Kenny's Reviews> The Death of Ivan Ilyich

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy
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it was amazing
bookshelves: classics, short-stories-novellas, россия

“Can it be that I have not lived as one ought?"
The Death of Ivan Ilyich~~Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyichis one of the greatest tales of redemption and forgiveness I have ever read. What Tolstoy accomplished in the last 10 pages of this novella was amazing.

Tolstoy is at his best writing about the social interactions of human beings. He has such an amazing feel for the things that go on between people; the hypocrisy, the pretending, the way people lie to each other on a daily basis. And he does it so subtly. Here, nobody knows what to say in the face of death. Everyone talks around death ~~ around Ivan.

This is another of Tolstoy’s amazingly insightful looks into the way people react to life and death, the way we lose control of our lives, and how we hide from our emotions rather than embracing them.

I readThe Death of Ivan Ilyichwith my friend, Ali. When we were discussing our takes on Ivan, Ali remarked that “I think maybe it would have been more spiritual if he added God and Afterlife.” I understand Ali’s point, but I disagree. Tolstoy was writing of Ivan Ilyich’s journey to enlightenment, not his journey to God. Becoming enlightened is a spiritual journey, not a religious journey. Also, Tolstoy was writing of Ivan Ilyich’s death, not his journey thru the tunnel to the light.

The Death of Ivan Ilyichis a wonderful read. Tolstoy brilliantly demonstrates his understanding of humanity, and portrays that understanding brilliantly in his writing.


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Reading Progress

June 16, 2018 – Shelved
June 16, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
June 16, 2018 – Shelved as: classics
June 16, 2018 – Shelved as: short-stories-novellas
June 16, 2018 – Shelved as: россия
October 11, 2018 – Started Reading
October 12, 2018 –
page 9
16.98% "Completed chapter 1. Tolstoy’s writing is beautiful and the translation is so clear. I’m charmed."
October 15, 2018 –
page 22
41.51% "I'm enjoying this read so much. I'm taking my time and savoring every word and description."
October 15, 2018 –
page 35
66.04% "I marvel at how brilliantly written and plotted this is."
October 16, 2018 –
page 35
October 16, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Seth (new) - rated it5stars

Seth Mason All of Tolstoy's works are rewarding.

message 2: by Kenny (new) - rated it5stars

Kenny Seth wrote: "All of Tolstoy's works are rewarding."
Yes, Seth! I agree entirely with you on this point.

message 3: by elif (new) - rated it5stars

elif kalafat I believe that Tolstoy wanted us to both become enlightened and arrive to God. This is because enlightening arrive us to God. We know that, Tolstoy knew God and especially he loves Hz.Muhammed who is our prophet. He tried to mention both how you ought to live in and how you find the best way.

message 4: by Kenny (new) - rated it5stars

Kenny Elif wrote: "I believe that Tolstoy wanted us to both become enlightened and arrive to God. This is because enlightening arrive us to God. We know that, Tolstoy knew God."

Thank you for sharing this.

Khenrubw WOW the ending is amazing

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