Federico DN's Reviews> Cognition - An Erica Reed Thriller: Provenance

Cognition - An Erica Reed Thriller by Romano Molenaar, Cesar Bitt...
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it was ok
bookshelves: comics, video-games


I'm updating my past reviews with "Personal Notes" and "Bolding" some stuff. I intentionally try NOT to publish these minor changes but unfortunately sometimes GR does what it wants anyway.

Oh, this thing? This is a web-comic based on "Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller", a point-and-click graphic adventure game. The game is average and the comic is crap. Don't waste your time on it.

[2012] [12p] [Comic] [1.5] [Not Recommendable] [Boring] [Crappy] [LOVE good Story-driven games, occasionally they feel like books] [Not this one though]


Estoy actualizando mis reseñas pasadas con "Notas Personales" y "resaltando en negrita" algunas cosas. Intencionalmente trato de NO publicar estos cambios menores pero desafortunadamente a veces GR igual hace lo que quiere.

Ah, esta cosa? Esto es un web-comic basado en "Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller", un juego de aventura gráfica point-and-click. El juego es regular y el comic es basura. No pierdas tu tiempo en esto.

[2012] [12p] [Comic] [1.5] [No Recomendable] [Aburrido] [Descartable] [AMO los buenos juegos basados en historias, ocasionalmente se sienten como libros] [Aunque este no]
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April 6, 2019 – Shelved
April 7, 2019 – Started Reading
April 7, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] (last edited Jun 11, 2022 06:10PM) (new)

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] I think I feel your pain Federico; I once went through a period where I decided all my past reviews were just bad because my inexperienced self had no idea what she was talking about haha. I think I might've re-edited a few and 'bolded'/italicised bits and pieces but then I gave up because it was just too much effort, and I thought that it probably wasn't very nice to railroad younger me, even though she had poor game with written reviews, narrative analysis and some conflicting ideologies with present me. I wish you luck with overhauling those minor changes though! And ooof, this sounds terrible? Sorry it was a gutter-level pick-up though, hopefully you'll happen upon some better web comics:D

Federico DN Thank you Vaishali! I curse myself for recently learning how toboldlol. And I already know what you mean about the too much effort! I started strong the first days but now already kinda tired of it. And you have like three times as many reviews Vaishali! It's a mountain of editing. I don't know if it's worth it. Still might do one or two per week, until I get tired of that too lol.

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] Federico wrote: "Thank you Vaishali! I curse myself for recently learning how to bold lol. And I already know what you mean about the too much effort! I started strong the first days but now already kinda tired of..."

LOL, it'saddictivetoo. Yeah, and it's definitely an issue of time efficiency, where's the time to correct all those tiny imprefections? As much as I want to, I'm trying to accept that other readers are bound to happen upon some of my terrible reviews (void ofboldanditalics) and just hope for the best lol. Do i? I would've guessed that you'd have more reviews, considering you've been on GR way longer than me if i remember correctly. Oh well, but really, it IS a mountain, one I'm not sure I want to climb haha. If you're really dedicated to climbing yours though, I think you should go slow and steady with it, and before you know it you'll have made proud progress:D

message 4: by Kristine (new)

Kristine Federico. Oh no, this is the 2nd book, I see did not work out. Really sorry about this.

message 5: by Federico (last edited Jun 12, 2022 12:29AM) (new) - rated it2stars

Federico DN TOTALLY ADDICTIVE LOL .GR was just a registry during my first four years before you V. Logged in a couple of minutes per month and just added the books I read. I only started writing reviews and making friends around the same time you joined Vaishali:)! And even then I also took my little breaks lol. Like yours my first review are also a mess, some of them still only in spanish:'). I only started writing them in English after someone asked me to. Thank you for your good vibes my friend <3! I don't know what will become of my mountain, the idea of unintentionally spam reviews, even accidentally, makes me cringe; but I think I still have some energy to climb a few more steps. We'll see:p

Federico DN Kristine wrote: "Federico. Oh no, this is the 2nd book, I see did not work out. Really sorry about this."

No worries Kristine:)! It happens but no big worries. The ones I am currently reading are awesome and totally make up for these little hiccups

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] Federico wrote: "Thank you Vaishali! I curse myself for recently learning how to bold lol. And I already know what you mean about the too much effort! I started strong the first days but now already kinda tired of..."

Don't worry, I curse myself too, it's definitely par for the course of self-criticism lol. Aahh I see, that makes sense! And there's always a certain level of people-pleasing too, the more others weigh in with requests and general dos and don'ts we feel obligated to comply. Even here. In any case, I hope it makes you feel better that your English written reviews are great, and it might've been the case that we wouldn't have interacted if I couldn't read your reviews! Aaaw that's lovely, from my experience it does take some time to feel comfortable with and find a bit of a place within the GR community and I'm glad you've made some awesome connections here. You're always welcome to my good vibes Federico! And oh yeahhh, the review spam makes me cringe too, but then when I feel the need to trek the mountain I just write a self-deprecating message and spread apologies for what's about to come 😅

• Lindsey Dahling • For the record, I am always pro-Federico spam. 💯

Federico DN • Lindsey Dahling • wrote: "For the record, I am always pro-Federico spam. 💯"

Thank you Dahling <3, noted, but my code of conduct strictly forbids it.

Jennifer (Jaye) (Recovering from eye Surgery will catch up when I can) What a shame Frederico, better luck with your next read 🥰🥰🥰

message 11: by Federico (last edited Jun 21, 2022 06:16PM) (new) - rated it2stars

Federico DN Jennifer SK wrote: "What a shame Frederico, better luck with your next read 🥰🥰🥰"

Thank you Jennifer!

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