aimee (aimeecanread)'s Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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I went into this book expecting to possibly die of swoons, sexy times and badass battle scenes, butright now I kind of just want to push every character in this book off a cliff.And if I'm lucky, there will be a mob of angry Aimee clones there with pitchforks right at the bottom.

You're probably thinking,Hey, the characters can't bethatbad!Maybe they aren't. Okay, I'm kidding. They totally are. At least, they are in my book.

Ladies and gents, I present to you, MacKayla Lane:

No, I'mserious.I am fucking baffled as to why she keeps claiming not to be a Barbie (meaning your typical blondand very pinkidiot) when shehonestlyis one.This woman is a complete asshole who lacks any sort of common sense. I mean, she basically walkstowardsdanger. Who does that? She's also incredibly vain, shallow and ignorant, never forgetting to mention how pretty she is and how she can "never pull off ugly."

Then we have Jerricho Barons.He's basically Christian Grey... minus the excessive love for BDSM.This douchebag ismanipulative, abusive, and also has the same personality as a cardboard box.Okay, I lied. A cardboard box would have much more personality than him.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have V'lane, a Fae who basically kills people by making them want sex so bad it makes them go crazy. (Yes, even Mac. Surprise, surprise!) So,he's also abusive and talks like he owns the Earth and everyone in it.Not attractive. At all.

Also, every single guy Mac meets in this book is apparently hot/sexy/attractive/buff/cute/dresses nicely. Where are the regular people? Where are the unattractive ones?WHAT UNIVERSE DOES MACKAYLA LANE LIVE IN?!

Another little qualm of mine: How the heck is this book listed as aromancenovel? Where is the actual romance?!Someone please shove it in my face because I really,reallycan't see it.We only see hints of a blossoming "attraction" and basically no other swoony feelings whatsoever. I can't even say that Mac and Barrons arefriends,let alone anything more.

Rage-inducing things aside, this book definitely had a lot of potential.Moning definitely didn't shy away from writing graphic descriptions(and we all know I'm a huge fan of that) and creating such odd creatures. My eyes widened every time Mac encountered a creepy new Fae.

Oh but wait! I have another complaint! The ending managed to be predictable and random both at the same time. The actual "bam" moment turned out to be a "meh" one. As a bonus, we got Mac suddenly turning into a killing machine without any past training! Hooray.

BecauseI'm a masochistI've been told that this series gets better, however, I'm still going to read the sequels.Eventually.

Deadly Darlings|The Social Potato|The Book Geek|Twitter|Instagram

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Reading Progress

February 4, 2012 – Shelved
July 1, 2012 – Started Reading
May 6, 2013 – Shelved as: will-continue-next-time
March 30, 2014 – Shelved as: to-be-continued
July 12, 2015 –
0.0% "Starting this because my awesome co-bloggers atThe Book Geekrecommended it.;) "
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: cliffhangers
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: ending-sucked
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: eye-roll
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: not-funny
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: piss-off
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: predictable
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: unpopular-opinion
July 15, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

Vanessa J. Jesus Christ, FSOG? Nooooo!! I actually got this book because of Chantal's review, but you're making me regret my decision.:(

aimee (aimeecanread) I don't know if it's because I don't read enough adult fiction, but the heroine was a complete idiot, and the hero was a manipulative piece of cardboard.:/

Liz* Fashionably Late FSOG! the horror!:P So bad you disliked it, Aimee. I must admit I was a little worried when you started it because I'm used to see you reading sweet, realistic stories and this one is nothing like those.

I don't know if you're abandoning this series completely but the first book is the weakest of the series (1-5) and the MC is supposed to be a bimbo girl in the first book, she evolves to be a badass in next installments so if you're thinking of giving it another chance, you might be surprised to see where it goes.

aimee (aimeecanread) Iusuallyread light stories, but a lot of my favorites are actually the darker, weirder ones.;) I was actually really surprised that I didn't like this. >_<

I'm definitely not abandoning this series yet! The world building in this was fantastic, and I want to see more of it.:) I really hope I like Mac's more badass side!

Chantal Ah, so sorry you didn't enjoy it:((

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Aww I'm sorry:/ I second what Liz said, though. I was part of the readers who didn't fall in love with book 1 and I never fell in love with Barrons EVER, but the story itself and the world-building won me in the end. Mac too, to an extent:D

aimee (aimeecanread) @Chantal: I'm sorry too. D:

aimee (aimeecanread) @Alienor: Okay, I'm totally stumped that it sounds like Barrons never gets better, but yes, I'm definitely continuing this series!

message 9: by Wendy (new) - rated it5stars

Wendy Hmmm, well that sucks! Continue on my friend and I hope it gets better.:)

aimee (aimeecanread) I hope so too, Wendy!:)

message 11: by Day (new) - rated it3stars

Day La i actually didn't like the first book at all either. I thought Mac was an idiot and Barrons manipulative. The second and third book was better though. Mac really grows up with each book and I actually enjoy the series. I would recommend at least reading the second book before trashing it:)

Liz* Fashionably Late Aimee wrote: "I usually read light stories, but a lot of my favorites are actually the darker, weirder ones.;) I was actually really surprised that I didn't like this. >_<

I'm definitely not abandoning this se... "

Great news! I hope it works for you, Aimee (:

And about what I said before, that's because you're one of my reviewers of choice whenever I want to add a sweet story to my TBR list (:

aimee (aimeecanread) @Day: I'm definitely planing to continue the series! Hopefully I'll like the sequels more. ^_^

aimee (aimeecanread) @Liz: Aw, thank you!:D Very flattered to be one of your trusted reviewers. <3

Vanessa J. Great review. I will still read this, though - mainly because it's a book I just got, but anyway... And I understand the last thing you say: Usually, when I read (without DNFing) a book I don't like and it has sequels, I continue the series. I don't know why, though. I guess we're all masochist inside.

Liz* Fashionably Late I LOVE YOUR REVIEW! ^^ And I want a rere-read! LOL

Oh, Aimee. I really hope it works for you because everything you've said is true, there's no romance, Barrons is an asshole, Mac is a bimbo girl and this universe is freaking weird and all that will change and evolve and I think that's the beauty of the Fever series.

We Fever fans are so annoying ^^

♛Tash I agree with Liz* Fashionably Late, the first book is a hot mess, it gets better though. Disclaimer: I am Fever fangirl, so my objectivity in the matter is skewed.:D

message 18: by Paige (new)

Paige  Bookdragon LOL. Slap the moron bitch. I hate it when heroines claim that they can never be ugly..

Kimberly [Come Hither Books] I had a lot of the same problems with #1 as you did, but kept reading for the dark, creepy Fae. #2 didn't improve for me, plus spent way too much time summarizing book 1 over and over. So many people love this series that it's worth continuing to see if it gets better for you. I couldn't bear any more after book 2 though (can't remember if I managed to finish #2). But I did really like the Fae.

Danielle Schuman Oh man, I LOVED this series! But I do remember just feeling kinda 'meh' about the 1st book. I'd say give the next book a go, the story line definitely gets poppin, Mac becomes less of a dumbass, and Jericho is just... A force to be reckoned with!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Vane: I hope it works out better for you.:( Haha, that's actually not the case with me. Normally if I didn't like the first, I'd give up on the series completely. But for this one, everyone's telling me to get the sequels.;)

aimee (aimeecanread) @Liz: Bahaha, thank you!;) You're definitely not annoying! I can't wait to continue the series. I hope I end up being converted into a Fever fan!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Tash: And so I've been told.;D Still definitely continuing the books!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Paige: And I also hate it when they claim to never be pretty. Where are the regular people?._.

aimee (aimeecanread) @Kimberly: That's the first bad comment I got about the second book. Now I'm scared!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Danielle: I'm definitely going to continue.:) Hopefully I'll like the sequels more!

message 27: by Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ (last edited Jul 17, 2015 10:02AM) (new) - rated it3stars

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Awesome review, Aimee. Your description of Barrons made my day, because I never understood why everyone was cool with his abusive behavior - he's an asshole, plain and simple (and no, HE doesn't get better). Now, as I said earlier, I really loved the two last books even though I hated him, so maybe (or not) hope:)

aimee (aimeecanread) Thanks, Alienor! Ugh, that does not make me feel any better. xD I am so sick of Barrons already, and I've only read the first book. D:

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Well, most of readers started to love him at book 3, I think. I didn't, but I am in a very little minority.

aimee (aimeecanread) I hope I'm one of the lucky ones, then!

message 31: by Naban ☆ (new)

Naban ☆ Ugh, I actually picked this up a few days ago due to recommendations but ended up shutting it right back down after meeting the MC. It's sad to know things only get worse. D:

Mademoizelleflo (flowlessbooks) The series get better, Mac will become more badass

Estefani I read this series more than a year ago, and you know what? I don't think I would feel the same if were to read it right now, I remember hating Mac's style and personality, because it was so different than mine, and then I realized it did't matter, that I could still like her even with all the pink she wears.

And Barrons...the comparison to who-shall-not-be-named was almost hurtful haha but if you're worried about his attitude, I remember that none of them trusted and always were using each other to get what they wanted, it was always give and take.

Yes, like you said they weren't even friends, and behave almost like enemies, but the good thing about the series is that, how the relationship progresses, no insta love, no insta trust, and I think that's the strong point in the series and the reason why so many people seem to dislike the first book, it isn't slow it just take its time to build in a good way different scenarios and relationships between characters. And in my personal opinion, that type of process is very rare this days, when everything occurs at a fast pace.

And I completely agree with you, there isn't any romance in (this) book, I never trust categories in which books are listed. But honestly this might be one of my favorites series, but I recommend you to read to second one and if you don't really like it, then let it go, don't push it. To read a book because the pressure of the fandom it's the worst.

I hope I was able to give you some perspective here. PS: Shadowfever is the glory.

Estefani that was longer than I expected....

aimee (aimeecanread) @Naban: So sorry to hear that.:(

aimee (aimeecanread) @Mademoizelleflo: I've heard so!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Estefani: No issue. I love long comments.;) We're all here to discuss, anyway.:D

I get you! It wasn't the pink that was my problem (hey, I love pink), but it was just so hard for me to like her because of the things I listed above. I don't know about other people, but I read to be in the minds of *great* heroes and heroines, and not ones who make me want to rip my hair off my head. >_<

LOL, yes, totally true. I guess they both used each other in a way, but I just could not stand some of the things Barrons did.(view spoiler)

The category thing was just a personal qualm. I LOVE slow-burn romances, but when I'm told to expect a romance, I WILL expect one. o_o I don't know if it's just me, but I always check GR categories & reviews before reading a book.

I'm still continuing the series though, so hopefully I end up enjoying it at some point. ^_^ Thanks for your thoughts!

Estefani I do the same thing before starting a book, establishing a genre and reading some reviews, but like I said, I don't trust genre listings anymore, I've read many fantasy books that were listed as 'High fantasy "but turned out to be plain basic fantasy.

(view spoiler)

ALSO, that red cover is so terrible haha it looks like bad romance-erotica book, and we now that the book is totally different. That's another problem of this series, The cover changes, and cover designs...


*grabs Aimee's hand and skips off into the sunset*

Shannon Also, it does NOT get better.

*runs away*

Katie(babs) My nick name for Barrons is Le Douche. He becomes much more douche like in the next few books.

Shannon Katie(babs) wrote: "My nick name for Barrons is Le Douche. He becomes much more douche like in the next few books."

*high fives*

aimee (aimeecanread) @Estefani: Bahaha! I was definitely thinking "bad erotica" with the original covers. xD The newer ones are so much better. Not fabulous, but better!

(view spoiler)

aimee (aimeecanread) @The Holy Terror: Nooooo! Well, there goes my hopes and dreams for this series..-.

aimee (aimeecanread) @Katie: LOL. Well, that definitely doesn't sound promising.

some1outthere Finally! Someone who has the same thoughts as me about this book haha thank you!
PS: as always, great review:)

aimee (aimeecanread) some1outthere wrote: "Finally! Someone who has the same thoughts as me about this book haha thank you!
PS: as always, great review:) "

Hahaha! Thank you.;D

Katie(babs) Aimee wrote: "@Katie: LOL. Well, that definitely doesn't sound promising."

Well he does own a book store, so that is one redeeming quality, but the way he treats Mac makes you want to drop him off a bridge.

aimee (aimeecanread) Katie(babs) wrote: "Aimee wrote:" @Katie: LOL. Well, that definitely doesn't sound promising. "

Well he does own a book store, so that is one redeeming quality, but the way he treats Mac makes you want to drop him off... "

The library thing is brilliant. But his attitude? Ha.

message 50: by Wendy (new) - rated it5stars

Wendy Estefani wrote: "I read this series more than a year ago, and you know what? I don't think I would feel the same if were to read it right now, I remember hating Mac's style and personality, because it was so differ..."

Couldn't have explained it better- excellent! Although I liked the first book, I like to see characters evolve and you are so right that is rare indeed!

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