Federico DN's Reviews> BioShock Infinite: Mind in Revolt

BioShock Infinite by Joe Fielder
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: video-games, fantasy

Mildly interesting side quest.

A prequel short story book to BioShock Infinite, with the origins of Daisy Fitzroy, one of the game antagonists.

LOVED BioShock Infinite. The whole plot, Elizabeth, Booker and the non stop action. Gaming perfection.

Sadly this prequel book was very far from it.

[2013] [31p] [Fantasy] [2.5] [Not Recommendable]
[Troy Baker & Courtnee Draper "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" ]

Misión secundaria levemente interesante.

Un cuento corto precuela de BioShock Infinite, con los orígenes de Daisy Fitzroy, una de las antagonistas del juego.

AME BioShock Infinite. Toda la trama, Elizabeth, Booker y la interminable acción. Perfección de Video-Juego.

Lamentablemente este libro precuela estuvo muy lejos de eso.

[2013] [31p] [Fantasía] [2.5] [No Recomendable]
[Troy Baker & Courtnee Draper "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" ]
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Reading Progress

June 6, 2018 – Started Reading
June 6, 2018 – Shelved
June 7, 2018 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Khalid (new)

Khalid Abdul-Mumin Nice, didn't know you're into LitRPG. Try Awaken Online, it's awesome.

Federico DN Khalid wrote: "Nice, didn't know you're into LitRPG. Try Awaken Online, it's awesome."

Thank you Khalid! Sadly I can't stand any MMO games. I play strictly offline and only because of the plot. I need an ending or otherwise I go insane xD

message 3: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp