Miranda Reads's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobook, absolute-favorites

Check out this book in myvery firstvideo review!
Anyway, onwards to the review!
I could read this one a hundred times and love it just the same.

This was my middle school book series. I read it over and over and over (and, as you may have guessed, over and over...).

It haddragons!And elves and magic and swordplay and not a love triangle in sight.

Even rereading it as an adult, I just...cannot separateall those happy memories So keep in mind, my reviewmight beis more than a bit biased.

Eragon, a farm boy, stumbles upon asuspicious blue stonewhile hunting in the Spine (an area that few would go to even in the best of times). He loses sight of his prey but brings home the stone anyway figuring thathe might sell it.

However, once folks find out it'sfrom the Spine- they refuse to touch it. Begrudgingly, Eragon takes it home only to discover, a few short days later, that the stone is not a stone...it is an egg.


And while Saphira (his young dragon) is cute for the first few weeks...Soon, Eragon realizes that keeping a dragon, even a young one,is no easy task.

When atragedy befallsEragon's family, he sets off with Brom, a local storyteller, and Saphira on aquest for revenge.

Along the way, he meets bothfriend and foe.He travels far farther that he ever dreamed possible and experiences losses that will irrevocably change him.
Nothing is more dangerous than an enemy with nothing to lose, he thought. Which is what I have become.
Rereading this as an adult,there are a few things I picked up this time around - like how Eragon is alwaysjuststrong enoughto vanquish his enemies, how he is always in therightplace at therighttime,how he's able to pick up swordplay and magic at an unbelievable speed...

And yet...

There is one thing that 11-year-old me and 25-year-old-me would absolutely agree.

One thing that remains steadfast and true.

I will defend this book to my dying day. This book is simply the best. The best of the best.

Audiobook Comments
While thebookmay be the best of the best...this audiobook (narrated by Gerard Doyle) was not. In particular, Saphira's voice was absolutely, hands-down,the worst voice ever bestowed upon a dragon.

I could understand going for a deeper voice for a dragon, but she's a young, female dragon, not a crotchety 1000-year-old creature with a chip on his shoulder. It was painful to listen to. Over 10 hours of a deep, guttural flem-in-the-back-of-your-throat sort of voice - think yoda on steroids.

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Quotes Miranda Liked

Christopher Paolini
“Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life.”
Christopher Paolini, Eragon

Reading Progress

May 15, 2018 – Started Reading
May 15, 2018 – Shelved
May 18, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 101 (101 new)

MK ( MaKayla) 🦇🥀🍷 I read it for the first time in middle school also! Im never gonna stop loving it! When the last book came out I read it in four hours so like 200 pages per hour XD Which ive never done before:D
Paolini said something about working on another book set in Alagesia!:D

Miranda Reads Mike (Makayla ) wrote: "Paolini said something about working on another book set in Alagesia!:D..."

HE'S DOING WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?

You have just made mydaylife.

MK ( MaKayla) 🦇🥀🍷 Miranda wrote: "Mike (Makayla ) wrote:" Paolini said something about working on another book set in Alagesia!:D... "

HE'S DOING WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?

You have just made my day life. "

Awww youre so welcome!

message 4: by Alina (new)

Alina I guess I need to read this book, too... your review was very convincing:)

Amy Mei Wickramatunga Loved your review Miranda, for I too found this book incredible. Loved this book with all my heart!

Miranda Reads Alina wrote: "I guess I need to read this book, too... your review was very convincing:)"


Miranda Reads Amy wrote: "Loved your review Miranda, for I too found this book incredible. Loved this book with all my heart!"

Glad you like it too!!

message 8: by Brittany (last edited May 22, 2018 09:33PM) (new) - rated it5stars

Brittany I got to meet him at a Con last year! Super cool guy! Can't wait for his next book to *finally* be available.

Miranda Reads Ohmygosh. I amso freaking jealous- that's so cool:)

message 10: by Steven (new) - rated it5stars

Steven Brown Great review!!!

Miranda Reads Thank you

message 12: by Julia (new)

Julia Ash Great review, Miranda!!!

Miranda Reads thank you:D

message 14: by Lloyd (new) - added it

Lloyd Great review, I have now added it to my to be read list:)

Miranda Reads Woohoo:)

message 16: by Dean (new)

Dean Miranda wonderful review!!

message 17: by Teresa (new) - rated it5stars

Teresa I remember when I read Eragon for the first time, I was, maybe 10? The second book was't out yet and I wasn't familiar with the fact that books are a series. So anyway, I loved it so much I cried because the goodness was over so fast. Then I reread it. Again. And again! XD

message 18: by Renn (new) - rated it5stars

Renn Reading your review leaves me itching to re-read it, too!

Miranda Reads Dean wrote: "Miranda wonderful review!!"

Thank you:)

Miranda Reads Teresa wrote: "I remember when I read Eragon for the first time, I was, maybe 10? The second book was't out yet and I wasn't familiar with the fact that books are a series. So anyway, I loved it so much I cried b..."

It was absolutely amazing the first time around. Really ramped up my love for books!!

Miranda Reads Sarina wrote: "Reading your review leaves me itching to re-read it, too!"

OhEmGee. Yes!!

message 22: by Travis (new) - rated it5stars

Travis Did you hear about the special Edition coming out this holiday season?? I am so excited besides Harry Potter this was the other series I ever fell in love with!!!

Miranda Reads Travis wrote: "Did you hear about the special Edition coming out this holiday season?? I am so excited besides Harry Potter this was the other series I ever fell in love with!!!"


message 24: by Travis (new) - rated it5stars

Travis Miranda wrote: "Travis wrote:" Did you hear about the special Edition coming out this holiday season?? I am so excited besides Harry Potter this was the other series I ever fell in love with!!! "


Yeah. Christopher Paolini has mentioned it on insta and twitter with videos of him signing 500 pages for a Special Edition of Eragon to be sold only at Barnes and Noble this holiday.

Miranda Reads Travis wrote: "Yeah. Christopher Paolini has mentioned it on insta and twitter with videos of him signing 500 pages for a Special Edition of Eragon to be sold only at Barnes and Noble this holida..."

Ohhhhmygosh. The hype is real. This is absolutely fabulous. I cannot wait. This is Ah-mazing:D

message 26: by Travis (new) - rated it5stars

Travis I am so excited and he is writing a secret dragon project, and middle grade, and his Sci-Fi novel. So much Paolini.

eclectic reader “Saphira’s voice was absolutely, hands-down, the worst voice ever bestowed upon a dragon.” O. M. G. Yes! It was THE worst and I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so!

Miranda Reads Travis wrote: "I am so excited and he is writing a secret dragon project, and middle grade, and his Sci-Fi novel. So much Paolini."

I had no idea. That's so exciting! Cannot WAIT for this:p

Miranda Reads mackie0192837465 wrote: "“Saphira’s voice was absolutely, hands-down, the worst voice ever bestowed upon a dragon.” O. M. G. Yes! It was THE worst and I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so! "

LOL yes. It was so terrible!!

message 30: by Daina (new) - added it

Daina Chakma I am gonna read it! Thanks for your fabulous review!

Miranda Reads Woohoo!!

message 32: by chi (new) - rated it1star

chi You made me borrow this from the library:P

Miranda Reads Woohoo!!! Join the club:D

message 34: by Steven (new) - rated it5stars

Steven Brown Starting the audio today:-)

Miranda Reads Steven wrote: "Starting the audio today:-)"

Hurray:) Let me know what you think of Saphira's voice:P

message 36: by Meredith B. (new)

Meredith B.  (readingwithmere) Great review, Miranda!

Miranda Reads thank you!!

message 38: by Valerity (Val) (new)

Valerity (Val) Still cracking up at Yoda on steroids:-)

Miranda Reads Oh gosh. It was just torture to listen to! I can't believe they did that to my fave book!!

michelleee This sounds like an awesome book, great review.

message 41: by Leah (new) - rated it5stars

Leah I agree with you 100% And omg yessss Saphira's voice was terrible lol

message 42: by Steven (new) - rated it5stars

Steven Brown Miranda wrote: "Hurray:) Let me know what you think of Saphira's voice:P"

I'm really enjoying the book, but the dragon's voice... it's so... well... it's cracking me up every time I hear it. I'm listening through earbuds, and I literally laugh out loud every time. I'm getting a lot of strange looks.

Miranda Reads ~Michelle~ ^_^ wrote: "This sounds like an awesome book, great review."

It totally is! I love it so much!!

Miranda Reads Leah wrote: "I agree with you 100% And omg yessss Saphira's voice was terrible lol"

just what were they thinking?!

Miranda Reads Steven wrote: "I'm really enjoying the book, but the dragon's voice... it's so... well... it's cracking me up every time I hear it. I'm..."

I know, right? It just floors me that this little pipsqueak of a Dragon has that voice. Come on people!!

Glad you like it though:) even Saphira's voice cannot dull my enthusiasm for this book:p

message 46: by Anita (new)

Anita Eragon was my middle school favorite too! Yaaay:)
Great review btw.

Miranda Reads Anita wrote: "Eragon was my middle school favorite too! Yaaay:)
Great review btw. "

Omg. Twins!!

message 48: by Andy (new) - rated it5stars

Andy Zhang Hey look a positive review. Nice

Miranda Reads Andy wrote: "Hey look a positive review. Nice"

LOL - I feel the same. Everyone is so angry. I thought it was a fun one:)

message 50: by Rabiraj (new)

Rabiraj Banerjee I borrowed this book from my friend in middle school.and devoured it. I guess I might just have to go back again

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