you meant the narrator has something to answer for. The correct pronunciation is "Ka-Loor-Men", as for as I know.

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